Thursday 26 December 2013

Can You Tell Me Who I Am? (Part One)

I came to a realization recently. You may well read this blog and have only come to a certain amount of conclusions. Firstly I'm a raging Whovian. Secondly I'm a musician and thirdly I'm also a writer of sorts. But, apart from that, I'm rather...secretive...about myself.

So, I thought to put you at your ease, as well as give some context to my past and future posts, I'd tell you a bit about myself. So you know the guy behind this blog.

My name is Joshua Stephen Frampton. I'm 19 years old and I'm from England. Yes. I'm English. And I apologize profusely. I don't particularly like being English but it's something I have to live with. I'm heavily into Music and Doctor Who. They are my two main passions in life. Actually, to be honest, Doctor Who is more of a passion than music! I could cope without music for a certain period of time but I couldn't ever cope without Doctor Who. That show has saved my life more times than I care to mention.

I love nearly everything Welsh. I love the country, I love the language and I love the people. There is only one thing about Wales I do not like and that is the city of Newport. Rough place. Avoid it if you can. I can speak a tiny bit of Welsh but not yet enough to hold a conversation. But that's my aim in life. To become completely, if not partially, fluent in it.

I'm currently in my first year at university studying History and Politics. And I'm thoroughly enjoying it thus far. I get on with all of my flatmates (in fact, one of them also blogs on here! and I have some good friends already! It's my second attempt at uni. I was originally in Newport studying history. But many factors conspired to make me decide to leave the city and the university.

In the time between leaving Newport and attending my new uni, some good things happened as well as some bad things. I got a job which was good and I was able to watch most of my friends complete their secondary school career with flying colors. But on the flip-side, June wasn't a great month as I was on a month-long low. But I tend not to go into that too much anymore.

When something bad happens to me, I tend to try and ignore it as best I can. I know that's wrong and I should tackle my problems head on but I do try and bury them as deeply as I can. My logic is that if something bad happens and I bury it, it can serve as experience later and then I'll get double the closure when it's eventually resolved. As of yet I haven't had a chance to see if this works but the day will come when it comes to a head. And, although that scares me, hopefully I'll be able to deal with it when that day comes.

My love life is...patchy. I've had 4 relationships in the past 3 years and all have failed within months. Yet people always come to me with relationship advice! (The irony). I always fall for the wrong people. People I know I'll never have a chance with but still I do anyway. There was someone recently actually. But...well...I think I'm getting the message now. Even if it has been made in a harsh way. But still. I always try and make sure everyone else is ok before I am. Often at the cost of my own comfort or happiness. But that's just how I've grown up. That's how I've matured and that's probably how I'll remain until my death. I keep telling certain friends that they'll be the death of me. One of the few jokes I can crack while possibly meaning it literally as well.

I adore music. My favourite bands are:
- Queen
- Muse
- Black Stone Cherry
- The Smiths
- The Beatles
- My Chemical Romance
- TesseracT

I play guitar, piano, bass, drums and I sing. I was the lead singer in a rock band for 3 years and wrote most of the band's material. (Look up 'My Light In The Dark' for more information on that one). I'm currently in a solo project which, to be honest, isn't going so well. It's just not taking off. Things are conspiring again to make sure it doesn't happen. So, maybe that'll take a back burner again?

These are the basics about me though! This is what I could think to tell you at the time! But if you have any questions you'd like to ask or things you'd like to know about me then comment and I'll answer them in a part two. Or I'll just put part two up anyway and think of some random things. But yeah. Until then...

...See ya!

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