Sunday 2 February 2014

Adult Letter To An Absent Friend

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind...


Just writing this to see how you are. How everything's going with you? I hope everything's ok and all is well with you. How is your life? Your studies going ok? Mine are going fine. Working hard and playing harder of course. Some things are a bit tricky but, it's to be expected right?

How's the family? Brothers and sisters ok? Parents? They must've been very proud of you when you left them for uni. Their little child all grown up now. Do you miss home at all? I do sometimes but I just watch something funny and it all goes away. Well, you're clever and strong. I'm sure you're doing just fine.

So...yeah. I'm not going to lie, I'm not expecting a response from you. I'm only writing this on a whim. We haven't spoken for...what...6 months now? I've tried contacting you a few times but to no avail. I only hear how you're doing from our mutual friends. Even then, that's minimal. I hear little bits but then, so do they. It's a little worrying actually.

The truth is, I miss you. I REALLY miss you. Terribly. I miss the times where I used to phone you up and just have a funny chat about anything and everything. I miss when we used to meet up and we used to have such fun. Just being around you or hearing your voice would automatically make me smile.

If I were ever down, I'd phone you and I'd be instantly cheered up just by you saying 'hello'. I miss the advice and your soft tones giving me some of the best advice I've ever had. I know we didn't always agree on things but hey, we didn't always have to did we, eh?

I miss being able to talk to you. I miss you telling me those wonderful quirky stories you used to tell me about school or what you'd done that day with other friends. I miss your little quirks and I miss the never-ending joy you used to spread. You were always so happy. If you weren't, which was very rare, I'd do everything I could to cheer you up again. To return the favour if anything else.

With the exception of my parents, you were the best influence I had. You were such a good influence for me. If you had troubles and you could get through them, so could I. I know that this wasn't always the case but I tried.

I just felt the need to say it. Because, I think I know why I haven't heard from you for a while. And I'm not sure when I'll next hear from you if I do at all. And that's fine. I just wish you the all the best in the world. Maybe I'll bump into you one day and we will end up chatting but, if not, I just wanted to say I miss you and to wish you the best of luck in the world.

You've got so much going for you and I know that you'll make a good go at it. Because you always do. And I'd never expect anything less of you.

Also, if it's my last chance to say it, I'm very proud of you. I am. I know it sounds weird coming from someone who isn't a parent but I am. Just, don't let me down on that one, eh?

So, until we meet again.

Always yours.

Your mad friend.


A friend of mine asked me if I was ok earlier after reading this because it "tugged at his heartstrings" and that I seemed sad throughout this.

Just to clarify in case anyone was wondering, this is a piece of fiction based on reality. I did have someone in mind when I wrote this but I tried to write it in such a way that it was generic. If you can identify with it then great. That was the overall intention! Everyone has at least one person that they've lost due to circumstances out of their control and this was just a reflection of that.

Hope you enjoy it anyway!

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