Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Cost Of Dreams?

There's a pattern developing here.

"The Cost Of..." is becoming some kind of trilogy...anyway.

So I've been doing some thinking very seriously about what this year's going to bring me. And, as I'll have to think about for the rest of my life, finances are going to be a big issue. This year, the following is going to happen.

- Tuition Fees (and other University Related Debts).
- Food shopping. (As I'm more than convinced that the cost of living is going to increase with little to no help from Westminster).
- Student House! (I actually get a proper address and a working fire alarm that doesn't go off when I cook bacon!)

And so, it is with regret, that America will have to wait. I've ALWAYS wanted to go to America. And I could've done for two different reasons. I could've gone on a holiday camp thing where I'd have worked with kids with special needs do awesome activities and I could've studied for a semester in Missouri. However, I was put off the camp thing by a meeting I went to about it and going to Missouri for a semester is going to cost an arm and a leg. 

And possibly a vein...

But I'm not sad! I'm not sad that I can't go to America. Actually, that's a lie. I'm quite upset about it because I REALLY wanna go to America. But the truth is, I can't justify the cost of it with more important stuff happening here in the UK. The cost of living is going up by the month and I need to pay the rent somehow!

Because the cost of my dream here will exceed £7000 roughly. (Yeah. See what I mean?)

So, America will have to wait for now. Maybe I'll try again for that camp thing next summer (as that is considerably cheaper than spending a whole semester in America). (Plus you get to travel). 

But as I mature further, I have to realise and accept that any dream I have will either be met with such resistance and/or never come to fruition. This is just one of them. Or at least, it's post-poned...

On the plus side, as I've got some money going spare to go to Jersey! AND I'll hopefully be able to go see my cousin get married in Scotland!

And who knows, Scotland might officially be a foreign country by then...

So, the moral of this post is this:

Always try and follow your dreams. Unless you're strapped for cash. Then just put it on hold until such a time you get adequate income.

Until next time!


I've also realised with the money I have left over, I can go and see the two friends I want to see in their uni digs. So look out Exeter and High Wycombe. Imma coming for ya...


  1. Look forward to the house... mind you, be careful when looking for one. So many horror stories of dastardly landlords and poor conditions are out there.
    Oh my word, that's extortionate for a semester in America! :S
    Good luck for this year though, and what will the next "cost of" be, I wonder. xD

    1. Oh I've heard them all hun. I'm going to become a law student over night when it comes to contracts and stuff :P I know! And it's in excess of that. Thanks hun! And to you! Haha. You'll have to wait and see ;)

  2. We look forward to seeing you Joshua!
