Thursday 26 December 2013

Goodbye Raggedy Man (*Possible Spoilers*) [POST SCRIPT EDIT]

So, I've watched the last few moments of the Time Of The Doctor again with my mum this morning and we were both discussing it in depth now that she's almost a certified modern Whovian. (She watched the show in its original run and enjoyed it up until the 80s but now she's really getting into it again). And we both agree that the episode itself was pretty poor compared to others and that maybe Moffat's facing his own 11th hour but both of us still cried at Matt's last few moments again despite knowing what was coming.

*Something I didn't mention last night, which was a good thing for me as a modern and classic whovian, was the mention of the Death Zone and the seal of the Time Lords. For those who don't know, this was a major plot line of THE FIVE DOCTORS in 1983 when the Time Lords sent the Master into the Death Zone on Gallifrey to save the five Doctors from being killed within it. I thought this was a nice touch.*

We both commented on the fact Matt removed his bow tie before the regen and how effective that bit was in pulling the heartstrings but we both decided that the saddest thing had to be Amy returning in the Tardis. This was made 10x worse when I realised later on that Amy's line to the Doctor was a variation on her last line in The Angels Take Manhattan. Also, I came across this from Tumblr which just makes it much worse as well as reminding me why I don't like it.

Also, upon re-watching Capaldi's entrance into the show, I came to the conclusion (after sleeping and recovering generally) that it still wasn't a great entrance. As I said last night, this is by no means a criticism of Capaldi's acting as he is a phenomenal actor but it's more about Moffat's writing. I realized that I actually enjoyed Capaldi's chemistry in his first few moments and loved the confusion but the writing did let it down considerably.

So, I've taken it upon myself to write how I think it should've gone:

The Doctor regenerates. It's a quick regeneration which takes Clara by surprise but she adjusts rather quickly. She still remains in a state of shock however at how the new Doctor looks older than the one she knew and loved. The new Doctor looks at his hands and feels his face.

Doctor: New voice...I accent! I have an accent! More north than the northern one...

Clara looks confused.

Doctor: Oh no...I'm Scottish! I'm McDoctor!

Clara: Scottish...?

Doctor: And I feel older...much older...have I gone back to the original?! I know I've got a new regeneration cycle but this is ridiculous!

The Doctor feels his hair.

Doctor: No...not the original. Not long enough. Very curly though...I like the curly...

Clara chuckles a little bit.

Doctor: Something's wrong though...something's wrong...can't quite place what...

The Tardis shudders. They both fall backwards.

Doctor: Ah...yeah...that was it...

The Tardis spins out of control. Clara tries to hold on.


Doctor: We're crashing! But don't panic...just one you have any idea how to fly this thing?!

Clara looks scared and confused...

Gotta dash! See ya!


  1. I like your ending better! Send an email to Moffat. :)

    1. Haha! Thank you! :) I'd tag him on Twitter showing him but he came off a while ago so I have no way of contacting :P
