Monday 3 February 2014

Some Observations On The Train Today

If you haven't people watched, you're missing out.

Woman on the opposite platform. Wears her hair straight with some blonde highlights. Lack of a wedding ring or any kind of jewellery, suggesting that she's single and has been for some time. Wearing bright flowery leggings with a white cardigan. Possibly could be considered a hipster but judging by the immaculate way she's looking, she might be trying to catch the attention of someone at work perhaps. Someone who may well have a thing for alternative girls. Make-up appears to be excessive. Either hiding a skin problem or is attempting to attract a man as I previously thought. Small smile when the train approaches. Appears happy to be heading towards her destination. Attraction theory fits but so does visiting family. Though, due to the way she looks, attraction is my final guess.

65% chance of success. Chances might improve if she chose not to wear the flowery leggings again as it looks like she's offering a shrubbery to the Knights who say "Ni".

School-child on the train. Wears hair in a spiky fashion. Attitude and posture suggests he considers himself one of the 'popular' kids but seeing the way he plays with it suggests that he's only doing it to avoid possible bullying and has some identity issues. Sad-looking expression throughout section of journey. Gets off at Romsey and still looks upset when he walks past me. Suggests he does not enjoy school because of the possible act he may be putting up.

Or might just hate Mondays. 

Young woman with red-hair across the aisle. Very pretty. Did not make any further observations as I got distracted and kept thinking how pretty she looked.

Damn you, pretty redhead.

Man in sharp suit. Possibly works for a banking firm or a solicitors. Confused as to current location indicates he did not check his route before coming on board and that geography might not be his strong point. Seems apparently grateful for my intervention while also giving me evil looks upon my offering of help. Crease-less suit indicates that he is a man of sophistication and likes making a good first impression. Takes job more seriously than he needs to. Due to giving of evils towards me, I suspect that he likes to be independent. Or he might just find me annoying after my asking for a pen to do my cross-word.

His refusal leads me to believe he might be a spoil-sport. Or have some kind of unresolved hatred for word puzzles. Possibly due to a childhood trauma of not being able to work out 11 across.

Twenty-something woman asleep on the train.

I suspect she might be tired.

Man looking at me very weirdly on journey home. Grey hair, smartly dressed with backpack. Suggests he has been on a tourist trip to a quiet city. Salisbury perhaps. Wife engrossed in a book while the man liberally eyes up every woman he shares the carriage with. Looks at me weirdly every 5 seconds. He does not know that I've noticed as I can see him through his reflection against the night sky.

This might be due to my weird and heavy breathing.

Man on platform at Eastleigh. Taking the same train as me but is continually laughing at me as I pace up and down the platform. Continual spying on me suggests that he has nothing of interest happening at this present moment or is looking for a distraction from difficult and complex issues happening in his private life.

Or it could be the fact I keep jumping everytime I hear a train horn behind me.



To anyone who's interested, the answer to 11 across was 'Attrition'.


  1. This is amazing. It's as brilliant as Sherlock Holmes. (I may or may not have read this in his voice) Fantastic job.

    1. Why thank you my dear. That was kind of the idea :P But I'm glad you liked it!

  2. Ha, I loved this. Read it in your voice but made me laugh because of it.

    Or have some kind of unresolved hatred for word puzzles.
    Twenty-something woman asleep on the train.

    I suspect she might be tired.
    Or might just hate Mondays.
    Knights who say 'Ni'

    Cleverly witty and the kind of thing I tend to do too! Also I suspect you did look rather funny scuttling up and down the station platform. :P
