Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Demonized (Part Three) [Sci-Fi]

Dean: Oh you have got to be kidding me. Sherlock Holmes? Seriously?

Sherlock: Yes Mr Winchester. Do you have a problem with that?

Dean: N…n…no?

Sherlock: Good.

Gwen: Ok, I’m really confused now…

John: Trust me, with him, you get used to it.

Doctor: Sherlock Holmes?! But you’re…you’re…

Sherlock: Yes?

Everyone looks confused.

Doctor: You’re a…GENIUS!

Sherlock: Thank you.

Doctor: The books based on you are brilliant!

Sherlock: Books?

Doctor: The books! By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! Hold on…they were written in the Victorian era…

Sherlock: I’ve never heard of them…

Sam: Really? Sign of Three? Study in Scarlet? The Hound of the Baskervilles?

Sherlock looks at Sam sharply upon the mentioning of Baskerville.

John: How does he know about Baskerville?

Dean: I am the only one not buying into this? We cannot seriously be talking to THE Sherlock Holmes. That's just impossible. I mean, he’s not even wearing a deer stalker!

Sherlock: I left it back in Baker Street.

Dean: See he…where?

Sherlock: Baker Street. It’s where I live. Keep up.

Dean doesn’t look happy.

Doctor: Look, I think we’re all missing something really obvious here! Well, there are two very big obvious somethings that are shouting “look at us! We’re two big obvious somethings!”

Jack: What?

Doctor: One is, why are we all here? And two, what the heck are those big blue things?!

Castiel: I might be able to answer the second. But I cannot answer the first.

Jack: Let’s contain them!

Dean: Contain them?! What the hell does that mean?!

Gwen: We’re going to close the holes. If we don’t close them now they’re going to engulf the whole city.

Dean: Hey, woah, how are we supposed to get back?!

Amy: Get back where?

Dean: Well we were in Illinois when we came through that thing to here, presumably posh pants over there and Bilbo Baggins came in from somewhere else…what if they are our only way home?

Jack: As a member of the Torchwood institute we have to put this city before individuals. We have to close the holes.

Doctor: Torchwood doesn’t exist anymore!

Jack: As long as Gwen and I are alive, Torchwood is too.

The Doctor and Jack activate the containment field. The two holes shudder for a few moments before they close completely. The Doctor and Jack breathe a sigh of relief. The others, apart from Gwen, Castiel and Sherlock all look in with relief. Dean doesn’t look happy.

Dean: Looks like we’re stuck here, Sammy.

Jack: Can we keep these contained?

Doctor: I might be able to hook it up to the Tardis. Give me a minute…

The Doctor and Jack run into the Tardis. A very annoyed Dean follows them.

Dean: HEY!

Sam: Dean!

Castiel: Dean!

Dean: HEY!

The Tardis door closes behind the Doctor and Jack but Dean opens it.


He looks into the box and sees the console room. The Doctor and Jack walk up to the console. The Doctor fiddles with the containment field device. Jack looks around.

Jack: You’ve redecorated!

Doctor: Yes!

Jack: I don’t like it…

Doctor: Oh well no. You preferred the Mr Over-Dramatic and the grunge Tardis didn’t you. Yeah.

Jack: I liked Mr Over-Dramatic. But I also liked Mr Leather as well.

Doctor: Shut up.

Jack: What? A guy in leather? How could I resist!

The doors stay open as Dean steps away. Amy can be seen chuckling away as they watch him.

John: You ok?

Amy: I know what’s coming…

Dean walks around the Tardis to check its size. It’s an ordinary blue police box. He then looks on the inside again.

Doctor: If you’re going to come in, Mr Winchester, do it quickly. There’s a draught.

Looking confused and scared, Dean steps into the Tardis and walks slowly up to the console. The Doctor and Jack look at him with a cheeky grin on their face.

Dean: What the hell? How do you do that?

Doctor: I often say to people, Dean, that they wouldn’t begin to understand if I tried to explain it. I don’t think that statement has ever been truer for anyone than you.

Jack chuckles. Castiel walks in and stands next to Dean. Castiel smiles. He isn’t fazed by it at all.

Dean: Seriously? This doesn’t freak you out?

Castiel: No. I understand the physics. It’s quite…cozy…actually.

The Doctor smiles.

Doctor: I like you, Castiel…

Sam: Wow…this is…insane!

Amy: Yup. That’s one word for it, Sammy boy!

One by one, they all filter in.

Gwen: Oh wow…this is pretty cool…

Amy: You ok?

Gwen: I’m fine. I’m just thinking about what Rhys would say if he could see this! He’s put up with all my Torchwood shit for years. If he saw this I think he’d divorce me…

They chuckle. The last to come in are John and Sherlock. John walks in and looks confused.

John: Is this an illusion by any chance?

Amy: Afraid not.

John: I was worried that’d be your answer…

Sherlock closes the door as they all gather around the console.

Doctor: What do you think, Sherlock?

Sherlock: Hmmm?

Doctor: You’re the only one who hasn’t said anything yet. You like it?

Sherlock’s expression doesn’t change.

Sherlock: It’s ok. Not the best I’ve seen.

Doctor: (Disheartened). Really? How many Tardis’ have you seen?

Sherlock: No others. It’s just a bit…unimpressive.

Doctor: Yes…you’re going to be a tricky one…

Jack: Angel boy said he knew what the holes were. What are they?

Castiel: My name is Castiel. And they are dimensional fractures. I first spotted it yesterday morning. I sensed it on angel radio. It was interfering with the signal. I kept an eye on it and tried to close it. But then the boys drove into it and I had no choice but to follow them through.

Jack: How do you know about dimensions and things?

Castiel: Angels have the capacity for time and inter-dimensional travel. I have sent the boys back in time numerous times.

Doctor: Fascinating…

Sam: It’s freaky too. There was one time where we went back to the Wild West…

Doctor: Oh we’ve done that too! Me and Pond!

Amy: Did you have a big burly cyborg threatening people?

Sam: Demons again?

Amy: What are ‘Demons’? You keep talking about them but I don’t understand.

Dean: The children of hell. The devil’s children. Led by the biggest ass the universe has ever seen.

Doctor: I wouldn’t be too sure about that…

Sam: A man called Crowley.

Castiel: He is not important right now. Demons cannot travel inter-dimensionally. Only Angels have the capacity to do that.

Doctor: And Time Lords.

Sherlock: And us it appears.

Gwen: There’s a point, how did you guys come through?

Sherlock: We were investigating a case and we came across the portal in Hyde Park. John insisted we investigate.

John: It doesn’t happen every day as I’m sure you can imagine.

Sherlock: I only played along because I felt I had to make it up to him after I faked my death.

Amy: Faked your own death?

Gwen: Why would you do that?

John: (With sass). Yeah, Sherlock. Why would you do that?

Sherlock looks at John and doesn’t change his facial expression.

Sherlock: Save your stressing for the wedding.

Doctor: Castiel, do you know what caused them?

Castiel: I’m afraid not. Angel radio only said that it existed. No-one suggested how it came into existence. Well, there are a few rebels who claim God is returning.

Dean: He’s coming back NOW? Where was he during the freaking apocalypse?!

Amy: Apocalypse?

Jack: And I thought our universe was messed up…

Castiel: God is not returning. This is most unlike him.

Doctor: So what caused it…?

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