Monday 3 March 2014

The Demonized (Part Two) [Sci-Fi]

The stand-off continues. Gwen and Amy are trying to retrieve the equipment in order to close the holes while the boys play with their toys.

Jack: Put the weapon down and we can talk…

Dean: OH. NOW you try diplomacy. Put down your gun down, Lt. Dan.

Jack looks confused.

Jack: He’s not even in the RAF!

Dean nods as he realises he made an error.

Dean: He’s still in the armed forces…don’t correct me when I’ve got a gun pointed at you! Now what are you? Huh? Demons? Tricksters? Angels?!

Doctor: Of course we’re not angels! We’re not made of stone!

Sam: What?

Doctor: I’m not a demon, I’m not a trickster and we’re certainly not angels! I’m a Time Lord!

Dean looks confused.

Dean: Time Lord?

He turns to Sam.

Dean: What’s a Time Lord?

Sam: No idea. Never heard of them before.

Dean: You never saw it mentioned in dad’s journal?

Sam: No. Didn’t you?

Dean: No…

Doctor: I’m a Time Lord. I’m the last of the Time Lords. I’m an alien from the planet of Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. Where are you two from? Wherever you’re from, I’m sure I can take you home!

Dean: You’re an alien?

Doctor: Which planet are you from?

Sam: We’re from Earth. We’re from Kansas…

The Doctor looks confused.

Doctor: Kansas…as in…America?

Dean: Unless there’s a planet of Kansas somewhere in the constellation of…of…Canesten, yes. America.

Doctor: Then sorry boys. You’re not in Kansas anymore…

Sam: Look, why don’t we just put the guns down and talk about this like adults, huh? No-one needs to shoot and no-one has to die here.

Jack puts his gun away and the Doctor starts to walk slowly forward.

Dean: Sorry, Sammy, can’t risk it…

Dean pulls the trigger and shoots Jack in the head. Jack falls to the ground quickly.


Dean: Listen, Sammy, we do NOT know what they are. Ok. I was not willing to take that chance!

Amy and Gwen run over and look at what’s happened.

Gwen: What happened?

Doctor: He did.

Gwen pulls her gun out and points it at Dean.


Dean: Woah… steady-on sweetheart. I only did it in self-defence.

Gwen: DON’T CALL ME SWEETHEART! What did he do to you?

Dean: He might have attacked us!

Gwen: MIGHT? That’s what you’re going with is it?

Doctor: Gwen, don’t bother. You know it’s not going to matter in a few moments.

Dean: What do you mean? He’s gonna burst into flames or something?

Sam: Dean!

Gwen: Oh something much worse than that.

Dean: What could possibly be worse than spontaneously combusting?

As he finishes that, Jack gasps and comes back to life. Sam and Dean look at him shocked. They can’t believe what they’ve just seen. To be fair, nor can Amy.

Sam: Did he just…?

Dean: Uh-huh…

Sam: Wow…

Dean: Son of a bitch…

Amy: How did he do that, Doctor?

Doctor: No idea. But he’s been able to do that for some time now.

Jack: Hundreds of years to be precise. I’m gonna be as old as him someday…

Sam: Could that have been Cass?

Dean: I thought Cass was only into bringing you and me back.

Castiel: I am.

Dean looks next to him. Castiel has randomly appeared from no-where. He looks on at the others. Dean curbs the need to hit him.

Dean: How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!

Castiel: You’ve already told me a sufficient number of times.

Dean: Then why keep doing it?

Castiel: I find it…amusing.

Dean doesn’t look impressed. Castiel moves around the car door and walks towards the others. They all look at him.

Jack: And who’s this guy?!

Castiel: Please do not be alarmed. I apologise for my friend here. He’s…rash.

Gwen: You can say that again…

The Doctor walks up to him and inspects him. He nods.

Doctor: I like your fashion sense…

Castiel: Thank you. I find it comfortable.

Doctor: Yeah…very last regeneration…

Castiel: Regeneration?

Amy: Who are you? And who are they?

Castiel: The one who shot your friend is Dean Winchester. His brother there is Sam Winchester. They’re hunters. And I am Castiel. I am and angel of the lord.

Doctor: An angel?

The Doctor pulls out his screwdriver and stands in a defensive stance. Castiel looks on, plain faced.

Castiel: What are you doing?

Doctor: You’re an angel…but you’re organic…you’re not made of stone…

Castiel: No…This vessel is made of flesh and blood. Like you I presume. But what is that you’re pointing at me?

Doctor: Sonic screwdriver…

Castiel: Why are you pointing a screwdriver at me? Do you wish to encase me in some kind of cabinet?

Amy laughs. So does Jack.

Doctor: Oi! That’s rude!

Gwen: What’s a hunter?

Sam and Dean close the doors of the Impala and walk up to them.

Sam: We hunt things. Demons, tricksters, sometimes angels. It’s our job. It’s our family business.

Amy: So you go around killing monsters? And you call that a business?

Dean: We hunt and kill things that kill or hurt other people. We find a case, we track whatever it is down and we gank it before it ices more people. Got a problem with that?

Amy: A little bit.

Sam: So who are you guys?

Doctor: Yes! Sorry! The Welsh lady is Gwen Cooper, this here is Captain Jack Harkness. Watch out, he flirts, the ginge is Amy Pond…

Sam: Amy Pond?

Amy: Yeah. What about it?

Sam: Huh. Cute name.

Amy: Thanks?

Doctor: And I’m the Doctor!

Sherlock: And I’m Sherlock Holmes. Consulting detective.

They all turn around to see two more people standing by a London Cab. They all look confused. John looks at Sherlock weirdly.

John: And I’m John Watson if anyone’s interested because he obviously isn’t...

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