Wednesday 1 January 2014

Hazel - *UPDATE*

So, I have an update on the Hazel story.

Last night, I was at a New Year's Gathering with a young woman who is a good friend of mine who replaced me in the Year Two class the week after I left. She took my place and filled my shoes.

This morning, while hungover, the two of us started chatting about that class and I mentioned Hazel's name.

And I got a response I didn't expect.

"HAZEL COOPER! I remember Hazel!"

HAZEL EXISTS! I didn't go mad when I was younger and she does exist! As a real person!

I was quite happy that I didn't go mad as I honestly thought she wasn't real but now I'm assured that she is. And that's good.

The friend who reassured me told me that she'd been trying to find Hazel for years too as she seemed to vanish into thin air. So, maybe it'd be worth trying again. Obviously not in a stalker way but, you know, out of curiosity?

But I just wanted to update you all. So I've had a rather happy new year and a good start to 2014. I'm no madder than I thought I was before. Yet...



I met another friend for dinner the other night who also remembered Hazel. I didn't know we were at the same primary school together and nor did he. But he was telling me what happened to Hazel after I left. According to him, a year after I left, Hazel left the school for France with her family. She already had a difficult home life so maybe this was part of it. But according to him, she moved to France. It might be safe to assume she's still there perhaps?


  1. OH MY GOSH! Brilliant start to the New Year :)

  2. Wow. That's amazing. I would be relieved as well.

  3. Hey, read this after commented on your last ones! My theory seems pretty likely now!
