Saturday 14 December 2013

Willkommen Mein Freunds

So, when I started this blog last year, I honestly didn't think anyone would read it. It appears that I've been proven wrong!

I came on here just now to post something and I noticed I had lots more page views than I did two days ago. So I investigated. I then found out how many page views I'd had and where everyone was from. And I must say, I'm staggered! So, if you are reading this from anywhere else outside the UK, Hello! Hej! Guten Tag, G'day!

Most of my page views are coming from the UK. (Presumably from family and friends) but some other places have really shocked me!

Over the past couple of days, I've been kind of chatting with a young woman named Courtney ( in case you'd like to check her stuff out!) who I believe to be American. So some of the US views I've received are presumably from her. (Thank you dear). And as for the Swedish views I've been receiving I would imagine some come from my friend Marion who has made hints to reading this before. (If you are reading Marion, ha en bra dag!)

But here are the listings today. (Ranked most to least pageviews)

United Kingdom
United States
New Zealand

I must admit, out of all of them, Serbia was the most surprising. I don't know why. If you are from Serbia, Здраво!

But I love the fact people from across the world are reading, even if it's only fleeting. I love learning about new cultures and new languages and I hope I give some insight into mine. That said, if anyone would like me to talk about the UK at any point, let me know.

So yeah, just a quick one to say thank you. And please do teach me things about your own culture if you're reading this! I'd love to know about it wherever you're from! (That said, as I do have a Kiwi flat mate, I'm learning more and more about New Zealand all the time. So please, if you're from there, don't try and trick me into finding a Moa or something...I know the truth of them...)

Auf Wiedersehn!


  1. Haha you're welcome! I love reading what other people write.

    Serbia, huh? That is pretty amazing. I noticed that mine has a lot of views from Malaysia. It really fascinates me. (And scares me at the same time)

    1. Haha! Thanks! Same!

      Malaysia? Nice! Why does it scare you?

    2. I guess it's just weird that my blog reaches people so far away. It blows my mind. :)

    3. That's fair enough. At least it shows people take an interest in our lives XD

    4. And I thought my life was boring...

    5. Oh, my dear, no-one's life is boring. Not really.
