Monday 6 January 2014

One Last Post About The New Year

10 years ago, I felt lonely, alien and sad. I was a sad little boy though you would never have guessed it. I was the weird child in my class. I had something called Autism and I had something that made me different. I always thought this would make me a target. And I was right. For years I was bullied on and off by people who couldn't understand me. And why should they. Why should they take the time to understand me when I couldn't even understand myself.

But that was 10 years ago. And a lot's changed in that 10 years.

I witnessed the tsunami of 2004
I got paranoid depression upon hearing an asteroid was coming towards Earth on March 21st 2014.
I got depressed over the Bird Flu Epidemic.
I started secondary school.
I became Agnostic.
I finally started to work out the world after re-watching the events of 9/11 and experiencing 7/7 as it unfolded in the media.
I hit adolescence.
I got my first girlfriend.
I saw my favourite Doctor regenerate. Something that still scars me.
I saw a new decade.
I made my first mistake when it comes to matters of the heart. One day I might even come to terms with that.
I had my first alcoholic drink.
I finished secondary school.
I started university.
I fell back into depression over the state of my life at that moment.
I came back from that.

I'm 20 years old this year. And something's dawned on me. I've been on this Earth for two decades now and I've seen it for what it is. But maybe it's time to change my viewpoint. Maybe I should look at the positives rather than the negatives. Raise my voice. Shout at the world. But not for what it does wrong, but for what's right about it.

Now I'm a proper adult it's time to act like one. Not let my teenage angsts and views get in the way of what really matters. We're on this planet for such a short time and instead of whinging and crying about trivial things it's time to see the world (and indeed life) for what it really is. Fleeting. Accept this and you'll never feel more alive.

Because now I know what I must do. Now that I'm completely comfortable within myself and have come to terms with who I am, and for once like who I am now, it's time to step out into the world. Another decade older, another decade wiser. The world is ours. Our generations. We have to do what we can to change it for the better. I'm ready to help if you are...

Look out world. Here I come...

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