Sunday 10 November 2013

Tumblr (A Kids Story About The Importance Of Feels)

"Are you sitting comfortably, Molly?"

"Yes, Daddy"

"Good. Then I'll begin. Which story would you like me to read to you tonight?"

"Ummmm...a new one?"

"A new one?"

"Yeah! A new one!"

"Well, I don't know many more..."

"Make one up! Please Daddy?"

"Ok. Because it's you. But we mustn't wake Mummy or Mackenzie!"


"Ok...let me think...I know...I know one that will make you laugh, make you cry...but will scare you a bit too..."

"Uh oh..."

The Tumblr by Joshua Frampton (with some help from Molly)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Let's call her...oh...I don't know...Alice...

"No, Daddy. Alice is in Wonderland!"

"Oh ok, well...what shall we call her?"


"But that's your name...we can't use YOUR name! Can we?"

"Yeah! Please Daddy?"

"Ok. On your own head be it..."

Once upon a time, there was a little girl and she was called Molly. She was a very happy girl and did everything she wanted to do. She went to school, she saw her friends, learnt about LOTS and LOTS of cool stuff and ate...ummmm...peanut butter sandwiches!


"Work with me here, sweetie".

But Molly liked something else. One thing she loved more than her friends, more than school, more than peanut butter sandwiches, even more than her Mummy and Daddy! And that was television. She loved all kinds of tv shows! Because each one was like a little story where she could run away for a while and forget about everything. But these weren't ordinary TV shows!


No they weren't. Because these shows had something not many other shows did! And they were called 'Fandoms'.

"Fandoms? What are they?!"

Fandoms were groups of people who like a certain TV show. Normally, people stick to just one. But Molly was one of the awesome people who could move into different ones because she loved so many different shows! She didn't like every single one but she loved loads! Her favourite shows were...Doctor Who...









"I don't know those..."

"I know you don't. But the Molly in the story does!"

But she loved numerous different fandoms. Molly and her friends would talk all day about the programmes. 'Oh did you see the new episode of Doctor Who? The Daleks were back! AND the Weeping Angels!'

"No Daddy...not the Angels!"

"Yes! The Angels!"

And they would talk about it for hours and hours. They enjoyed watching the shows because it gave them emotions they don't normally use in real life. 

"Do you know what emotions they could use watching the shows?"


"Happy. Definitely."



"Yeah! Because, people will get angry if the show is left on a...left on a...hanging cliff!"

"Haha. Ok. Anger. But other emotions such as sad, confused and surprise!"

But, one day, something would happen that would change them all.

"What is it, Daddy?"

"Well I haven't got to that bit yet..."

One day, they were talking about their favourite TV shows in school, when suddenly, a boy appeared!

"A boy? Eww!"

"Oh sweetie...stay 5 forever..."

A boy appeared! He came over to the girls and started talking to them. He knew about the same TV shows too! He was a big Doctor Who fan too and he was also part of the fandom. 'Did you like the last episode?' He asked. 'Yeah!' Molly replied. 'I did! The Angels scare the heebie jeebies out of me!' 'Yeah and me' the boy replied. 'Mind you', he said, 'I missed the episode originally, I saw parts of it on Tumblr!'


"Uh huh!"

'Tumblr?!' Molly asked, 'what's Tumblr?' 'Tumblr', he said, 'it's a website where people share stuff about their favourite tv shows, films and stuff!' The girls all looked at each other. 'That sounds like a good idea!' Molly said. 'I might start to use it!'

"Uh oh..."

"Uh oh indeed..."

So that night, Molly went home, spoke to her mummy and daddy, spoke to her little sister, then went to her bedroom. When she got into her bedroom, she went on the computer!



"I can't go on the computer in my room! I don't have one!"

"Yeah...get used to that..."

She went on the computer and typed 'Tumblr' into Google. It came up as the first result, so she clicked it. Suddenly, her screen filled with...with...EVERYTHING!"


