Saturday 28 December 2013


So, I wanted to write something tonight that I hadn't written about before. And I thought I'd write about this. I wanted to write about a friend of mine. She won't mind me writing about this. The reason for that will become clearer later. But I just wanted to tell you about her. Or at least, what I remember of her.

Her name is Hazel Cooper. I went to primary school with her and we were in the same class together. She sat on the other end of the room as me but when we had to sit in front of the teacher, we sat together. We got on really well. We both shared an interest in the TV show Thunderbirds and we both enjoyed the same foods and things. We weren't that different from each other when I think about it. But, obviously, there were differences.

I was a kind of sociable boy. I had two best friends who I hung around with and I had two female friends who I spent lunchtimes with too. One of them I had shouting contests with every lunchtime. For no other reason than we could. Hazel, however, kept herself to herself most days. I would see her sitting on a bench near the hall just drawing. She was very good. But on the rare occasion she did fancy company, she would always find me. And I'd always happily try to include her in what I was doing.

Time went on, and eventually, I left the school. But on my last day, I brought in chocolate buttons for everyone as a parting gift. I remember going up to Hazel and her being upset that I was leaving. But we agreed that we'd try and find each other. You know. How kids do. But she accepted her chocolate buttons and we went our separate ways.

For years I thought about Hazel. Because, I suppose, in a weird 6 year old boy way, I really liked Hazel. I suppose I had kiddie feelings for her. And I'd often think about her when I went to the proceeding two primary schools I attended.

Before I go into the next bit, I want to describe Hazel physically.

She was my height or so. She was ginger and she had pretty little freckles all over her face. She was the main reason why I have a thing for gingers now as an adult. She always had her hair in plats and had little red bow ties in them. Kind of common but all the same. Like I say, she was quiet but enjoyed company when she really wanted it. She didn't want it all the time but when she did she enjoyed it.

So that's Hazel. She was wonderful to me and she always will be. But something happened a few years ago that confused me. If you don't believe what I say next then that's your own lookout. But, I promise you, this happened to me.

In 2005, I started secondary school in the town I originally attended school with Hazel. And, on the day I started, I was wondering if I'd meet her again. Just to see, you know? I thought about her on and off since I left that primary school and I just wanted to say hello.

Day one, no joy. Couldn't find her. But I didn't let it deter me. I kept looking. (Not in a stalkerish way, but keeping my eye out so to speak).

Here's how the whole thing was eventually resolved.

On day three, I had a lesson where a young woman ran up to me and smiled. It wasn't Hazel. I was sure of that but she did look familiar. We got chatting and it turned out she was someone in my Year Two class with Hazel and I. We caught up (as much as 11 year olds can) and we got chatting about who else had come up the school with us from that year group.

The young woman rounded off all these different names, all of which I remembered, and some I rounded off too. But then something weird happened.

I mentioned Hazel's name to the young woman and she looked confused.

"Hazel?" She said. I explained a bit more about Miss Cooper and her face still looked as confused. She didn't remember Hazel and had no clue if she'd come to the secondary.

Over the coming months, I asked numerous different people from our year group at that primary school if Hazel had come to the the secondary and all of them said the same thing.

"Who's Hazel?"

It seemed like she'd never existed. I know Hazel kept herself to herself a lot, but you'd remember someone like her. She'd be remembered as the quiet one or something.

Not even my own mum remembered her when I asked last.

Over the years, certain things changed and certain people came and went. One day I tried to find her on Facebook, finding 3 different ones as to who she could be but they were not. Wherever she was, she was lost to me.

Recently, I thought about Hazel once again. I thought about those years at primary school and those funny little times we shared. And I've come to two conclusions about what happened to her.

1. She left the school shortly I did. But her departure had such little effect she was easily forgotten by our peers and faded into obscurity. And that she's somewhere out there living her life.

But the second one, sadly, seems much more likely.

2. I invented the perfect imaginary friend. So perfect, I thought she was actually real. I thought I actually interacted with her and that my other friends did too but instead she was only someone I could see.

I may well have invented the perfect woman at age 4 and lost her at age 6. That's depressing when I say it like that. But that's only a possibility. She could well be real and possibly stumble upon this someday.

If you are Hazel by chance and you find this, I do still think about you, weird as that sounds...

But it's very possible also that she never existed in the first place.

Oh well. It was fun while it lasted I suppose. But isn't it weird how that happens? Maybe someone into psychology could tell me whether I'm clinically insane or just a lonely little boy? As I suppose for the most part I was at the time?

Who knows indeed...

Thursday 26 December 2013

Can You Tell Me Who I Am? (Part One)

I came to a realization recently. You may well read this blog and have only come to a certain amount of conclusions. Firstly I'm a raging Whovian. Secondly I'm a musician and thirdly I'm also a writer of sorts. But, apart from that, I'm rather...secretive...about myself.

So, I thought to put you at your ease, as well as give some context to my past and future posts, I'd tell you a bit about myself. So you know the guy behind this blog.

My name is Joshua Stephen Frampton. I'm 19 years old and I'm from England. Yes. I'm English. And I apologize profusely. I don't particularly like being English but it's something I have to live with. I'm heavily into Music and Doctor Who. They are my two main passions in life. Actually, to be honest, Doctor Who is more of a passion than music! I could cope without music for a certain period of time but I couldn't ever cope without Doctor Who. That show has saved my life more times than I care to mention.

I love nearly everything Welsh. I love the country, I love the language and I love the people. There is only one thing about Wales I do not like and that is the city of Newport. Rough place. Avoid it if you can. I can speak a tiny bit of Welsh but not yet enough to hold a conversation. But that's my aim in life. To become completely, if not partially, fluent in it.

I'm currently in my first year at university studying History and Politics. And I'm thoroughly enjoying it thus far. I get on with all of my flatmates (in fact, one of them also blogs on here! and I have some good friends already! It's my second attempt at uni. I was originally in Newport studying history. But many factors conspired to make me decide to leave the city and the university.

In the time between leaving Newport and attending my new uni, some good things happened as well as some bad things. I got a job which was good and I was able to watch most of my friends complete their secondary school career with flying colors. But on the flip-side, June wasn't a great month as I was on a month-long low. But I tend not to go into that too much anymore.

When something bad happens to me, I tend to try and ignore it as best I can. I know that's wrong and I should tackle my problems head on but I do try and bury them as deeply as I can. My logic is that if something bad happens and I bury it, it can serve as experience later and then I'll get double the closure when it's eventually resolved. As of yet I haven't had a chance to see if this works but the day will come when it comes to a head. And, although that scares me, hopefully I'll be able to deal with it when that day comes.

