Wednesday 15 January 2014

I Blame Societies

My uni has some good stuff going on...

Today, my uni put on something called the 'Refreshers Fayre'. This is basically a re-run of the Freshers Fayre where all of the clubs and societies come together and you can go look around and enquire about them.

It was supposed to close down at 3. My friend and I went down at 2:30 to try and see the tail end of it and, it transpires, they shut down half an hour earlier than they were supposed to. No worries. A lovely young woman directed me to my Student Union's website and told me that I could see every club and society the uni has there and possibly join that way.

So, I got back to my flat and decided to.

To quote the Eleventh Doctor:


I kind of knew that the website was there and I knew that the societies were all there but, truthfully, I never really took the time to look at them as I was more concerned about settling in and what I was going to have for dinner that night. And I think it's fair to say, from the amount of choice we have here, I have bruises on my leg from constantly kicking myself.

So, if you'll allow me, I want to explain some of the societies we have that have piqued my interest. Who knows! If they sound good to you and you're at uni or about to go, maybe you should have a gander if your institution has one!

1. Capoeira. I know this sounds silly, but allow me to explain. Actually, no. I'll use quotes from the website to illustrate. "Capoeira is martial art/movement form that originated in colonial Brazil (1500’s) and is now a fast growing sport that is spreading across the globe. It has the unique ability of combining martial art elements along with dance, music and individual physical expression". This sounds pretty cool right? I have to admit, this one's pretty low on my list because, if I do this, I'll be a laughing stock. But it's still pretty cool don't you think! If you can imagine your dad at a wedding doing the famous dance, that'll be me. Doing this. Worse.

2. Teaching Society. From what I understand, this isn't a society as much as a group of people who get priority seats to lectures and guest talks about becoming and being a teacher. Considering that's what I want to do, until something better comes along, then that'd be good to sign up for. Even if it is just listening to people talking for minutes on end about how they teach. I reckon it'd be worthwhile!

3. Mooting Society. This one, along with number 4, interests me most as it's something I never ever thought would be available at a uni for anyone. Although, the more I read the more I think it might be for Law students only. But nevertheless, Mooting is a practice where people are placed into a mock situation involving a law court and, basically, act like they're in a court. Preparing drafts, having to argue and cross-examine witnesses and stuff like that. I reckon that'd be a lot of fun, but as I say, I think it might only be for law students...

4. Criminology and CSI Society. FORENSIC SCIENCE PEOPLE.You get to solve mock crimes and stuff. The official description says it supports the newly formed criminology course here but it's open to any student that wants to have a go. How much fun would this be? I will definitely look into this and see where and when it's held because this is definitely the one, apart from the Mooting, that is the most appealing to me. At least this one says it'll take anyone who fancies a go. Let's see if my crime drama watching and CCI writing amounts to anything huh?

Of course there are other societies too! First Aid, Afro-Caribbean society and the Uni Radio Station but these are the four that intrigued me most. It'd be good to do something different for a change no?

What societies do your uni offer? And which ones interest you? Or are you in one? (I already know about Julia's Board Game society in Bristol which is awesome!) But what other alternative societies have you come across? And would you join them?

Until next time!


  1. A number of new societies were ratified this year. One which I intend to avidly leap headfirst into is the new Hide and Seek society. There's also a new astronomy society.
    ...Oddly enough, there is a Society society as well? xD

  2. Join the Hide and Seek society! Do you get to play it in the uni buildings? That would be a loooong game...