"Ssssh...mummy and Mackenzie..."


She saw EVERYTHING she could possibly want to do with her favourite shows. Pictures, videos, GIFS...


"Magical things..."

"Tumblr has magic? It's a computer thing!"

"Who's telling this story?"

"You. But computers aren't magic!"

"They are tonight, sweetie..."

She looked around the site for ages and looked at everything she could find. It was like a pot of gold! She saw lots of things from her favourite TV shows. Lots of pictures and GIFS from Doctor Who, Merlin, lots of different things! She laughed for ages. And, at first, she seemed to enjoy checking the site out. She stayed on it for most of the night. Way past her bedtime!"

"I'd never do that, Daddy..."

"Oh give it time..."

She went to school the next day and told her friends about the wonder of Tumblr. All the things they'd seen and how they were going to go back on it that night. And they did. Molly came in, spoke to mum and dad, little sister, then went on the computer. Back onto Tumblr. And that's when things started to go horribly wrong...

"Oh no!"

"Oh yes..."

The pictures she saw yesterday were still there...but so were some others. But these new pictures weren't happy or funny...they were sad. They gave things away about the next episode! And they showed things that happened that made Molly very sad...

"Oh no..."

She kept looking through but all she saw was sad images. Like, The Doctor and Rose saying goodbye, Arthur dying...

"Arthur dies?"


"Arthur dies?"

"'s just what the images showed..."

Suddenly, Molly started to feel sad all over again! She was sad when she first saw the show but now she was sad all over again over the same thing! Tumblr had turned on her! She realised that Tumblr wasn't a wonderful site...but it was PURE EVIL!


Evil. Worse than any witch in any story. Worse than Morgana, worse than the Daleks! Pure evil. And Molly had been sucked in by it! She soon started to realise the Tumblr was really an evil thing that fed on her tears! And the tears of every other young girl who liked tv shows like Doctor Who and Merlin! Because everyone has a little thing in them called 'Feels'. And this, along with the tears, is what the evil Tumblr fed on. It sucked the feels out of her and ate it so that it filled it's big evil belly. Because Molly wasn't the only person whose feels it had eaten! It had eaten hundreds of people's feels! It was Tumblr's main diet!

"Molly's losed her feels?"

Molly had lost her feels. And she needed to get them back! Or else she'd never be able to watch another tv show again!

"Oh no!"

She had to get her feels back somehow. So she called out to all of the other people across Tumblr. 'Help!' she screamed. 'My feels have gone! Help me!' But no-one answered. And it seemed like her feels had gone for good. 

"No! Molly needs her feels!"

"I know!"

But suddenly, something wonderful happened. Someone came to her rescue. Somebody sent her a video. She opened it with case it was another evil trick by Tumblr to finish her off!

"What was it, Daddy?"

"Wait and see..."

She opened the video...and it was the best thing she'd ever seen.

"What was it?!"

It was a video of a kitten that looks surprised! She kept watching right until the end and she started to cry with happiness as it was SOOOOOOOOO cute. And that's when Tumblr started to fade...Tumblr knew it had been beaten. The sight of a cute kitten was too much for it and it went away.

"It went away?"

"It went away".

Molly, realizing her feels had been saved, turned off the computer and never went on Tumblr again. The End.

"So...kittens saved Molly?"

"Indeed they did! Cute little soft kitties save Molly's feels!"


"Anyway, sweetie, it's time for you to go to sleep! I've sung you your lullaby, i've told you a story and now it's time for you to sleep. Ok?"


"All tucked in?"

"Yep. Ok. Give us a kiss then! There we are. Sleep tight Molly. Love you!"

"Love you too, Daddy!"

"Night, sweetie".

"Oh, Daddy?"


"Is Tumblr real?"

"Yes it is. Why?"

"I'm never using it. I want to keep my feels..."

"Haha. Good girl. Night Molly..."


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