My love life is...patchy. I've had 4 relationships in the past 3 years and all have failed within months. Yet people always come to me with relationship advice! (The irony). I always fall for the wrong people. People I know I'll never have a chance with but still I do anyway. There was someone recently actually. But...well...I think I'm getting the message now. Even if it has been made in a harsh way. But still. I always try and make sure everyone else is ok before I am. Often at the cost of my own comfort or happiness. But that's just how I've grown up. That's how I've matured and that's probably how I'll remain until my death. I keep telling certain friends that they'll be the death of me. One of the few jokes I can crack while possibly meaning it literally as well.

I adore music. My favourite bands are:
- Queen
- Muse
- Black Stone Cherry
- The Smiths
- The Beatles
- My Chemical Romance
- TesseracT

I play guitar, piano, bass, drums and I sing. I was the lead singer in a rock band for 3 years and wrote most of the band's material. (Look up 'My Light In The Dark' for more information on that one). I'm currently in a solo project which, to be honest, isn't going so well. It's just not taking off. Things are conspiring again to make sure it doesn't happen. So, maybe that'll take a back burner again?

These are the basics about me though! This is what I could think to tell you at the time! But if you have any questions you'd like to ask or things you'd like to know about me then comment and I'll answer them in a part two. Or I'll just put part two up anyway and think of some random things. But yeah. Until then...

...See ya!

Goodbye Raggedy Man (*Possible Spoilers*) [POST SCRIPT EDIT]

So, I've watched the last few moments of the Time Of The Doctor again with my mum this morning and we were both discussing it in depth now that she's almost a certified modern Whovian. (She watched the show in its original run and enjoyed it up until the 80s but now she's really getting into it again). And we both agree that the episode itself was pretty poor compared to others and that maybe Moffat's facing his own 11th hour but both of us still cried at Matt's last few moments again despite knowing what was coming.

*Something I didn't mention last night, which was a good thing for me as a modern and classic whovian, was the mention of the Death Zone and the seal of the Time Lords. For those who don't know, this was a major plot line of THE FIVE DOCTORS in 1983 when the Time Lords sent the Master into the Death Zone on Gallifrey to save the five Doctors from being killed within it. I thought this was a nice touch.*

We both commented on the fact Matt removed his bow tie before the regen and how effective that bit was in pulling the heartstrings but we both decided that the saddest thing had to be Amy returning in the Tardis. This was made 10x worse when I realised later on that Amy's line to the Doctor was a variation on her last line in The Angels Take Manhattan. Also, I came across this from Tumblr which just makes it much worse as well as reminding me why I don't like it.

Also, upon re-watching Capaldi's entrance into the show, I came to the conclusion (after sleeping and recovering generally) that it still wasn't a great entrance. As I said last night, this is by no means a criticism of Capaldi's acting as he is a phenomenal actor but it's more about Moffat's writing. I realized that I actually enjoyed Capaldi's chemistry in his first few moments and loved the confusion but the writing did let it down considerably.

So, I've taken it upon myself to write how I think it should've gone:

The Doctor regenerates. It's a quick regeneration which takes Clara by surprise but she adjusts rather quickly. She still remains in a state of shock however at how the new Doctor looks older than the one she knew and loved. The new Doctor looks at his hands and feels his face.

Doctor: New voice...I accent! I have an accent! More north than the northern one...

Clara looks confused.

Doctor: Oh no...I'm Scottish! I'm McDoctor!

Clara: Scottish...?

Doctor: And I feel older...much older...have I gone back to the original?! I know I've got a new regeneration cycle but this is ridiculous!

The Doctor feels his hair.

Doctor: No...not the original. Not long enough. Very curly though...I like the curly...

Clara chuckles a little bit.

Doctor: Something's wrong though...something's wrong...can't quite place what...

The Tardis shudders. They both fall backwards.

Doctor: Ah...yeah...that was it...

The Tardis spins out of control. Clara tries to hold on.


Doctor: We're crashing! But don't panic...just one you have any idea how to fly this thing?!

Clara looks scared and confused...

Gotta dash! See ya!

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Goodbye Raggedy Man (*Possible Spoilers*)

So, I've had a very Doctor Who themed Christmas. Which I am more than happy with. I got a calendar, a Tom Baker screwdriver and 2 books among other little bits and pieces! And there was only more Christmas present to receive. BBC One's installment of Doctor Who. Matt Smith's final outing as my favourite Time Lord. Here's what I thought.

The Story

In the first 10 minutes or so of the story, I was reasonably happy. It had potential. The introduction of Tasha Lem and the funny bits between The Doctor and Clara definitely made for a good story. However, after the cracks were explained and the Doctor found out he was on Trenzalore, for me, it slowly went downhill. Everything after that was a bit jumpy from scene to scene and the Doctor's aging was just glossed over.

"Oh so you've been there for 300 years? Because that's cool..."

The last half an hour was when the episode effectively died. Everything after that just got jumpier and jumpier until, everything was conveniently sorted by power of regeneration energy. It was a bit of a cop out and it only raised more questions than it was supposed to answer.

Oh, and the Doctor had some kind of weird love affair with a Cyber head called 'Handles'?

The Regeneration [Anyone who hasn't seen it should not read this section]

The regeneration itself was a mixed affair. I'm not entirely sure when it occurred. It was suggested at one point that the Doctor regenerated on the rooftop by the bell. Elderly Matt regenerates and Peter Capaldi would emerge from the ground floor door. This was not to be. Instead, as per usual with Nu-Who, the Tardis would be the scene for the regen.

The moments leading up to the regen itself were fairly heart-rendering. It showed Matt's Doctor coming to terms with the fact he was in fact about to change. But, unlike Tennant, he made peace with that fairly quickly. And it was in fact the reappearance of Amy Pond in his mind that would truly make the whole thing truly heart-breaking. The reason being that, obviously, the Doctor can never see the real Amy again and that this Amy was a projection in his dying mind. Clara looked on confused as, once again, the Doctor communicated with a ghost. The words "Raggedy Man, Goodnight" sending Matt into his (I can only assume) proper regeneration.

I'm not ashamed to admit, I was crying like a baby at the whole thing because I knew what was coming. And I kind of remembered how I felt when Tennant left so it was kind of deja vu. But it was the bit with Amy that just set me off completely. I also kind of felt sorry for Clara because, although she knew full well what was coming, she had romantic feelings for the Doctor and didn't want to see him go.

But it was the next bit that wasn't so thrilling. There was no big boom like Tennant, there was very little golden lights and melting faces, instead, it was a very short affair. BANG! Eyebrow's here.

Capaldi's First Moments

I may well become a cropper for saying this, but I wasn't thrilled. Because the regeneration itself was about a millisecond long I was a bit underwhelmed. But I thought he might come out with something fun or start jumping about or something. No such luck.

