Thursday 20 February 2014

I Need A New Country, Eh?

I think I've found my new spiritual home...

The other day, I took a test which is similar to the ones that is given to immigrants applying for a visa to the UK. And, to my horror, I failed it! I've lived in Britain all my life and I got below the pass rate! How I managed that is beyond me but obviously I don't belong in university, let alone the UK.

So this got me thinking. If the Government ever found out, (yeah, I know, I'm putting it online. Irony), and they evicted me from living in this country, where would I go? I'm quite picky about things I need/want so it's have to be somewhere where I'd feel completely comfortable and find some like-minded people. And, so far, there's only been 1 candidate.


Yes. Canada, as far as I can tell, would be my first place destination on the unlikely chance I'm evicted from the UK for being laissez faire about its culture. And here's why.

1. Bacon and Maple Syrup. IF THERE IS A HEAVEN IT'S CANADA. (Or an island of the coast of Japan infested with rabbits but that's neither here nor there). If you haven't tried Maple Syrup on Bacon, do. (Unless you're veggie for obvious reasons). It's wonderful. Yes it's unhealthy for you but everything in moderation! It's like a taste explosion. It's something I'd wanted to try for many years now and I finally had it on the 9th Feb 2014. And it was well worth waiting for. It's such a weird thing! Something sweet on bacon...mind-blowing.

2. The Canadian Accent. I'm a sucker for an accent. Obviously my favourite is the Welsh (being a Cymruphile*) but the Canadian accent is definitely one of my favourites. It's not American (and yes I have landed myself in hot water mixing the two up. Which is confusing if you've met someone from Maine, USA and Toronto on the same day...) But what's not to like? It's kind of...well...nice. Give me a girl with an accent any day.

3. The Crazy Population. Have you ever met a Canadian? They're insane! But it's a nice kind of insane. Some things I've seen Canadians say or do are absolutely wonderful. They've got a better sense of humor than their former British overlords. (To be fair though, nearly everyone has a better sense of humor than us...) And, stereo-typically, they apologise for everything. So do I. I've maintained for a while now that I'm a Canadian apologetic. But the Canadian people seem like such a happy bunch! It'd be nice to interact with them and experience that for myself.

4. The Food. I've already mentioned bacon and maple syrup but there's so many other things that sound wonderful! Let's start with 'Poutine'. Chips, gravy, cheese and veal strips. (I suppose you could exchange for bacon?) Again, not one you can have a lot but all the same. Then there's the 'Butter Tart' which is basically a little pastry pie with dried fruit in it. Seems tasty. Might actually make them one day...Finally, there's a 'Kraft Dinner'. To be fair, this is just effectively macaroni cheese but made by the Kraft company but it's become the national dish by default given that the creator of Kraft and the man who adapted the recipe from the original macaroni cheese was indeed Canadian. Wunderbar!

5. The Culture. Canada has many positive attributes to its society from a liberal perspective. Not only does it have free healthcare** or marriage equality, but it also has kinder eggs! That aside, the culmination of the British based and French based culture are just frankly wonderful to me. I have a feeling I'd fit in well there.

OBVIOUSLY, I've never been to Canada so I don't know if I'm right unless I go! But don't worry, it is on my to-do-list. My new housemate told me about something that happened in her last uni where students could sign up for this thing where a few groups would get dropped off in different places in Europe and the first back to the uni wins. Maybe that could happen with Canada? (I doubt it but I can dream right?)

Anyway, sorry for lack of posts! It's a mixture of being busy and not being well but I will catch up at some stage! Until then, Joshua out!

*Cymruphile, to my knowledge, is an actual term. It means someone who has an obsession with the country and culture of Wales. Although I don't think it's recognized in the Dictionary. I saw it on someone's Twitter.

**As far as I'm aware. If you are Canadian, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


  1. This post reminds me of something my mum once said, that should the BNP or some other uber-fascist party come into power, as a mixed British/mainly German family, we'd be a tad screwed, and she'd be highly tempted to leave the country. One of her suggestions was Canada, and also Australia. Why not Germany? In the scenario above it was deemed to be too close in geographical distance to Britain, thus too risky, just in case. That was a very interesting conversation actually.

  2. Haha. I find it amusing that you've never expressed an interest in going to Canada before. I've always loved the idea, especially the accents! Although sometimes Canadians genuinely do sound exactly the same as soft accented Americans. It's inevitable!
    You didn't mention root-beer Joshua, I am appalled.
