Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 - The Year of Promise

It's January! And it's the start of a new year. 2014. And I hope it's going to be better than last year which, if I'm totally honest, was mostly shit. There were some good bits obviously! I performed with my band again, wrote a few songs, met some new family and got into a brilliant university, but 2014 looks so much more promising than last year did.

And here's a few things I'm going to try and do.

1. Try and find an old friend. If you read my blog regularly you know whom I'm referring to.
2. Do better in my studies. Get everything done weeks before the due date and have more time to myself at the end of it.
3. Learn to cook more rather than live off ready meals and lose 3 stone!
4. Get better with my finances. I'm seriously shocking with money.
5. Possibly go to America for a semester.
6. Maybe find myself back in the romance scene, but radically change my approach.

I don't think I need to explain number 1 any further than I already have. I'm going to try and find Hazel and see how she is. Not in a creepy or stalker-y way. Just out of sheer curiosity. I mean, that's why Friends Reunited was invented right? For this kind of mundane stuff?

With my studies, I always finish my essays the night before it's due. And, they're shocking. So I'm going to read more and put more into my studies in order to get a better degree at the end of it. If I get lots done before it's due, I have more time to relax! In theory anyway...

I need to learn to cook proper meals rather than living off Iceland for the rest of my life. It's not healthy, sustainable or fun to do that...think of the salt. My heart's giving me enough grief as it is without that contributing. Stupid palpitations.

I spend far too much on nothing. I try and be careful but everything I've tried just isn't working and it's time to buck up my ideas. I'm 20 this year and I need to start acting more like an adult. Still be young at heart but I'm not going to be a teenager forever. I need to start taking proper responsibility for myself and my actions. No excuses. The gloves are off, Joshua Frampton. And you're the enemy as well as the competitor.

My uni has an opportunity for students to study in America for a semester in Year Two. And I REALLY want to do this. It's an incredible opportunity that I'm not sure I can miss. So I'm going to apply and save up enough money just to go. This ties in with the finances one as well actually, but I'm going to need to change my outlook if I'm to achieve this goal.

And I'd like to have a partner by the end of the year. But this time, I'm not going to get depressed if it doesn't go my way. I've not exactly had a good run with relationships but, like I say, I'm nearly 20 and I need to be more mature in my outlook and this will have to change too. Sure, there was someone recently who I really liked and, well, they haven't exactly been nice to me since it became obvious. So that's a no-go. And I'm fine with that. There's no point crying over spilt milk. Much in the same way that I know someone else entirely has feelings for me currently. A lovely young woman as well. Who I'm sure will read this at some stage. But, honestly, I don't know what to think about that. I'm flattered, sure. And she's made comments about me not trying to even keep up a friendship, let alone something more. Well, in my defence, how can I work out what to do with something like that when I've only today worked out what to do with myself? So many things are becoming clear in my mind about what to do with my life but certain things have to take priority. And something like having a partner is lower on this year's list because I have to work on everything else first to transfer those skills to this! But I fully intend to have a partner by this time in 2015. Knowing my luck it won't be the case but, hey, he who dares wins right? Gotta work at it.

Many things have become clear to me over the past couple of weeks and it's been for the better. And I'm only telling you all this because you'll have had epiphanies over certain things too. Plus I need a place to vent. I like talking to you wonderful people who read this and I like that you don't judge me. Long may that continue because I certainly won't judge you!

So here's goodbye to 2013 and hello 2014! The year of promise! Hope you all have a wonderful year!

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