Instead, Capaldi complained about his kidneys (no age jokes please) and the colour of them before asking Clara if she knew how to fly the Tardis.

I was not as impressed with Capaldi's entrance as I was with Matt's when Tennant left 4 years ago. This is not to say I'm not looking forward to Capaldi, I am, but I was a bit underwhelmed with his entrance. Considering the hype they've made of him it was a pretty poor way to introduce him to be honest.

This is by no way a criticism of Capaldi's acting! It's more a criticism of Moffat's writing.


All in all, the episode was a bit of a let down. Like I say, it had potential in the first half an hour but, considering the importance of Trenzalore and the story of Gallifrey, it was poorly constructed and the episode could've been so much better. Matt's last moments, however, were perfect in every way for me. The speech and the Amy thing was just wonderful. But the episode could've been so much better.

But this is just my opinion. You may not share it but this is just me. Feel free to disagree. But I'll leave you with one more gif of Clara to illustrate how I reacted to Matt's last moments as the Doctor. Thank you Matt for what you've given to the show and good luck to Peter, who begins filming in the next few weeks for series 8!

Good night!

Eat, Drink and Be Messy!

So! It's that time of year again when we eat, drink and be messy. I mean merry. Where we celebrate the 2013th birthday of a man who would found a religion, perform miracles and also be famous for a kind of culinary socialism when he fed the five thousand with a baguette and a solitary fish.

But what does a modern Christmas mean for the people of Great Britain? Well, it involves:

- Turkey
- Stuffing
- More food
- Presents
- More food despite claiming not to eat until New Year
- EastEnders (If you're into that...I'm not personally...unfortunately my Nan is...)
- Doctor Who
- Morecambe and Wise

But it's a great time! My mum has literally just put the turkey in the oven as I write this and we will hopefully eat around 1ish. Before which we will open our presents and I will bawl my eyes out over the fact the my favourite Time Lord is once again to regenerate into a foul mouthed spin doctor called Peter Capaldi.

But while I try and find some kind of funny side to today, it remains for me to wish you all a very:

Merry Christmas! 
Nadolig Llawen! 
God Jul! 
Joyeux Noel! 
Frohe Weihnachten!
С Рождеством! 
Срећан Божић!

Have a great day guys! Whatever you choose to do!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Cranwell Manor - A Little Twisted Nursery Rhyme

In your travels, to earth you go
There is a place the demons know
A house so old and full of ghosts
The place strikes fear in the hearts of most

Before you go you need to know
To see a ghost and make it so
At the hour that the Earth bird starts to crow
To Cranwell Manor the demons will go...

Thursday 19 December 2013

Ah, But What If It Does?

"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does?" - Peter McWilliams

Thought this might be an interesting quote to leave you with!

Gods, Galaxies and Kangaroos

So today's been a strange day...

I finished the instrumental for my new single today (after a couple of visitors to the studio distracted me) and I've put part of it up on YouTube. (See the link at the bottom if you'd like to check it out!)

But some other strange things happened today which caught my attention.

Firstly, I remembered something that makes me smile. And it's to do with religion.

Allow me to explain.

I'm not exactly religious. I'm not a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist or anything like that. I define myself as an Agnostic. I have absolutely nothing against anyone who is religious. In fact, I like most religious people! I enjoy having debates with them and hearing about their own personal beliefs. I try not to judge out of principle and, in my mind, to achieve that; I try to understand as many people as possible.

But just because I'm agnostic, it doesn't mean I reject the idea of a God, it just means that I'm open to the concept of a higher being, I just don't necessarily believe it's what other people may believe in. But I digress.

I remembered this particular thing after chatting to someone on the comments as she told me she believed that God created the universe. Again, not going to ridicule or put her down, but I wanted to show you something which I came across in 2008 after agreeing to see a Christian Science DVD with my RE teacher.

(I should point out, my teacher and I got on very well because RE was always one of my favourite topics in school).

So, step into my metaphorical Tardis and join me as we travel across the universe. 30 million light years away from our little planet to the Galaxy M51a. Or 'The Whirlpool Galaxy' to those in the know. It's part of the deep field that we can see from Earth and it would take 30 million years to get there with the current tech. (Considering we're still having trouble getting to Mars let's just imagine we're there already).

Anyway, the reason I've brought you all here is because there's something at the heart of the Whirlpool Galaxy that I think is absolutely wonderful, regardless of your religious orientation.

I'm not sure what the "official" explanation is for this but this is something that lies near the super-massive black hole at the centre of the galaxy. looks rather familiar...

...Don't you think?

It's a wonderful image that's stuck with me since I first saw it. In fact, it was this image that made me realise my Agnosticism.

Take from this picture what you will. It made me realise I was agnostic after months of wondering what I believed. Let's see what it'd do for you...

On a completely different train of thought, I tried something new for the first time tonight. Nothing to do with religion or galaxies. (Though trying a new galaxy is always fun).

Nope. It's a new type of food. I tried kangaroo for the first time tonight. I know. Odd right? When my mum said we were having kangaroo tonight I thought it was a sarcastic answer! But, nevertheless, we had Kangaroo steaks with stir fry. As you do. And, to be fair, it wasn't too bad...It was weird but it was nice!

It was a very dark meat and a lot tougher than beef. But then I suppose kangaroos get considerably more exercise than the humble cow. But it was good nonetheless! My mum got the kangaroo in Lidls for between £2-£3 so if you're interested in trying it then please do! I'd like to try kangaroo pasta at some stage. I reckon that'd be a bit of fun...

Admittedly, in this photo, they don't look appetizing considering the top one looks like a heart and the other one looks like some kind of deformed kidney but they are nice, honestly!

They're easy to do too. Just grill them for around 5 minutes and bob's your aunty!

If you do decide to try them, enjoy.

But yeah! That's my day!  Gods, Galaxies and Kangaroos!

Until next time, adios amigos!

OH! And here's that song snippet!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Another Life

Sorry for two posts in one day. But I just had a thought that I wanted to get down.

2 years ago now, I wrote a song called 'Another Life'. Not for any particular project or anything, just for fun. It was a pretty good song if I say so myself and remains one of my personal favourites. It is so because of the story behind it. Here are the lyrics though just for interest.

Leaves on the trees
Fall on the street
Decorating red and yellow
Lakes on the road

The sky is blazing white
As it turns into night
And the stars will dance around as
We stare at the light

There's no point in trying
There's nothing left to change
It's all the same in another life

Lovers on the hill
Sit very still
As they wait for night to come
To feel alive once again

There's no point in trying
There's nothing left to change
It's all the same in another life

And as we turn to dust
We do because we must
We move on so all our children
Have a life to call their own

Oh I don't believe it
There's nothing I won't change
Just to be with you
One more time

Just to be with you in another life...

