Tuesday 17 December 2013

Another Life

Sorry for two posts in one day. But I just had a thought that I wanted to get down.

2 years ago now, I wrote a song called 'Another Life'. Not for any particular project or anything, just for fun. It was a pretty good song if I say so myself and remains one of my personal favourites. It is so because of the story behind it. Here are the lyrics though just for interest.

Leaves on the trees
Fall on the street
Decorating red and yellow
Lakes on the road

The sky is blazing white
As it turns into night
And the stars will dance around as
We stare at the light

There's no point in trying
There's nothing left to change
It's all the same in another life

Lovers on the hill
Sit very still
As they wait for night to come
To feel alive once again

There's no point in trying
There's nothing left to change
It's all the same in another life

And as we turn to dust
We do because we must
We move on so all our children
Have a life to call their own

Oh I don't believe it
There's nothing I won't change
Just to be with you
One more time

Just to be with you in another life...

The lyrics of this song are quite vague in themselves but talk about two lovers and the promises they make to each other about their love for one another. When I wrote this I was in a relationship. (We won't go into that). And, at the time, I wrote it mostly for her and around her. However, that was the reason I told her. I knew she wouldn't believe the real reason behind the story. Because she didn't believe what I told her before I wrote it.

The real reason I wrote this song was a dream I had a week before. I have dreams every night obviously, but I'll never forget this one for one main reason. The dream fooled me. It fooled me good. It fooled me into something that wasn't real, while I was convinced it was. My mind is a fragile place and, I suppose, I do abuse it. And for one night only it got its own back.

I have some friends who live in Cardiff in Wales. Some good friends of mine who I couldn't bare to lose. And I am in love with Cardiff itself. I try and go as often as I can. Obviously, since I've moved to Winchester that's easier said than done financially but anyway. But it's always been my life ambition to move there one day. Whether it be before I have a family or when I retire. I will live in Cardiff one day. And this is what my mind used against me.

Before I go into the dream, I should briefly explain that I live in England, I'm a only child and I live with just my mum.

But, the dream was this:

I woke up in a strange room. It was a very strange room as I'd never woken up in there before but it still seemed fairly familiar for some reason. It looked homely with all the posters of my favourite bands on it just like I imagined my room would be as a kid but it still didn't faze me at all.

As I came to, I was woken up by a young child. Who also looked strange yet familiar. It was my little brother Jake. He came in to tell me that it was time for me to wake up funnily enough. He was only 8. And a little blighter but we'll skip over that bit. Anyway, I got up and went downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen making Jake's lunchbox as well as making breakfast for us. My step-dad, Tony, was writing on some pieces of paper for his work. He was a teacher and had a busy day of science lessons ahead of him.

After breakfast, I got ready for school and made my way downstairs and opened the door. As I did, I saw my friend at the door. Well, I thought it was my friend. Turns out, I was going out with her and I'd been in school with her for a number of years. I was in Cardiff and moved there when I was 3.

Anyway, the main thing about this was that, because everything seemed so real, I honestly believed what I was dreaming was real and THIS life was the dream. I don't know why, I just genuinely believed that. It felt more real than this life...

But why have I told you this? Well, some people may tell you, when something goes wrong, "well, at least in a parallel universe it was the opposite!"

What if that's true? What if there are parallel universes? Different variations of our lives from the paths we did not go down? What if, what I dreamt, actually happened and I got to see that parallel universe just for short time? (Considering I was stabbed at the end of the dream I hope that that particular bit isn't real but anyway...). What if there are other dimensions in which our lives have taken a completely different path?

I love that idea. I honestly do. And there are many things happening to me right now that might have a much better outcome in another universe?

There. A deep thought to think about before you go to bed...

Goodnight from England!


  1. I'd say it's a safe bet that wasn't a parallel universe, but your subconscious telling you how you'd like your life to be in an ideal world. That's probably why it seemed so real, everyone has dreams where they genuinely believe that is the world they live in, and their real lives become but a distant memory. Unfortunately for me, it just so happens to be the nightmares that are most real!

  2. Dreams are funny. It definitely would be strange if there was a parallel world. Sounds a bit like DW, though. Same as the above comment, usually my nightmares are more real than the rest of my dreams, and I have the same feeling that the real is a dream and the dream is real.

    1. I think that might be because nightmares play on fears? And fear is more realistic? Well, there's a new theory that the universe is actually a hologram?

    2. I share your same opinion on fear, it makes a lot of sense. Wow, if the universe is a hologram, then what part do we play in in this world? Are we merely images? There's a lot of different directions you could go in with that. I believe the universe to be created by God, and thus the world we live in is real; it is created by Him. But that opens up a whole different area of ideas.

    3. Fear's odd like that. Marianne Williamson once said: "Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here". But it will always be strange. A good question! It does sound a bit sci-fi though doesn't it? That's fair enough. It does. Interesting if a bit Doctor Who-eqsue :L Just out of interest, on the point you mentioned about the universe being created by God, are you aware of what's in Galaxy M51a?

    4. Look at my post called 'God's, Galaxies and Kangaroos'. You'll see what I'm referring to :)
