Tuesday 4 February 2014

What If...?

In which I try to speculate what could've happened if a certain something hadn't happened.

I make no secret of the fact that I don't like the city of Newport in Wales. People kept trying to put me off it when I told them I wanted to go to uni there but, being a Frampton, I was stubborn and decided that this was my destiny. There were numerous reasons as to why I wanted to move to Newport.

1. I've always wanted to live in Cardiff. A dream I still intend to fulfill at some stage in my life. My initial thinking was if I spent 3 years in Newport (naively) I could then try to move to Cardiff from there instead of trying to reach a job interview from my hometown. I'd be 20 odd minutes away so it would be easier to transfer to the Welsh Capital.

2. The course seemed a good idea at the time. It seemed very varied and individually orientated. (To be fair, the course was under-subscribed so things had to change).

3. I'm a sucker for a Welsh accent...

4. I kinda hoped I'd be able to chat up a Welsh woman with my English ways. (God I was naive...)

5. I had friends in neighboring Cardiff. My mum maintains that this was the main reason I wanted to go to Wales. It was a reason, but it was very low down on my list.

And the list goes on.

I'd rather not go into the really bad thing that happened in the city, but let's just say it made me very scared of my new-found surroundings. I have trust issues as it is, this just made it worse.

I left Newport in December 2012 and I'm yet to return. (Not likely anytime soon). But there were some good things to come out of that university, even if I didn't stay for very long.

Firstly, there's my flatmates. I lived with 4 other people in a very small part of our halls. I got on best with two of them but I did get along with the other two of them...most of the time...but they were wonderful. I could not ask for better flatmates. With the two I got on with best, we felt like family. Which was lovely. And my friend's mum always tried to include me in things they did. It was wonderful. They were wonderful and lovely. I could not have asked for anything better. I think this is a good reason why I felt so bad after I left. I know they did so much for me and I just, well, disappeared without any proper explanation. I felt bad.

Sadly, I don't talk to them much anymore. I really wish I did but, I suppose that happens. We talk from time to time and catch up but that's as far as it goes. I don't know.

Secondly, there's my course friends. They were my best friends at uni and I could not have wished for a more lovely group of people to spend 3 months with. I think I made the comment recently that if I had the current course I was doing in Winchester, with the people I was with at Newport then it would be my perfect course. (That's not to say I don't love the people in Winchester. Of course I do!)

My 3 best friends were Mary, Zeke and James. We always used to sit together before and during lectures and often used to just sit and chat about anything and everything. Mary and I used to talk about Doctor Who almost endlessly (to the extent where she referred to me tonight as "her Doctor") while Zeke, James and I just used to joke about controversial topics. We often used to have James' girlfriend join us too which was nice. But they were all lovely people. And, even though they might not think it, I really do miss them greatly.

I got on with most of classmates too and made some wonderful friends who I do still speak to! (Menna, looking at you here!) Which is something that I can take away from it and know it was something good, even if the rest of it fell apart very quickly.

But if I hadn't have gone to Newport, numerous things would not have happened.

1. I would not have met the people I met. And I never regret meeting someone. Especially them. Like I said, I made some wonderful friends and I would not change that for anything. I still enjoy seeing them on the rare occasion that I do and it's nice to catch up with all of them when I can.

2. If I never went to Newport, I would not have had the best job I've had to date. In November/December 2012, I worked on the Millennium Stadium complex in Cardiff during the Welsh Rugby Internationals. I worked for 3 shifts in a bar just on the outside of the complex and, although it was very intense as I was a barman and a waiter, it was hands down the best job I've had to date. (I also got a close glimpse of Kate Middleton and Prince William at one point!) but I loved it.

3. I would never have had the life lessons I learnt about cities and personal safety as nothing bad has happened to me in Winchester yet. So that's something too.

But I can't help but wonder, what would have happened IF I'D STAYED in Newport. What if I'd let my head rule my heart and I stayed put. Here are some things that I think could've happened had this been the case.

1. I would've been able to work more at the Millennium Stadium. The staff were keen to have my flatmate (who worked alongside me) and I back for the 2013 6 Nations championships. Which, let's face it, would've been ace!

2. I would not have had my feelings broken by a female. But then it was going to happen, again, at some stage wasn't it so that's not really an important one. But it's something I thought of.

3. I may well have moved in with my course-mates in the second year. That'd have been fun. Considering they all had to commute in. (One of them had a 2 hour commute!) So I like to think living with them would've been a lot of fun.

4. I would not have been as close to London as I am now. I know this is a weird one but it's nice knowing currently that I can catch the train to London in about an hour rather cheaply. I suppose, had I remained in Wales, I'd go to Cardiff. I wouldn't need London. But still, I enjoy visiting London. It's big, loud and has lots to do! (So does Cardiff but, to be fair, Cardiff doesn't have the British Museum. It has an awesome museum in the Cathays area but...you know...)

5. I would not have met the people I've met here in Winchester. Although I do miss the Newport contingent, I've met some wonderful people here too. People I wouldn't change meeting at all. Even if one of my best friends here is an avid Thatcherite obsessed with Napalm with slight psychopathic tendencies...(You know who I mean...)

But yeah. They're just some of my musings on what could've been. It's interesting thinking about what ifs. Because certain things play out in your head and you'll have one of 2 reactions.

1. Wow...am I glad that didn't happen...


2. Damn...

Good night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. The first thing that came into my head upon reading the title of this was;