The lyrics of this song are quite vague in themselves but talk about two lovers and the promises they make to each other about their love for one another. When I wrote this I was in a relationship. (We won't go into that). And, at the time, I wrote it mostly for her and around her. However, that was the reason I told her. I knew she wouldn't believe the real reason behind the story. Because she didn't believe what I told her before I wrote it.

The real reason I wrote this song was a dream I had a week before. I have dreams every night obviously, but I'll never forget this one for one main reason. The dream fooled me. It fooled me good. It fooled me into something that wasn't real, while I was convinced it was. My mind is a fragile place and, I suppose, I do abuse it. And for one night only it got its own back.

I have some friends who live in Cardiff in Wales. Some good friends of mine who I couldn't bare to lose. And I am in love with Cardiff itself. I try and go as often as I can. Obviously, since I've moved to Winchester that's easier said than done financially but anyway. But it's always been my life ambition to move there one day. Whether it be before I have a family or when I retire. I will live in Cardiff one day. And this is what my mind used against me.

Before I go into the dream, I should briefly explain that I live in England, I'm a only child and I live with just my mum.

But, the dream was this:

I woke up in a strange room. It was a very strange room as I'd never woken up in there before but it still seemed fairly familiar for some reason. It looked homely with all the posters of my favourite bands on it just like I imagined my room would be as a kid but it still didn't faze me at all.

As I came to, I was woken up by a young child. Who also looked strange yet familiar. It was my little brother Jake. He came in to tell me that it was time for me to wake up funnily enough. He was only 8. And a little blighter but we'll skip over that bit. Anyway, I got up and went downstairs. My mum was in the kitchen making Jake's lunchbox as well as making breakfast for us. My step-dad, Tony, was writing on some pieces of paper for his work. He was a teacher and had a busy day of science lessons ahead of him.

After breakfast, I got ready for school and made my way downstairs and opened the door. As I did, I saw my friend at the door. Well, I thought it was my friend. Turns out, I was going out with her and I'd been in school with her for a number of years. I was in Cardiff and moved there when I was 3.

Anyway, the main thing about this was that, because everything seemed so real, I honestly believed what I was dreaming was real and THIS life was the dream. I don't know why, I just genuinely believed that. It felt more real than this life...

But why have I told you this? Well, some people may tell you, when something goes wrong, "well, at least in a parallel universe it was the opposite!"

What if that's true? What if there are parallel universes? Different variations of our lives from the paths we did not go down? What if, what I dreamt, actually happened and I got to see that parallel universe just for short time? (Considering I was stabbed at the end of the dream I hope that that particular bit isn't real but anyway...). What if there are other dimensions in which our lives have taken a completely different path?

I love that idea. I honestly do. And there are many things happening to me right now that might have a much better outcome in another universe?

There. A deep thought to think about before you go to bed...

Goodnight from England!

ReAnimation Arcade Studio Update 1 - Stupid Tech, Stupid Joshua


I'm having a bit of trouble, BUT I'M BACK IN THE STUDIO!

I'm currently writing and recording a new song (from scratch) in the studio in my hometown for my solo music project ReAnimation Arcade ( and, so far, it's going ok. I'm writing, producing and recording everything myself. And I've got most of the foundations down. I would've got more down but...there were a few...issues...

I was there for two hours trying to work out why the midi keyboard wasn't working. I did everything the studio owner told me to do but it just wasn't playing ball. I the decided to try recording a couple of acoustic songs but, again, nothing was playing ball. I used to spend a lot of time in that studio and knew how to do things but, 1) my being out of practise and 2) new equipment I've never used meant that I had no hope at all.

BUT, (thanks to an A Level in Music Tech), I remembered I could input notes manually with my mouse. So that's what I did. It took a further two hours but I've made some good headway with it!

Compared to what I was originally going to record, the new song (Provisionally titled "Beautiful Psycho") is very electronic. I've never really written an electronic song before and I wanted to try my hand at it. And, touch wood, it's going ok currently!

If all goes to plan, I will release it as a proper single with a video to boot! Interesting to see how that will progress!

Will write some more tomorrow and post a snippet on here for you to hear!

Until then, here's a song I wrote two years ago but have released under the same project! Free download too if you like it!

Saturday 14 December 2013

Willkommen Mein Freunds

So, when I started this blog last year, I honestly didn't think anyone would read it. It appears that I've been proven wrong!

I came on here just now to post something and I noticed I had lots more page views than I did two days ago. So I investigated. I then found out how many page views I'd had and where everyone was from. And I must say, I'm staggered! So, if you are reading this from anywhere else outside the UK, Hello! Hej! Guten Tag, G'day!

Most of my page views are coming from the UK. (Presumably from family and friends) but some other places have really shocked me!

Over the past couple of days, I've been kind of chatting with a young woman named Courtney ( in case you'd like to check her stuff out!) who I believe to be American. So some of the US views I've received are presumably from her. (Thank you dear). And as for the Swedish views I've been receiving I would imagine some come from my friend Marion who has made hints to reading this before. (If you are reading Marion, ha en bra dag!)

But here are the listings today. (Ranked most to least pageviews)

United Kingdom
United States
New Zealand

I must admit, out of all of them, Serbia was the most surprising. I don't know why. If you are from Serbia, Здраво!

But I love the fact people from across the world are reading, even if it's only fleeting. I love learning about new cultures and new languages and I hope I give some insight into mine. That said, if anyone would like me to talk about the UK at any point, let me know.

So yeah, just a quick one to say thank you. And please do teach me things about your own culture if you're reading this! I'd love to know about it wherever you're from! (That said, as I do have a Kiwi flat mate, I'm learning more and more about New Zealand all the time. So please, if you're from there, don't try and trick me into finding a Moa or something...I know the truth of them...)

Auf Wiedersehn!

Friday 13 December 2013

I Wouldn't Read This Is If You're Devoutly Religious And/Or Easily Offended...

So, there's a hash-tag trending on Twitter today which has caught my attention and kind of got me confused. not because of the subject matter, but because of why it's coming up again now randomly.

The hashtag is #PraytoEndAbortion and it kicks up the old argument between "Pro-Life", those who think it shouldn't be a woman's choice to abort on religious grounds or "Pro-Choice", the people that, well actually that one speaks for itself.

I know whatever I say here is not going to go down well which is why I'm refraining from giving my own opinions. I just wanted to share two of the arguments I'm seeing on Twitter and attempt to dissect them and say why they both have merit and may not be completely accurate.

