Thursday 12 December 2013

A Story That Got Me Ever So Jealous


Background: My mum works at the school I went to. She's best friends with someone who we'll call 'Katherine' for legal reasons.

Late Summer 2012, Katherine and her husband go to New York for a week on holiday. They had a great time over there and loved every moment. But one moment they had has had me jealous still to this day.

On their last night, they were walking near the Empire State Building, walking down the sidewalk away from it, when Katherine physically bumps into someone. They both notice and start apologizing to each other profusely for the obstruction.

As Katherine looked up at the man, she stared at his face and decided that she recognized him. She put it down to being an old student she'd worked with at the school years ago and started talking to him as such. The man, although somewhat taken aback, spoke back in the same manner. She asked him how he was and he replied politely that he was fine. After a few more minutes of chatting to each other, they said their goodbyes and the strange man was on his way again.

Katherine, feeling rather content with herself for seeing someone she knew before, turned to her husband who was chuckling for some reason. She said to her husband that she knew him from somewhere but couldn't place where, and assumed it was from school.

Her husband, slightly more knowledgeable than Katherine it seemed told her that the man wasn't from school...

"You silly cow, that wasn't an old student. That was Matt Smith! The guy who plays Doctor Who!"

It was the day of the American premier of 'Asylum of the Daleks' and she'd spoken to Matt Smith, without realizing who he was.

After Katherine chuckled at the mistake and who she was in fact talking to, her husband said again:

"You better not tell Josh..."

Guess who she emailed the moment she got to a computer...

I'm still jealous to this day...


  1. Replies
    1. Do! It's an ok place to live. Although this is in maybe you'd want to move there?

    2. Haha I missed that it was in America, I just assumed it was Britain. I already live in the US.

    3. Haha. It's cool! Ah! Do you mind if I ask which part?

    4. Ah! Cool. PA...Pennsylvania right? I'm looking into spending a uni semester in Missouri next year. Would you recommend coming to America for a few months?

    5. Sure. America is cool. I mean, I don't have anything else to compare it too. :)

    6. Ah! Fair enough! I'd recommend Britain if you like British stuff. Though I'm in the same position as you :P

    7. Well I like British stuff! :) I am a true Anglophile.

    8. Ha! Nice! I get confused at Anglophiles because I'm British and don't particularly like it here so I find it intriguing that other people would XD
