Tuesday 11 March 2014

Asperger's Syndrome [Part 3/3]

Did you get it right?

So, in parts 1 and 2, I told the same story in two different ways. It was the story of how I cope with my Asperger's Syndrome in two different realities. One was how I truly feel and the other was not.

The challenge was this. You guys at home had to guess which one was really how I felt about my Aspergers. Was I the one who wanted it all to go away like in Part One? Or the outwardly Autistic one who will defend what he has for all he's got?

The questions is, did you get it right?

If you thought it was number one, I can completely see why you would. It does ring true with what many people with Asperger's and Autism think on a daily basis. They can't cope with everything around them and a lot of them, due to the wiring of their brain, believe that they are sub-human because of what they've got.

If you did think it was number one, it might please you to know that isn't me. That was the pack of lies.

The truth is, I'm very proud of my Asperger's. It's who I am and I wouldn't change for the world. But, sadly, there are people who would.

You hear horror stories of some parishes (particularly in America as far as I'm aware, I'm sure it happens globally too) that claim to be able to "cure" homosexuality. They claim that, by the power of God, they can convert a man back to preferring women and women back to liking men. This intrigues me. I've nothing against religion itself, but that's a bit extreme don't you think? You can't help who you fall in love with!

Similarly, there are people out there who claim to be able to "cure" Autism. And some of the ways they do this are shocking.


This woman claims to be able to "cure" children with Autism by giving them enemas containing chlorine dioxide. (Or in her words, the "Master Mineral Solution"). I'd rather not go into what this woman thinks is right because, frankly, I'm on the verge of tears reading it as it's starting to feel a bit like a personal attack. But here's what she believes causes Autism.

"We know that autism is made up of:
 Heavy Metals
 Food allergies
MMS is proven to kill pathogens through oxidation, and to neutralize heavy metal compounds.  In turn inflammation is reduced, as well as some food sensitivities."
And this "wonder cure" is supposed to cure children of Autism. I've never seen so much claptrap in all my life but it's actually quite distressing.

But hey. If people enough want to believe this stuff, who am I to judge them? Yes I'm offended by what's being said but I'm also adult enough to take a step back and recognise the psychology of all involved. It doesn't make them right but hey. They believe what they want to believe.

So yeah. That concludes my posts on Aspergers! If you have any questions about ASD or my own personal experiences, please don't hesitate to contact me and ask stuff!

See ya!

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