The first one comes from @lindseyyyyy16 who says:

"so you people that disagree with this hashtag would rather murder a child that is harmless than put it up for adoption?"

This has some merit because, well, unless you're not quite right in the head, you wouldn't want to kill a child. That's just common sense. And anyone who does is, well, a danger to society. And, yes, the foetus in question is completely harmless and cannot defend itself. I have no issue with that. But, with this tweet in particular (and I do no necessarily agree or disagree with it) I do have a few qualms.

Firstly, it's all very well and good saying "put it up for adoption", but the adoption system in the Western world (specifically America I'm presuming, feel free to correct me if otherwise) isn't quick or easy. It takes a long time for a someone to adopt a child and, in the meantime, you may still be responsible for it in the meantime.

Secondly, the reasons that Abortion are legal in certain places are in place to "protect" women. We covered abortion in great detail in my RE GCSE and I have seen many of the arguments for and against abortion but the one that always resonated with me for some reason, which I'll explain now, it the possible scenario of the child in question being a product of a rape.

As I find this topic hard to talk about generally I shan't delve too much into it, but if a woman had indeed been raped and fallen pregnant because of it, she could carry the baby to term and give it up for adoption, sure. But I can't even begin to imagine the psychological damage that could cause. Waking up and being reminded every day for 9 months. I'm not sure I could do that. Then again I'm a man and will never have to but all the same.

Moving swiftly away from that, there is an argument that suggests that abortion could be necessary if the child has a learning disorder or a physical disability. This I'm also not comfortable with. But that's a whole other blog.

But of course, while I may go into reasons why abortion is legal in some places, I should include some of the reasons as to why many think it shouldn't be legal. My observation is that many of those opposed to abortion tend to be from a religious standpoint. Or have religious views. I'm not judging anyone by saying that, I'm just stating my observation. And, thanks again to my GCSE, I can explain some of these reasons too.

Psalm 139 is a popular choice for Pro-Lifers. (Nearly got that the wrong way round). There is a certain section of Psalm 139 that goes something along the lines of this:

 For thou hast possessed my reins:
thou hast covered me in my mother's womb.
14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
marvelous are thy works;
and that my soul knoweth right well.
15 My substance was not hid from thee
when I was made in secret,
and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect;
and in thy book all my members were written,
which in continuance were fashioned,
when as yet there was none of them.*


This passage suggests that God** created each individual before conception and before birth. Meaning that God knows the plan for every single person on Planet Earth from cradle to grave. Some people take this literally and suggest that to kill a fetus in the womb is to abort a product of God. It was obvious that God had plans for this baby and now there's one less person in the world to complete God's plan. (At least, that's how I understand it)

The other viewpoint comes from @ActuallyBrig who says:

"This hashtag that's trending sickens me. More like . No uterus, no opinion".

Again, valid. There is an argument that suggests that men should not give any opinion on abortion as they do have the equipment to conceive and carry a child. (Making this whole blog post void but hey. Sorry Brig). Because it does seem to be men that dominate the abortion discussion. Priests, bishops and politicians all seem to comment and a vast majority of them are men. It's fair to suggest that men do dominate the circles in which this debate thrives.

But this also does derive from the religious context and explain some of the arguments of the pro-choice movement. This could be more construed as a less aggressive opinion but both sides have many opinions more radical than this.

I'm still not going to tell you what I believe and nor will I judge you for what you believe. But there is an underlying motive to this blog post that I didn't mention before. And that's the fact that this argument has appeared on Twitter. The inspiration for this blog post was the fact that this was trending on Twitter. And I find this more strange than the arguments themselves.

Social media is a good tool to get a certain message across, (Just look at the Kony campaign last year), but it's also a great breeding ground for people who will attempt to piss you off for fun. I think the fact that this has trended is incredible in itself but I also think that maybe it's a brave endeavor to have something so controversial high on the social media agenda. Then again, maybe because it's trending there's a safety in numbers?

As I was trawling through the tweets (of which there were thousands!) I seemed to get the impression that there were more pro-lifers than pro-choicers. (If you excuse the turns of phrase!) Which intrigued me as I thought there'd be more pro-choicers. It seems that maybe religion isn't as dead as people seem to think!

Anyway, hope this has somewhat informed you as to what's happening in the world. I didn't write this to cause an argument, I only write stuff like this on here to share with people in case they haven't yet come across it. So please don't judge me for writing about or for expressing my own personal opinions on the matter. I won't judge you for your opinions.

Until next time.

See ya!

* Can someone please tell me how the hell you reference the Bible?! 

** I appreciate and understand that every religion has an approach to Abortion. And I've only concentrated on the Christian standpoint because most of the tweets I came across seemed to come from Christian countries. Also I only learned the Christian angle in GCSE...If you are reading this and you follow a different religion, please comment what you believe! I love learning about new things!

Thursday 12 December 2013

A Story That Got Me Ever So Jealous


Background: My mum works at the school I went to. She's best friends with someone who we'll call 'Katherine' for legal reasons.

Late Summer 2012, Katherine and her husband go to New York for a week on holiday. They had a great time over there and loved every moment. But one moment they had has had me jealous still to this day.

On their last night, they were walking near the Empire State Building, walking down the sidewalk away from it, when Katherine physically bumps into someone. They both notice and start apologizing to each other profusely for the obstruction.

As Katherine looked up at the man, she stared at his face and decided that she recognized him. She put it down to being an old student she'd worked with at the school years ago and started talking to him as such. The man, although somewhat taken aback, spoke back in the same manner. She asked him how he was and he replied politely that he was fine. After a few more minutes of chatting to each other, they said their goodbyes and the strange man was on his way again.

Katherine, feeling rather content with herself for seeing someone she knew before, turned to her husband who was chuckling for some reason. She said to her husband that she knew him from somewhere but couldn't place where, and assumed it was from school.

Her husband, slightly more knowledgeable than Katherine it seemed told her that the man wasn't from school...

"You silly cow, that wasn't an old student. That was Matt Smith! The guy who plays Doctor Who!"

It was the day of the American premier of 'Asylum of the Daleks' and she'd spoken to Matt Smith, without realizing who he was.

After Katherine chuckled at the mistake and who she was in fact talking to, her husband said again:

"You better not tell Josh..."

Guess who she emailed the moment she got to a computer...

I'm still jealous to this day...

Wednesday 11 December 2013

I'm In The Kitchen

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

Go the keyboards.

"600 more words to go!"

I hear triumphantly from one of my colleagues. She's very happy she still has so much to go.

It's 4:39. I've finished all my essays yet I'm kinda bored. I'll probably commence that inevitable task of clearing up my room at some point to avoid my mother's judgement on saturday but until then, I'll lie here like a lazy cat. As I have nothing left to do for the day.

