Wednesday 25 December 2013

Eat, Drink and Be Messy!

So! It's that time of year again when we eat, drink and be messy. I mean merry. Where we celebrate the 2013th birthday of a man who would found a religion, perform miracles and also be famous for a kind of culinary socialism when he fed the five thousand with a baguette and a solitary fish.

But what does a modern Christmas mean for the people of Great Britain? Well, it involves:

- Turkey
- Stuffing
- More food
- Presents
- More food despite claiming not to eat until New Year
- EastEnders (If you're into that...I'm not personally...unfortunately my Nan is...)
- Doctor Who
- Morecambe and Wise

But it's a great time! My mum has literally just put the turkey in the oven as I write this and we will hopefully eat around 1ish. Before which we will open our presents and I will bawl my eyes out over the fact the my favourite Time Lord is once again to regenerate into a foul mouthed spin doctor called Peter Capaldi.

But while I try and find some kind of funny side to today, it remains for me to wish you all a very:

Merry Christmas! 
Nadolig Llawen! 
God Jul! 
Joyeux Noel! 
Frohe Weihnachten!
С Рождеством! 
Срећан Божић!

Have a great day guys! Whatever you choose to do!

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