Monday 10 February 2014

What's In A Name? (Part One)

Believe me kids, you could've been called any number of these...

So, I'm not sure if anyone else does this, but I like to think about what I'd call my future children had I complete control over the naming process.

I'm know I'm not the ONLY one, because I'm going to give you some ideas from my Kiwi friend ( So I know some people do it, but I also understand that it's also going to be a bit strange on the whole. (But then, a lot of the time I have not much else to think about!)

But names are funny things. For example, my name is Joshua. It's a biblical name and it means "strong and determined" I'm led to believe. They obviously hadn't met me. But I was originally going to be called, regardless of gender, Jody. Whether I was a boy or a girl, (me as a girl...jeez...), I was going to be called Jody. I honestly prefer that to Joshua! But hey, I'm too lazy to change it. Plus it costs too much.

But names are odd. And, although they're only just a label, THERE ARE SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. Some people name their children after long-gone relatives. Some name them after TV show characters, (see Frances, it's possible!), and some name them after where they were conceived.

(I find this slightly bizarre but it never did my friend Skip any harm...)

Regardless, I do think of these things. And I do have a list of names that I would like to use. Obviously, as my friend Sammy pointed out in a previous post, my future partner might not be so understanding about my list. But still, it's my life. I'll create it.


Obviously, I've bounded one name about for quite a while now that I'm convinced will be used either way. Thanks to a dream I had, and a resulting song of mine, MOLLY is my first name of choice for a daughter. But there are other names that I'm fond of that I think might have a nice ring to it if added with my surname.

- Victoria (or Vicky). Always been a bit partial to this name. I had a good friend called Vicki when I was younger and, ever since then, that name's stuck with me. To me it speaks confidence and determination. That's just what I think of it anyway. (plus I think Victoria Frampton sounds good...)

- Amelia (or Amy). So I'm also partial to this name. But for different reasons. This is the Whovian in me coming out. Amelia is a rather oldish name but, thanks to Doctor Who I think, it's coming back! So maybe it's not good in that respect. (It was hard enough having 3 Joshs in a class, can you imagine 3 or more Amys? It's hard enough here at uni!) Amy Frampton anyone?

- Rhiannon. A name I've always been fond of but I don't think I would use due to the fact I don't think that Rhiannon Frampton has that good a ring to it. It doesn't sound right for some reason. It's a beautiful name. Irish I think. Again, I had a friend called Rhiannon when I was younger and it reminds me of her sometimes. But it's a lovely name all the same.

- Eleanor. Only 3 more names to go for the girls. But I think the name Eleanor has an element it. It's another oldy-worldy name but it's one of my personal favourites. I currently have a friend called Eleanor who is one of the most intelligent and creative people I know so I feel fairly confident with the name Eleanor. If my Eleanor was as lovely and arty as my friend, I'd be a very happy Joshy.

- Emily. Come on, who doesn't like the name Emily?! It's a lovely name. I know it's been a steadily common name over the past 30 years but that's obviously for a reason. I know one Emily and she's lovely! Again, kind and creative person. Happy Joshy if that's the case with Emily Frampton?

- Sarah. Another name I love. Always have. I just like the sound of it. I know a couple of Sarahs and they're pretty cool. So who knows?


- Patrick. Well, I just love that name. I've only ever known one Patrick and he was great. But I'd name this Patrick after the character of Patrick Jane from The Mentalist. I love that show and I love the character. I'd love my son to be like him. (Without the death of course...)

- Jody. Goes without saying.

- Matthew. Named after Matt Bellamy from Muse? I can't help it. I love Muse.

- Oliver. Again, like the name!

Well, we'll see how it goes eh?

Tune in tomorrow for Part Two where I'll explore some of Frances' favourite names, as well as some of the weirdest names of 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Haha. I was mentioned. And I loved the idea of Amelia when I was growing up, it was one of my favourite names until the whole Doctor Who thing. :/