I can envisage the next few days going rather slowly...

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Adult Love Letter

Ok. I'm not very good at this. So, I'm just going to be honest and just come out with what I need to say.

So, we haven't known each other all that long. A few months maybe? And we've spent a bit of time together. But, the truth is, well, I really like you. I really like you. But, there are a few things that you've done that confuse me.

To me you are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. You're beautiful, caring and, just, overall wonderful. I was attracted to you the moment I saw you and it's only grown every day since.

That said, you are an incredibly confusing person. You're tactile one minute and then the next you're colder than a snowman! I don't know where I stand with you half the time. Sometimes you're completely vile to me too just for saying something innocent or for trying to be nice. I can put up with that but, sometimes, I don't know why I like you so much.

I just know that I do. And I can't help it. I really can't.

But I just need to know if you feel the same about me as I do about you. And if you do, maybe we should do something about it before it's too late?

But to me you're an enigma. You're beautiful yet cold. Kind yet scolding and wonderful yet abrasive. But I don't mind these things about you if you think you could put up with me.

So...maybe let me know?


An Adult.

[This is how to procrastinate from a Thatcher essay...]

The Thing About Semester 1... [Short Post]

So, I'm in a weird position as opposed to many of my uni colleagues. For most of them, this is their first uni and they're settling in rather well. This, however, is my second attempt at uni. I finished 1 semester at my last uni before deciding to leave and come here to restart year 1.

But the reason I'm telling you this is because of something that happened a few moments ago with one of my friends on my course. And there's a message here for anyone doing their first semester currently or those who are to start uni in the coming year.

I'm not going to go completely into what happened (because on the very slim chance the friend in question actually reads my blog and this post, I'll probably get a rather angry young woman having a go at me on Facebook...) but I'll apply it to a general situation that most students will experience.

Essays. There will be some you find easy. (Which either means you're a genius or you're not doing it right) and there will be some you find hard. But during your first semester there will be some things you don't quite get right. And this will become apparent when you get them back.

Take it from someone who's been there twice, any criticism on your first semester essays will be down-heartening. Because you'll think you've failed or that you could've done better. But the truth it, unless you're in a Russell League Uni or something, most mistakes in your first semester are tolerated. Because, at the end of the day, you're somewhere new and uni is very different to school. (For a start, you can't get pissed in can...but it's frowned upon...). And the lecturers and markers know you're not going to get everything immediately. Nor will they expect you to. Semester 2 maybe but semester 1 is just to guide you and ease you in.

The basic moral of this post is, if you do get some things wrong or there's some criticism on your work, don't dwell on it as a negative. Sure, you'll be furious or frustrated initially, you're only human (I hope), but turn that negativity into something positive. make a note of it somewhere and put it on your pinboard. Or make a good mental note if your memory is better than mine and attribute that to your other work you'll have in over the 3/4 years you'll be studying at uni. Because they will become less tolerant over time. And you do need to be ahead of the game. But just take on board what they say and do your hardest.

Because, that's all you can claim at the end of it. You did your best.

Joshua, out!

Sunday 8 December 2013

This Is Either Me Bring A Grumpy Young Man Or Inciting Revolution

So, I may have confused my flat mate.

We were talking recently about the world. And the conversation was taking a jolly turn before I, true to form, managed to bring it down. And, in the process, slightly alienate my flat mate. (Though thinking back over most of our conversations, I probably haven't alienated her as much as I did when I met her).

Anyway, what confused her was this. I said, very bluntly, "I don't particularly like the world. I don't like it much at all". This both shocked and confused her. My flat mate is someone who loves nature, loves to go open water swimming, animals and everything. So for me to turn around and say something like that to someone like her must've taken her aback. But when she pressed me for justification, I wasn't able to give any. Because, I couldn't really think of anything right there to back up my point. And the conversation changed topic.

She told me yesterday that she told her dad what I'd said. Her dad travels a lot and has seen an awful lot of the world. He thought it was rather sad that I thought that and said something along the lines of my travelling more. (Don't get me wrong, I'd love to do that! If I only had the dosh to do it!)

Travel broadens the mind, the old phrase goes, but that's not the only dimension to my point. So, I'd like to explain why I don't particularly like the world. (And especially with the news today, I think I've picked a good time to write this).


1. Humans. I'm a human (I think), you're a human (presumably) and we somehow manage to all tolerate each other for 80 odd years and then go back to sleep again for the rest of time. But the thing about humans is that we're all so different. I know that it's a good thing we are (as it'd be a boring world if we were all the same), but there are problems with that too. You can get on really well with one person, and then another can be a total dick to you. I don't get that. And it annoy me. I try to be as nice to as many people as possible but it's so damn hard! I tried for many years to be a polite and kind young man, but that eventually wore thin. And, over the past year or so, I've become slightly more militant in my approach to things. Basically, if you're nice to me I'll be nice to you. But bad mouth me or anyone I care about, rest assured, I will raise merry hell on you. And I'll never do anything physical. I'd much rather mess with your mind. Be polite and then bitch slap you with words. Who needs guns when you've got a good vocabulary. There are even people who'll just aggravate you for no reason just because you've done something completely innocent. This happened to me on Facebook this weekend where some guy started being weird because of a vlog I made about Nelson Mandela. Well, this goes for anyone who listens to my music, watches my videos or reads this:

If you don't like it, don't bother looking! I can't offend you if you avoid me altogether can I!

2. Human Relationships. When I say this, I don't mean love or sex or anything, I mean the human relationships in the national and international dimension. Our history is full to the brim of killings, pointless wars and silly little conflicts that only end in death. I don't agree with war generally. If my country was invaded, fine. Defend yeah. But I don't like military aggression in any form. There are certain wars, conflicts and other atrocities where it makes me feel ashamed to be a human. The Holocaust, Bosnia, Slave Trade and others. It's sickening. I wonder how many of you knew it was the British who came up with the concept of a concentration camp? And I don't like relationships in the non-military sense either. We still live in a world that objectifies women for corporate consumerism, subjects kids to the culture of sexualisation, continues to have unequal pay for all walks of life and where people claim to be free but are actually rather not. And we live in a world all about the individual and the individual's wants and needs. (Known to most as Capitalism). And this system has somehow evolved into a way where those who earn the most (CEOs, Bankers etc) can take all the money, while the person who does most, if not all, of the work gets paid pittance with the very real chance of being somewhere below the poverty line. Education has now become all about league table results instead of children's education and life has all become all about getting the next big thing that the big companies like Apple or Microsoft churn out to distract you from the real problems that are going on in the world. I despair how you lot can like that world.

Mind you, if you're reading this on an iPad I hope you enjoy the irony of your current situation.

