Sunday 10 November 2013

Letter To Miley Cyrus

Dear Miley Cyrus.

How are you? Honestly? Because, I'm a little bit worried. You're 20 years old and already you've become a celebrity emotional wreck. Not as bad as Lindsay Lohan perhaps but you're very close to it. Is there something you wish to talk about? Something you need to get off your chest?

It's just that, like I said before, you're 20 years old. And you're acting like a really sexually repressed 17 year old. I know that you're young and you're supposed to make mistakes and stuff but, to be quite frank, you're having so much fun that even Cyndi Lauper has become disillusioned.

Not only that, you've been very rude to people who have shown you concern. Sinead O'Connor for example. Dear Sinead is a beautiful woman who is rather concerned at what you're doing and I indeed share her concern as someone round about your age. She tried to extend the hand of friendship to you and you threw it back at her face in a truly surprising manner. Was that really on, Miley? Honestly?

I'm 19. I'm not a dad yet. But one day I hope to be. But I've completed volunteer work at my local primary school on and off for 4 years and have been around young girls who are looking for popular role models. And, admittedly, I finished working with them before your, safe to say, controversial performance alongside Mr Thicke at the EMAs this year, but I still felt that the role models they were telling me about were all wrong. Now, I don't judge people out of principle, but I cannot accept people who use sex, or exploit sex, as a way to gain fame.

These kids were mostly saying Nicki Minaj was a role model and I was horrified. But I can only imagine how many children must look up to you and think "Yeah...she's pretty cool! I wanna be like her!" Because it must happen somewhere! Law of averages. My best friend's little sister looks up to you for some bizarre reason and, I must say, I am concerned for her welfare in the future.

With this in mind, what must your dad think of what you're doing? I've never met your dad, nor am I likely to, but isn't he horrified? Isn't he flabbergastered or confused at what you're doing? I know I would be! I don't care if your dad is famous in any capacity I'd imagine he doesn't approve of what you're doing surely? If you were my daughter and made a video like you did with Wrecking Ball I would be incredibly disappointed in you.

As a song, Wrecking Ball isn't bad. Musically it's pretty good and I like it. But that video? Seriously? Me being me, the first time I saw it I thought "God I bet her arse was cold on that ball" but after being exposed to it more and more thanks to the media, I started to think that it was wholly wrong. Admittedly, you are not the start of this problem as the sexualisation of Western culture has been a concern for many years. If you can imagine how many people were horrified to see the video to Bjork's song 'All Is Full Of Love', imagine how many people reacted to see seeing you straddling on something from a construction site?

The truth is Miley, you're being used. You're being exploited for money. The record label are using the fact that you are an attractive young woman and they're making you sell your soul just so they can make a quick buck. Everyone else can see. It's just a shame you can't right now.

But let me round off by asking you one more question. It goes back to parenthood.

If you ever have children, let's say a daughter for arguments sake, and she did everything you've done and possibly more the way things are going, would you be proud of her? Would you be happy with the choices she's made? Would you hug her and say "that's my girl!" or would actually show some concern?

All I ask is that you please think about what you're doing. Think about where you're heading and how many people are going to try and follow you into that downward spiral. You have a huge following across the world which puts you in a unique position to change things. If you stood up and said "No, this is wrong" then so many people would listen to you and start to respect you again. If you were the first of a massive domino effect then think about what kind of legacy that will leave? Do you honestly want people to remember you for this chapter of your life or do you want to be remembered for something more?

Think about it.

Yours sincerely

A concerned Brit.

1 comment:

  1. Needed to be said, absoloutely right in every aspect....
