Tuesday 11 February 2014

What's In A Name? (Part Two)

Alternatively, you could've been called these...

So now that I've briefly explained my favourite names and names I would like to use for children I may produce, allow me to delve into some other names that other people have used or would like to use one day. Believe me, some of that are kinda strange...

First of all though, I'd like to give a shout out to my friend Eleanor. You may remember I mentioned her when I said why I'd like to use the name Eleanor. She's a good friend of mine who's very arty and much clever than I. Anyway, she commented on my Facebook last night after I put this up and said that shewould like to name her future daughter Cassiopeia. Eleanor, as far as I'm still aware, is an astronomy buff. And, of course, Cassiopeia is a constellation. (I'm presuming it's one of her favourites, hence why she'd like to call her that!) So there's not much surprise there if that is the reason. (Eleanor also likes the name Patrick, because of the late astronomy legend Sir Patrick Moore. Someone I'd completely forgotten about when thinking about the name Patrick!)

But I'm also informed by Eleanor that Cassiopeia was also the name of a beautiful queen in Greek Mythology and the wife of Cephus. It was said that Cassiopeia and her daughter, Andromeda, were more beautiful than the daughters of the God Nereus, which brought the wrath of Poseidon upon them.

So, Eleanor my dear, if you do name your daughter Cassiopeia, keep an eye out for vengeful Greek Gods!

(Check out Eleanor's brilliant art page here: www.facebook.com/edukesswyer)

And now to my friend, Frances. Frances and I have discussed baby names at numerous points in the recent past and I'm always astounded about the names she comes up with. (If you thought my list was good, you ought to read hers. She's put way more thought into baby names than I have!)

Some names that we suggested we both liked. For example, we were both partial to the names Rhiannon and Patrick. However, she has much more...unique...names than I do!

Here are some of the names she's allowed me to share with you. (This is not her entire list...)


- Heathcliff. Not sure why. I think it sounds pretty cool. Very Downton Abbey but there we go!
- Connley. Irish?
- Anael. Celtic?
- Ainsley. Named after a British chef, Frances?
- Aibheann. (Apparently pronounced Avon?)
- Nathaniel.
- Marius. She's a Les Mis fan.
- Alistair.


- Annabella. Lovely name!
- Eleanor. (Pattern emerging here...)
- Marie.
- Ebba. Named after a friend of hers.
- Lyra.
- Iliana.
- Avalon.
- Aradia. Although I love this name, I can't help but think it sounds like a planet from Doctor Who?
- Mhairi.
- Caireann. Again, thinking Celtic or Irish?
- Memory
- River.

Now, as a self-respecting and loyal Whovian, I honestly did try and persuade Frances to give her future daughter, River, the middle name of 'Song', but she flat out refused. I just want to make that clear. I still think she's missing a trick here for future Whovians! But hey, I tried!


Seriously, some of these are mind-blowing. Frances shared part of this list with me, (which I described as "Frank Zappa's to-do-list"), and another part of it was from the Daily Mail. (I know, it's the only time I'll ever happily use it. Trust me. This is a once in a lifetime spectacle).

So here they are. The Daily Mail list first. I'm not going to put all of them so I'll put 10 for each.

Here were the top 10 (bizarre) baby names for boys in 2013*.

1.     Tiger
2.     Victory
3.     Tucker
4.     Tory
5.     Prosper
6.     Porter
7.     Perseus
8.     Luck
9.     Kassius
10.   London

Yup. I'm interested in where 'Victory' comes from...

Top 10 (bizarre) baby names for girls in 2013*.

1.     Zelie
2.     Tea
3.     Rosielee
4.     Vogue
5.     Summer-ray
6.     Sunny
7.     Tru
8.     Sorrel
9.     Pinky
10.   Ream

Yup. Me neither. But there we go!

And now for Frank Zappa's list. Instead of writing them all out, or picking a few, I think it'd be much funnier for you to look at them yourself. (http://www.babycenter.com/0_unusual-baby-names-of-2013_10388919.bc) But I will tell you my 3 personal favourites from each.

1. Leviathan. Who doesn't like this idea? You could drive Supernatural fans mad!
2. Osbaldo. Purely because I'm heading that way, might as well have a joke about it.
3. Stetson. Because they're cool.

1. Eternity. Purely because it sounds like a bit of a cruel joke?
2. Ezgi. Yup, me neither.
3. Wrigley. Just because.

I love weird names. I do. They bring so much joy into my life. And I hope the lists I've shared with you bring some joy into yours too!

If you had the choice to name your children, what would you name yours? I'm intrigued to hear what names you'd like to use! They can be as weird, unique or as normal as you like!

Until saturday, when the next part of Ducks By The Lake will be up, see you later on!

*Taken from an article The Mail Online. "Vogue, Nirvana, Tea, Reem and PEPPA: The most bizarre baby names of 2013" by Martha De Lacey. 27th December 2013


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Haha these make me laugh. Imagine Perseus at school. "No, I'm not a half blood, just mortal." Ha. Stetson, really?

      Heathcliff. Well then. Going a little Bronte, are we? :D

      I'm a big fan of Irish names, they are so pretty. Personally I like Nora, Aileen, Emmet and I've always liked Finn. I also like Aimhirghin, but that's a little bit much haha

    2. Not sure why it says I deleted a comment....oh well.

    3. Haha. The school demi-God :L My friend did get it from Wuthering Heights so must have done :)

      My little cousin's called Finn. Haven't seen him in a while. The last time I saw him he tried to attack me with a spade...it was a misunderstanding :L

      Aimhirghin? How do you pronounce that? I'm assuming that's Irish?

  2. To be honest, I'm not really sure how you pronounce it. But yes, it is Irish.

  3. I love more surreal names, but the ones have that have an elegance. And I can't believe you didn't go down the Cathy route with Heathcliff..