3. What Nature? And how about how we treat the world around us? We're constantly destroying the rainforests, forestland, woodland, killing off countless species and even destroying the geography! I mean, do any of you realise how dangerous Fracking is?! The world's supply of oil is running out faster than previously thought and, pretty soon, we're going to face a crisis. But is anyone listening? No! Of course not. No-one is listening and that's terrifying. I remember a few years ago, when I was at school, the local council wanted to put some wind-turbines in a field just outside of town. But on 3 separate occasions, local townspeople (of the older generation I seem to remember) protested for hours outside the leisure centre across the road talking about how they thought it would be a blot on the landscape. A few of them started on my year group peers and they gave them what for back. I don't normally condone that sort of thing but I think that this was completely justified on this occasion. Because there's a sweet irony somewhere that some of those people protesting contributed greatly to the mess we're currently in. Well, they'll likely be dead by the time it's too late so why should they care. Don't worry guys, we'll deal with it! But everytime there's one little thing to help the world, whether it be turbines, hydro-electricity or eco-cars, there's always a big group of those narrow-minded bigots who will just protest it because they can. And, more often than not as the case with the local wind-turbines showed, they get their way and nothing changes. I don't know much about the Kyoto Protocol, whether it's helped or not but all I know is that it expired on the 1st January this year.

Has it been renewed? It's be interested to know.

4. Politics. The politics of this world is fucked up. I'll say it if no-one else will. It seems to have got to the point where, in order to make a stand for something, you have to blow something up or kill thousands of people. And there's other times where an atrocity happens and nothing changes. We're coming up to the first anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings in America where a young man took a gun into a school and killed numerous of children and teachers. But has anything changed? Not much. Obama tried but he's always blocked by those wretched Republicans. But this isn't the only thing where nothing changes. The point is, no-one listens to each other and nothing ever gets done. Well, unless it serves the interests of the ruling class, in which case it's done quicker than you can make an ommelet. How can I like a world where a Superpower is systematically persecuting homosexuals and doing nothing when its citizens take it further. (You all know to whom I refer). And how can I like a world where my own country is close to its collapse and the MPs who helped cause it are getting an £11,000 pay rise while my own mother is struggling to make ends meet, earning less than £10,000? And how can I live in a world where racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination are still commonplace in many parts of the world?

And for God's sake don't get me started on Bill O'Reilly... 

So, maybe I worded my original answer wrong. Maybe I don't dislike the world. Because there are many things I love about it. My family, my friends, music, Doctor Who, Cardiff and Berlin to name a few.

But I don't like what humans have done to the world. I don't like how the world works, the effects of what we've done to it and what it now stands for. Now, I'm not trying to make myself sound like an innocent, I've contributed to that world. I spend. I don't always recycle and I probably use more electricity than I should. (But then Hamsters and wheels are not cheap to keep...)

And there are so many things that can change this world. So many ways in which we can all work together to make this world just that little bit better! But will we? No fucking chance. The world will just keep turning the way it still does and nothing will change. The Government of Britain will still fuck us over day after day, you'll still go buy the latest gadget and update your Instagrams,

So until something does, this will be my world view. But with that, there's that question of who will change it? Who has the guts to take all these things to task? Well, no one person can! No one person can tackle all this in one foul swoop. But there are certain things we can tackle at once, together. I know I sound like I'm either a hippy or a communist but prove me wrong.

But to my friend's father point about travelling more, there's nothing I'd love more. I'd love to travel Europe, America, China, Japan, parts of Africa but it's just not possible for me currently. But that's not the issue here. The issue is not me travelling, it's what I'm travelling into. I'm travelling into the same old world, it's just a different named country. Greed, corruption, materialism and poverty.

But I'm just one person in one corner of the world. What the hell do I know. I know enough to want to help in changing. Anyone want or care to join me?

Thanks for listening me justify myself and whinge about Planet Earth. I understand that what I've put down here tonight is heavy. So, as a reward and a thank you, here's an insanely cute kitten who always has its tongue out for some bizarre reason. Meet Lil Bub.

Thanks again.

Until next time.

See ya.

EDITED ADDITION: My flatmate wrote a response to this as she is also a blogger. Here are her reasons as to why she likes the world.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Some (Slightly) Homemade Vogon Poetry [For All Hitchhikers Fans- With Help From The BBC]

If you belong to a galactic arts council, please make sure your legs are a safe distance from you when reading this. Even though this is bound to be better than anything by the Azgoths of Kria, we don't want a repeat of last time. Thank you.

"See, see the kind sky 
Marvel at its big turquoise depths. 
Tell me, Joe do you 
Wonder why the baboon ignores you?
Why its foobly stare
makes you feel crap.
I can tell you, it is
Worried by your gibblefibble facial growth
That looks like
A soup.
What's more, it knows
Your hard potting shed
Smells of slug.
Everything under the big kind sky
Asks why, why do you even bother?
You only charm mooses".

Still better than Paula Nancy Millstone-Jennings.


So, as a music buff, I always try and find new songs to fall in love with. And this song could come from any genre at all. I'm a rather open minded person when it comes to music.

But this year was tricky as so many good songs came out. So, as always, I had to make a shortlist.

*Disclaimer: This shortlist reflects my own personal opinion. No-one elses*

The first short list was:

'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)' by FALL OUT BOY
'The Paddington Frisk' by ENTER SHIKARI
'This Is Gospel' by PANIC! AT THE DISCO
'Biblical' by BIFFY CLYRO
'Resist' by TESSERACT
'Radioactive' by IMAGINE DRAGONS
'Never Never' by KORN
'A Light That Never Comes' by LINKIN PARK X STEVE AOKI
'Conquistador' by THIRTY SECONDS TO MARS

As you can see from these 10 songs, they're incredibly diverse. And I love each of them for many reasons. For example, I love My Songs Know by Fall Out Boy because it was their comeback single. I wasn't particularly keen on the album that followed but all the same, I thought it was a great song.

But from all of these, I had to pick my favourite. All of them were fantastic and it was really hard to choose my favourite. But I have done. And I'd like to briefly explain why.

My SONG OF THE YEAR 2013 is awarded to:


The song is a short song by the British prog metal group and isn't perhaps as complex as much of their other stuff. Which is why I like it. It's quite simplistic in its instrumental and its words are just stunningly beautiful. Considering the other stuff that the band turn out, it's definitely a more laid back song which is what makes it special to me. I fell in love with it the moment I heard it. And, also, who doesn't like 7 string guitars right?!

So here's the song! See what you think! What would you choose as your song of the year? Let me know!

