Tuesday 17 December 2013

ReAnimation Arcade Studio Update 1 - Stupid Tech, Stupid Joshua


I'm having a bit of trouble, BUT I'M BACK IN THE STUDIO!

I'm currently writing and recording a new song (from scratch) in the studio in my hometown for my solo music project ReAnimation Arcade (https://www.facebook.com/ReAnimationArcadeMusic) and, so far, it's going ok. I'm writing, producing and recording everything myself. And I've got most of the foundations down. I would've got more down but...there were a few...issues...

I was there for two hours trying to work out why the midi keyboard wasn't working. I did everything the studio owner told me to do but it just wasn't playing ball. I the decided to try recording a couple of acoustic songs but, again, nothing was playing ball. I used to spend a lot of time in that studio and knew how to do things but, 1) my being out of practise and 2) new equipment I've never used meant that I had no hope at all.

BUT, (thanks to an A Level in Music Tech), I remembered I could input notes manually with my mouse. So that's what I did. It took a further two hours but I've made some good headway with it!

Compared to what I was originally going to record, the new song (Provisionally titled "Beautiful Psycho") is very electronic. I've never really written an electronic song before and I wanted to try my hand at it. And, touch wood, it's going ok currently!

If all goes to plan, I will release it as a proper single with a video to boot! Interesting to see how that will progress!

Will write some more tomorrow and post a snippet on here for you to hear!

Until then, here's a song I wrote two years ago but have released under the same project! Free download too if you like it!



  1. That is so cool! I really like the song as well. Now do you just create music electronically or do you use a guitar or other instruments? I really want a keyboard, I've been trying to save up for one for a while now.

    1. Thank you! That's really sweet :) Well, I normally do real instruments. I play Guitar, Piano, Drums, Bass and I sing so I normally record pure instruments. But I had limited options yesterday and I decided that electronic would be fun to try! Are you into electronic music? Keyboards are great! You can really get a lot of expression out of them. I'd totally recommend it :)

    2. Neat! I play guitar and piano as well. The piano is my main instrument. I like electronic music, but I don't often listen too it. I'm not very informed about that area of the music spectrum. I sing as well, I'm the worship team leader at my church. I'd like to start recording my piano music, which is one of the reasons I want a keyboard.

    3. Nice! Acoustic or electric? That's cool. Thar's fair enough. :L What sort of music do you listen to? Ah! I bet that's fun! If you've got a keyboard and a digital audio workstation then it's easy :)

    4. I play acoustic, I haven't even touched an electric guitar. I just taught myself in April, so the guitar I have now is the only one I've played. Hmm. Well, I like Coldplay, The Script, One Republic and Maroon 5, so music like that. I listen to alot of Christian Contemporary as well and I'm also a big fan of Irish music, and Celtic Thunder is one of my favorite bands. I like soundtrack music; it gives inspiration for my artwork.

    5. Ah! Acoustic is fun! Ah self-taught! It's more fun that way in my opinion! Ah! Love those bands. Coldplay especially. Celtic Thunder? Never heard of them. Might look them up. Any songs you recommend?

    6. Yeah Coldplay is probably my favorite of those. Viva la Vida's my favorite one. And I like Science and Faith by the Script. Hmmm...as for Celtic Thunder: All of them. Just kidding. My favorites are Steal Away, Voices, Turning Away, Now We Are Free and Mull of Kintyre.

    7. Fair enough. They are very good. Is that favourite song or favourite album? Science and Faith is a great album. I haven't listened to it for ages. That's my night sorted :L Ok. I'll check those out! Mull of Kintyre? Paul McCartney cover I presume?
