Saturday 4 January 2014

So Many Places To See...

If you read my 2014 post, you'll see that I have a few plans for this year. But today, I'd like to make an addition to the list.

I had a bit of an argument with my mum yesterday about my plan to go to America for a semester. Because, well, my family aren't that well off. It's just me and my mum and neither of us really earn that much between us. And, obviously, going to America costs money. A LOT of money. And, as much as I'd like to go, it's going to be tricky.

I could apply to various places to receive grants and stuff from but my mum wants me to go down a particular avenue which I'm reluctant to do because going down that avenue has caused trouble in the past and I'd rather not go through that again.

So, although I will still try and go across the pond (as I REALLY want to do this, see things and go meet people) I also have to accept that I will either not be accepted to go by the uni or it just won't be financially viable to. And, as much as this saddens me, I just have to accept that and move on from it.

HOWEVER. Because I'm trying not to be sad and look for SO many more positive things in my life, I have devised a kind of plan. I will save up to go to America until such a point when it's confirmed otherwise. And if I don't, I'll have some spare money. So here's an idea as to what I could do with it.

1. My wonderful Scottish cousin is getting married in October and I've been invited up to attend. I'd LOVE to go for many reasons. Firstly, I don't go to many weddings and I like weddings. Secondly, I haven't seen my cousin since 2007 when I went to stay with her in Ireland and, thirdly, I've somehow never been to Scotland and I've always wanted to.

2. I had a dream last night that I got a job teaching History and Politics in St Helier, Jersey! And it got me thinking. I've never been to the Channel Islands. I've looked up Jersey and it looks WONDERFUL. So maybe a weekend trip to St Helier might be in order? I haven't looked at the cost yet but it's worth looking into no?

OBVIOUSLY I'll still try to go to America until it's no use but there's no harm in having a back up plan right?

If you had some spare money from a failed plan, where would you choose to go?

See you next time!


  1. I am desperate to travel across Africa at some point, but I was thinking earlier that this year I'm going to start saving for travelling. We should save to go to America together after uni's finished perhaps? We'll both have space in our lives before we go into careers and that and in almost 3 years time we should be able to at least travel for a summer! What do ya think Joshua??

    1. Africa would be nice. I'd go too but I'm not great with heat. So maybe when I get a little bit older? :L That would be cool! But I also want to go to Jersey and Scotland :P Are you still going to try for the camp thing?

  2. Currently building up a list of places I want to go as well. Desperately want to go to Iceland some day, and Norway, Sweden, Finland and Canada as well. Also, VOLCANOS (as many as possible)!!!