See ya next time folks!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Nobody (A Short Story) [Originally written 2nd November 2012]

The sun shined all the way over the city skyline as a young man sits at a bus stop. It’s 7am and he’s ready for a weekend back at home. Seeing old friends, seeing family and staying somewhere familiar. He’d loved moving away but he missed home too. His job at a law firm was stable and paid well but that was only because he was alone. He hadn’t had a partner in a long time and he felt like no-one would ever love him. He lived alone and spent his nights in front of the telly watching Dragons Den and TOWIE and ate mostly take-aways. Any time he didn’t spend doing this he was at the gym working off last night’s pizza or something.

Despite only being away for a year he was starting to feel afraid for himself. 6 months previous to today, there’d been a murder on his estate. He was petrified of going out at night and got 6 extra locks fitted on his door so he could feel safer. It seemed that the city wasn’t the safe haven his ex-girlfriend had told me.

“I grew up there. And I didn’t turn out bad did I?” She once said to him. But after moving there, and their break-up, he tended not to listen to that. She lied to him about so many things before why not lie about this as well?

Soon after this over-reaction, he became almost completely withdrawn from everyone. His boss at the firm invited him out for late night drinks after winning a high-profile case but he refused out of fear for his safety. He also refused to go out with some friends who lived not too far away for the same reasons. Instead they would have weekly nights in. Which annoyed and concerned his mates. But this was ill-fated because soon after they got girlfriends. Leaving him behind a little bit more.

Alone in his flat, he continues to sit there munching on chow mein, drinking Becks, trying to forget the life he’d made for himself. And it was so promising. Good grades at school, great friends, some fantastic memories. And the he got the law apprenticeship in the city. So he packed up his old life and tried to start anew. But he didn’t realise it’d be this hard. He didn’t realise the real world was so strange. And sometimes he’d felt his parents had lied to him.

“It’ll be fine”, they’d say, “you’ll get a job, get a house, a car, then you’ll meet someone who’ll one day be your wife. Or husband if that’s what you’d prefer. Life works out in the end”.

Well it’s alright for them, they’ve had a stable life for 21 years. Married for 25, together for 28,  two kids, two cars, house, mortgage, proper picket-fence life. But what has he got? A flat, a job, a bed, a sofa and a Prison Break box-set. This is not what was promised to him. This is not what his parents meant at all. He felt insignificant, a failure, someone that didn’t matter. A nobody.

And so, he gets on the bus at 7:11am with a backpack on his shoulder heading for the little rural town he called home. He wasn’t sure what he’d expect when he got home and he didn’t want to let onto his parents that he was struggling with things. His sister may cotton on but she won’t say anything. She’s got a kid to worry about now. But he stops thinking about that for the moment. He sits down and tries to find something to make him smile. He looks around for inspiration but finds none. Desperate to think something happy, he picks up a newspaper. The front page says “Soldier killed in Afghanistan by rogue police officer”. Definitely not something to make him smile. So he gives up looking and decides to carry on with the journey, whatever shit it brought to his day.
Half an hour later he got off at the bus station and walked through the city centre to get to the station. But on his way, he passed a mother and a child. The mother was trying to carry all the shopping bags while trying to call a taxi to pick them up to take them home. The child however had other ideas and was trying to get out of his buggy. He tugged at the strap keeping him in his pram and tried to struggle free. After a short while he managed to. And started to run towards the road.

Slightly further up the road, a bus was driving down. The man looked and realised that the child would be hit by the bus by the time he got onto the road. And then he suffered a conflict of interest.

“Do I try to stop that child…or do I stand back?”

After a split second of thought, the man dropped his back pack and ran for the child. And then it was down to chance. If he was unsuccessful, at least he tried. And you can’t do anything but try right?

The man ran as fast as he could towards the racing child before the bus got to him first. He hadn’t run this fast since Year 8 sports day when he won the gold medal for the 100m. Would he be able to do it again?

People started to notice the situation and started to scream for help. The mother of the child turned around and realised. She cried frantically for her child to come back. But the child was blissfully unaware of the fate that awaited him.

The man finals got to the road. Seconds away from what could be the worst day of his life. He raced forward some more and grabbed the child. He continued to run to the other side just as the bus passed them. With centimetres to spare. They both fall to the floor and try to take in what just happened. People were surprised at to what this man had done and started to congratulate him. He looked at the child who was crying from fear.

“It’s ok little man…you’re alright. Just don’t do that again yeah?”

The little boy nodded. The mother ran over and grabbed the child from the man’s arms and comforted him. She looked to the man who had rescued her son and gave him an evil look.

“And I suppose you want a reward or something?”

The man looked shocked. He shook his head confused.

“No. I’m just glad you’re sons alright!”

She looked at him snobbishly again.

“Well…thanks I suppose!”

She grabbed her sons arm and stormed away. People looked disgusted about her reaction and continued to congratulate the man for what he’d done. They then soon went back to their daily lives. He got up, brushed himself down and walked back across the road to collect his backpack. Next to his backpack was an elderly man with a walking stick. Of 80, maybe 90. He smiled at the man as he picked up his back pack.

“That was quite something you did there son”.

The man looked at the elderly man and looked confused.

"Maybe. I’m just glad the kid’s ok”.

“Yeah. But she could’ve been nicer about it!”

The man nodded as he slung his bag over his shoulder. The elderly man continued.

“I just wanted to say something to you. I wanted to say that I’ve only ever seen something else like that once before in my life. It was on the beaches in 1944. There were bullets everywhere, German and our own. Bombs going off, people losing arms, legs and everything else. Body parts everywhere. It was worse than hell itself. I was about your age at the time. I got onto the beach eager to hunt some Jerrys. I was on the beach for 20 seconds when a bomb went off near me and sent me flying. I landed on a spike and it went right through my right leg. It was the single most excruciating experience I had ever felt. And where I’d landed was in a vantage point for the enemy. I was a sitting duck. But then a young man came over to me through the bullets and chaos and came to help me. He became a sitting duck too. I told him to go but he refused and he lifted me up off the spike. He then ran me over to the medic who managed to patch me up. After dropping me off, I thanked him and he ran off back into the battle. I took his name. Corporal James Hunt was his name. I tried to find him after the war. But I found out that he was killed shortly after helping me. And I couldn’t do anything to stop it”.

The man looked upset by this story. But the elderly man smiled.

“But do you know what the good thing is about this story? Corporal James Hunt saved my life that day. And I was able to thank him. And although that little boy can’t thank you in person, he will one day in absentia. And it was nice to see a Corporal Hunt again. You are the sort of person we fought that godforsaken war for. It’s for people like you that we won it for. And it’s for people like you that we did win”.

The elderly man walked off and left the man on his own. He reflected on what the old man said and he realised something that he’d needed to realise.

He wasn’t a nobody anymore…