Sunday 9 February 2014

Creature Of Sentiment

My emotions rule me

There's one thing I know about myself for certain. I obviously know myself better than anyone but some things about myself still surprise me even after 20 years.

Recently, I told a friend of mine that my plan over the next few years was to withdraw from my hometown almost completely. Only visiting it on rare occasions as I'm sure many people do throughout their lives. But, as last night proved, this might be easier said than done.

I should probably explain.

I've lived in the same time pretty much all my life. With the exception of my move to Newport and Winchester of course. I lived in the same house all my life and, again with the exception of Newport and Winchester, I've had no experience of moving house. So, I'm at a disadvantage emotionally. I used to get very emotional when leaving my hometown for prolonged wild and I was always prone to homesickness. I know many people are, but I do wonder if people who haven't moved as much in their life are more prone to it?

Anyway, I went to the same school for 7 years. As did many other I know so I don't know why I'm complaining but hey. And I always find it slightly hard to go back. I don't know why, I just do.

I went back yesterday to see my old school's musical production. A friend of mine had asked me to come along because she had one of the lead roles in it. I organised to get tickets as well as finding out some old friends/acquaintances were also involved. So I was very keen to go.

And it was very nostalgic. It reminded me of when I was in the school musical 2 years ago (which is how I met my friend in the first place) and just generally being at that school. I saw some old teachers and staff that I knew and had a nice chat with them. It was weird. Very weird.

I managed to see my friend eventually (as well as a couple of others I was hoping to catch) and I was very happy. I hadn't seen her for a while and she's always asking after me when she sees my mum (who works with her at school. She's 14) and I'm asking after her a lot. So it was nice to see her again. She was brilliant in the musical and, even though it wasn't my place, I felt very proud of her. I felt very proud of all the people I knew within it. It was a great show.

But seeing them brought back so many good memories of my time at school. As I got close to the end of my first year of Sixth Form, I couldn't want to leave. Now I kinda wanna be back there with all of them. But then, that's me being sentimental. I'd love to be in the musical with them all again and I'd just love to sit in that canteen knowing I could see anyone I wanted if they were around. You didn't have to look far.

I'm a sentimental old thing really.

Never wish your childhood away. You'll regret it later.

Mmmm. Memories...


  1. It goes both ways; Never wish your childhood away but also don't live there. You need to be able to visit Shaftesbury as an adult, you'll never escape the memories but you can't live in them.

    I've moved about a whooooole lot more than you in my lifetime and Shaftesbury is where I eventually settled so it has a place in my heart. And I miss it a loooot, because I have so much history and family there. I'm used to leaving home for at least a week quite frequently throughout my life but Uni is a whole other deal, I still struggle with home sickness.

    I don't want to return there properly for quite a while but I'm very happy to spend my summers there and I expect one day when I want to start a family of my own I will return to the vague area. :)

    1. In relation to the last point about you setting up a family in the vague area of Shaftesbury, I wish you luck. I can't see myself moving back to Dorset at all! So if you do I'll obviously come and visit but best of luck!

  2. I'm starting to understand this feeling with the end of my high school so close. I've always wished I was older, and now I wish I could go back and do those years over.

    1. I always wished I was older to. But then it hits you like a train when you leave. Are you hoping to go to uni or higher education?

    2. Yep I'm going to uni. I also want to study abroad for a semester; hopefully at Oxford. My school has a program. I don't know, we'll see. :)

    3. Ah cool :) What are you going to study? Ooooh. Oxford! You must be insanely clever then! Well, if you do and ever come to somewhere called Winchester give me a shout!

    4. Not really that clever. :D I just had to get into the school I plan on going to. It's a dream anyway. :) So far everyone has laughed at it.
