Friday 8 November 2013

25 Really Weird Facts To Remember If You Feel Really Down

So, a dear friend of mine was down recently. And in an attempt to cheer her up, I decided to make a delightfully ridiculous video about weird facts to think of when you're down. As far as I know, it worked to some effect. So I got thinking. How many other weird facts are there that are quite funny?

So I've attempted to find some. Enjoy.

1. It is illegal to wear a bulletproof vest while committing a murder in New Jersey. [Yup]

2. Honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey is estimated to be edible for 3000 years.

3. Before trees were common, the Earth was covered by giant mushrooms. [Stir fry anyone?]

4. American President Lyndon B Johnson owned an amphibious car. He used to scare visitors with it by driving into a lake screaming about brake failure.

5. A man called Lawrence Anthony gained notoriety around the world by calling himself 'The Elephant Whisperer'. When he died in 2012, a whole herd of elephants arrived at his house to mourn him.

6. Crocodiles cannot stick out their tongues.

7. A duck's quack cannot echo.

8. Roald Dahl, the famous children's author, used to seduce women to gain intelligence during World War II.

9. Dolly Parton once entered a competition for Dolly Parton lookalikes. She lost to a man in drag.

10. In 1967, a magazine published a fake article explaining how you could extract hallucinogens from bananas in an effort to get people to ban drugs. Many people didn't realise it was a hoax and started smoking bananas. [This would radically change Despicable Me were it true].

11. The first anti-smoking campaign in history was commissioned by Adolf Hitler.

12. Staying with Hitler for a moment, there's evidence to suggest that Hitler's first love was in fact a Jewish woman.

13. Over a period of 200 years, 3 ships sank at the same location off the coast of Wales, each sinking on the December 5th of their respective years, all 3 ships had only one survivor. And each survivor shared the name Hugh Williams. [Yup].

14. The elderly couple who lay in bed as the Titanic sinks in the 90s film is true. Not only that, they were the founders and owners of the popular American clothing shop chain 'Macy's'.

15. There is a Danish road sign which says 'Fartkontrol'. It actually means 'Check your speed'.

16. Albert Einstein never wore socks.

17. It's illegal to be overweight/fat in Japan.

18. May in America is also 'Zombie Awareness Month'.

19. When you lie, the temperature of your nose rises. This is known as 'The Pinocchio Effect'.

20. The TV Channel Animal Planet made two fake documentaries about the existence of mermaids. A high proportion of people fell for both.

21. The weird language the minions of 'Despicable Me' speak is a real language. It's called 'Minionese' and it was created by the director.

22. If the events at the start of Finding Nemo really happened, Nemo's father will have developed female genitalia and would form a sexual relationship with Nemo.

23. Johnny Depp once responded to a letter from a young fan requesting help from escaping from their school by turning up at the school, dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow.

24. Throughout the movie 'The Silence of the Lambs', Anthony Hopkins does not blink.

And finally,

25.If you arrange the first letters of all of the main's characters first names in Inception, it will spell 'Dreams'.

Hope you enjoyed that. See ya!

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