Thursday 9 January 2014

The Power Of Suggestion

I suggest you read this blog entry...

If you read that, you are susceptible to the power of suggestion.

Now I suggest you think about why you might be susceptible to the power of suggestion and suggest ways in which you could improve your immunity to the power of suggestion.

You don't have to. But I'd suggest it...


  1. Clever post. Admittedly, when I first looked at it, and only saw the first line and then space, I refreshed the page a total of three times in confusion, knowing that there was more. I then had the brainwave to actually scroll down.
    I would take your latter suggestion to improve my immunity to suggestion, but that would initially be counter-productive as I'd be taking your suggestion even though I'm guessing in the long-term, it would be a good idea. Suggestception!
