Wednesday 13 November 2013

Six Months Go By... (Final Chapter)

Six months had passed since Jackie and Jill's date. And six months more of longing had eaten away at Aisha. She was still totally convinced they'd never be together but she always hoped. Because, for the most part, hope is all she'd had left. The past six months had been eventful for both Jackie and Aisha as well as agonizing.

Jackie and Jill were now together and had been for about 5 months. Which was good. Jill was a slight improvement on Jackie's other girls he'd brought home but, as far as Aisha was concerned, she was still a total bitch.

Apart from this, Aisha had remained single. Sure she went out to try and meet people, even bought a couple of guys home over the period, but nothing serious. And whatever she tried, nothing worked. She couldn't get Jackie out of her head. For better or for worse, she loved Jackie. And probably always would.

Then, the totally unexpected happened. Jackie and Aisha spent the night. Jackie and Jill had a massive argument one night after it was rumored that Jill had cheated on Jackie with another guy and, in both anger and sadness, turned to Aisha for support. The phrase "one thing led to another" is over-used these days but that's what happened. And it was the best night Aisha had ever had at the time. But then the confusion started.

Aisha's mind went into overdrive with confusion. She'd slept with the guy she loved...but had no idea if it meant anything or not. She knew full well it was likely not to have meant anything but she couldn't help but hope a little more. 90% of her felt used, dirty and like a whore but 10% had hope. And that's all she needed.

Jackie however, also had confusion. You may not have thought it but it shook Jackie too. He was guilty because, even if Jill cheated on him or not, he'd cheated on her. But he wasn't sure how to approach it. He was lost in himself. And he had to make a painful choice...

So to the present day.

Aisha is in the flat all alone. She's eating Ben&Jerry's while watching EastEnders still feeling sad and confused about what had happened a few weeks earlier. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.

"Not in". She shouts towards it.

The knocking continues.

"IM.NOT.IN" She said very sternly again.

The knocking continues. Aisha eventually concedes and walks towards it. She groans as she does. She opens it to see Jackie standing there in the cold December night. They look at each other confused.

"Hey, Aisha".

"What the hell? You have a key don't you?"

"Yeah but I haven't used it in a while. I wasn't sure if I was still welcome here..."

Aisha chuckled sarcastically. She stands out of his way.

"It's your flat..."

The atmosphere is incredibly frosty between them but still they continue chatting. Jackie comes in and takes his coat off as well as the bag he's been carrying.

"How have you been?"

Aisha looked up angrily.

"Don't you even know exactly how I am! We haven't spoken in 3 weeks and I've been falling apart here so don't you dare ask me how I am!"

"I'm concerned!"

"You weren't that concerned the morning you left".

"I didn't know what to do. I wasn't expecting that to happen".

Aisha wasn't having any of it.

"Oh didn't you? Well it sure seemed like you were angling for it!"

"Aisha, I promise you I wasn't".

"How can I believe anything you say? Do you know how I felt after you left? I didn't mind the fact we'd done what we'd done! Because..."

Jackie looked confused.

"...It doesn't matter. But I felt like a whore! I felt used, dirty and...and...decrepit! I felt like a rag doll tossed aside like its use had expired".

"I'm...I'm...Aisha I'm so sorry..."

Jackie looked like he was trying to say something to her but Aisha wasn't having any of it.

"Don't be. I learnt from that mistake. It's a mistake I intend not to repeat believe me!"


"So just do what you need to do. But just so you know...I'm moving out!"

"Oh come on, that's a bit drastic isn't it?"

"DRASTIC? Jackie, I don't feel comfortable living under the same roof as you anymore!"


"Because what happened really got to me! It got to me so much but I can't do this anymore!"


"And I'm assuming Jill doesn't know? I'm assuming you've kept that well hidden. Well don't worry. I won't say a word. I'll stay well away from you in future..."

Jackie had had enough.


Aisha was taken aback by the outburst, but soon regained decorum and humored him.

"Aisha, I've just come back from Jill's. And I've brought everything back. That's what the bag is. Everything".

Aisha looks at him confused.

"I don't understand..."

"Jill and I have broken up. I've brought everything back here. Jill and I won't be seeing each other any more".

Aisha isn't sure how to take the news.

"Well...why have you two broken up?"

Jackie takes a deep breath.

"I told her what happened. I told her what happened with us. And, understandably, she went ape-shit. Then I broke up with her".

Aisha looks confused.

"YOU broke up with HER?"

"Yes. Because, I realised something".

"What? That you'd screwed two lives over?"

"No. I realised something that, thinking back, I've known for a long time. Something I've wanted to say but have never had the courage to until now".

"And what's that?"

Jackie freezes.

"I don't want to say it..."

Aisha had just about had enough.

"Well if you're going to be a fucking coward and not be honest with me then screw you..."


"No. It's cool. Whatever you've realised I hope it serves you well!"

Aisha starts to walk away...


Aisha freezes. She stops for a moment and turns around to look at him. Jackie is shaking with nerves.

"What did you just say?"

"Aisha...I love you. And I think I always have done. But I was too afraid to say it because we were friends and I wasn't sure how you felt about me. So I stayed quiet all this time".

Aisha walks back into the room, holding her gaze at him.

"You're lying..."

"I'm not. I promise you I'm not. I love you more than anything in this world. And I've hurt you. I realise that but I'm so sorry. I love you..."

Aisha still wasn't sure.


Jackie was waiting.

"I...I love you too...I have done for ages..."

Jackie smiled. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.



Jackie smiled even more. He was overjoyed. He couldn't believe the two of them had waited this long for it all to come out. Jackie moved over to Aisha and moved close to her. Aisha didn't put up any contest. He leaned in and kissed her. That was it. The first proper kiss they'd shared. No complications, no consequences, no nothing. It was a nice kiss. It was the best they'd ever had. And that was that. The rest was history.

And they lived happily ever after.

Oh, I've forgotten one thing.

As they kissed on the sofa shortly after the protestations, Aisha smiled at Jackie.

"There's something I need to tell you..."

"What is it?"

She chuckles. She's nervously chuckling. She in fact has no idea how to say what she needs to say next. So she just says it.

"I'm pregnant..."

Jackie looks shocked.

"Excuse me?"


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