Thursday 19 December 2013

Gods, Galaxies and Kangaroos

So today's been a strange day...

I finished the instrumental for my new single today (after a couple of visitors to the studio distracted me) and I've put part of it up on YouTube. (See the link at the bottom if you'd like to check it out!)

But some other strange things happened today which caught my attention.

Firstly, I remembered something that makes me smile. And it's to do with religion.

Allow me to explain.

I'm not exactly religious. I'm not a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist or anything like that. I define myself as an Agnostic. I have absolutely nothing against anyone who is religious. In fact, I like most religious people! I enjoy having debates with them and hearing about their own personal beliefs. I try not to judge out of principle and, in my mind, to achieve that; I try to understand as many people as possible.

But just because I'm agnostic, it doesn't mean I reject the idea of a God, it just means that I'm open to the concept of a higher being, I just don't necessarily believe it's what other people may believe in. But I digress.

I remembered this particular thing after chatting to someone on the comments as she told me she believed that God created the universe. Again, not going to ridicule or put her down, but I wanted to show you something which I came across in 2008 after agreeing to see a Christian Science DVD with my RE teacher.

(I should point out, my teacher and I got on very well because RE was always one of my favourite topics in school).

So, step into my metaphorical Tardis and join me as we travel across the universe. 30 million light years away from our little planet to the Galaxy M51a. Or 'The Whirlpool Galaxy' to those in the know. It's part of the deep field that we can see from Earth and it would take 30 million years to get there with the current tech. (Considering we're still having trouble getting to Mars let's just imagine we're there already).

Anyway, the reason I've brought you all here is because there's something at the heart of the Whirlpool Galaxy that I think is absolutely wonderful, regardless of your religious orientation.

I'm not sure what the "official" explanation is for this but this is something that lies near the super-massive black hole at the centre of the galaxy. looks rather familiar...

...Don't you think?

It's a wonderful image that's stuck with me since I first saw it. In fact, it was this image that made me realise my Agnosticism.

Take from this picture what you will. It made me realise I was agnostic after months of wondering what I believed. Let's see what it'd do for you...

On a completely different train of thought, I tried something new for the first time tonight. Nothing to do with religion or galaxies. (Though trying a new galaxy is always fun).

Nope. It's a new type of food. I tried kangaroo for the first time tonight. I know. Odd right? When my mum said we were having kangaroo tonight I thought it was a sarcastic answer! But, nevertheless, we had Kangaroo steaks with stir fry. As you do. And, to be fair, it wasn't too bad...It was weird but it was nice!

It was a very dark meat and a lot tougher than beef. But then I suppose kangaroos get considerably more exercise than the humble cow. But it was good nonetheless! My mum got the kangaroo in Lidls for between £2-£3 so if you're interested in trying it then please do! I'd like to try kangaroo pasta at some stage. I reckon that'd be a bit of fun...

Admittedly, in this photo, they don't look appetizing considering the top one looks like a heart and the other one looks like some kind of deformed kidney but they are nice, honestly!

They're easy to do too. Just grill them for around 5 minutes and bob's your aunty!

If you do decide to try them, enjoy.

But yeah! That's my day!  Gods, Galaxies and Kangaroos!

Until next time, adios amigos!

OH! And here's that song snippet!


  1. Very amusing post. ^_^ And I loved the 'Indescribable' DVD!

    1. Was that the name of it? I was trying to remember the name and I just couldn't get it back!

  2. I'm sort of confused. What do you think you see in the picture? I've never seen this before, it's really intriguing. I'm actually surprised I haven't come across it before, I love astronomy

    1. Well, when I saw the DVD for the first time, the presenter (the name sadly escapes me) said it looked like Jesus on the cross. And I personally agree. It does look like that to me in a sort of weird way. Well, this was only discovered about 9 years ago and I don't think it was well publicised so I'm not surprised you haven't seen it before. But astronomy is fun. I love it too.

    2. Huh, well it's most likely coincidence. I believe God to have created everything for His glory, so why not? ;)

    3. Probably. But still fun to speculate. Indeed ;) What do you see in it just out of interest?

    4. The same thing. I'm not surprised that some people wouldn't want it spread around. There are some Christians that would take it and run away with it, literally.
