Saturday 11 January 2014

The Cost Of Renewal...

The final part of the Cost trilogy of posts.

Well folks, I'm currently back in my uni room writing this blog. And, I have to say, I'm happy to be back here. That's not to say that I haven't enjoyed my time back in my hometown of Shaftesbury but I am glad to be back in Winchester for Semester 2.

Why do I appear to be happy about my return? Allow me to explain.

Since New Year's Day, most of my posts have been about the changes I'm trying to make as a person in terms of my overall life. Obviously, some of those have not been able to come to fruition. For example, my plan to go to America from September until Christmas. But this is not a huge issue for me. I can work around that and not get as down as used to about things like that.

But there are also changes that I want to make to my uni life too. Last semester, I hardly did anything! I didn't join any clubs, nor did I overly socialize or go out clubbing. Well, I still won't go out clubbing. You really don't want to see me clubbing. I've never been clubbing so I have no idea what I'd be like but it'd be like taking your dad.

But I want to join clubs! I want to join societies! I want to actually do things! Maybe I could start a society? Oooooh...maybe an amateur astronomy society?! Who knows! But I just want to actually do stuff. And go places. I want to see things I've never been before. I want to experience things I never thought I would. And maybe this is the year that it starts. I feel more adventurous than ever and I feel reinvigorated.

Don't ask me why. I have no idea.

Don't ask me how either as I have no conclusion to offer you.

But I feel good.

And I feel ready.

My renewal is at hand. I don't know why I feel this change in my outlook is happening but I'd resolved not to question it. Because I just want to see what happens. Maybe it's the fact that I'm entering my 2nd decade of life on this planet. Who knows. But the reason I put the uni bit first is because now is the time I can put what I want to do into practice.

Maybe this would make things clearer to understand. This is what The Doctor said as he regenerated at Christmas:

"We all change. When you think about it, we're all different people all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all people that you used to be".

The reason I have not put a question mark on the title of this blog like I did with the other Costs was because, with the other ones, it was easy to place a cost reason. The cost of happiness and the cost of dreams were easy to place. But with the cost of renewal, I don't know what that is yet. I haven't experienced enough to put my finger on that yet. Which is what makes the prospect of this new endeavor so much fun. Because, for once, I'm not scared of what happens next. And for the first time in my life, I'm not scared of what happens next or what the cost of renewal is.

Because maybe, just maybe, the cost might be something good and worthwhile...

But from now on, the posts will return to normal. No more soul searching or me going into petty stuff about what I'm going to change in my life because you're probably not interested in that. From this post on it's business as usual!

Well, I say it'll all be normal. I've decided I want to put a real life photo into each blog I do now. And, because I'm pretty sure you don't want to see my protruding features all over your screen with the spiel I write, I've got my pretty, if a little inanimate, assistant YALTA to illustrate moods and messages that my blog may be describing or emphasizing.

I should probably point out that he's not a teddy dog or anything. Though I do have one of those with me in uni too...

He's a door stop.

So it's business as usual! With the exception of a door stop illustrating things for me so I don't put you off with my face!

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend and no doubt I'll put something up in the week.

For now however, I must return to eating grapes and listening to Paul McCartney on vinyl.

Until next time folks, adieu!


  1. I would whole-heartedly recommend joining clubs and societies at uni. When you find the right society with an amazing group of people who you get along with instantly, it is absolutely awesome. :D

    1. Well, I'm going to look into ballroom! I figured that might be a bit of fun! :D Which ones did you join again? I remember board games...

    2. (The best society ever!)
      Sci-fi soc, and Drama soc. I wish we had a ballroom society/club here!

  2. Awesome inspiring blog post! I really want to get into those too this semester! I think it's good for a person, and I'm pleased you're looking at things positively and adventurously. Keep us updated and have fun!
