Sunday 16 March 2014

The Demonized (Part Four) [Sci-Fi]

Scene cuts to an alleyway. A young lady is walking home and listening to music. She hears something moving behind her. She stops and turns around to see if something’s there. There isn’t. So she turns around again. Only to be confronted by a familiar looking man. He’s fairly normal looking but has a slightly 5 o’clock shadow. The woman jumps and gets ready to defend herself.

Man: I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to surprise you. I was wondering if you could tell me where I am? I’m a bit lost and I don’t know where I’m going?

Woman: Ummm…Cardiff…you’re in Cardiff…

Man: Cardiff. Right. I thought I was in London. No matter. I’m sure I can find my way now. Thank you.

Woman: That’s ok?

She starts to walk away. He looks back, watching her for some time before eventually following her. He does so for a bit until eventually he hears something. He hears a weird noise and then, her screaming. Out of confusion and curiosity, he goes to see what happened. He turns a corner and sees her body dead on the ground.

Rani: Identify yourself!

Man: Did you kill her?

Rani: Identify yourself!

Man: You did didn’t you…?

Rani: Identify yourself!

Man: Good work…I’m impressed.

The Rani stops for a second and looks at the man.

Rani: I don’t need people’s admiration.

Man: You killed her without hesitation?

Rani: I tried hypnotising her. She didn’t respond. I had to kill her.

Man: I like it…

Crowley: So do I.

The man turns around. Crowley stands there with his hands in his pockets.

Crowley: Even by my standards, that’s cold. I’m almost jealous.

Man: Who are you, then?

Crowley: Crowley. I’m the king of hell. And I know who you are. You bad, bad boy.

Man: No-one knows who I am. I’m not from around here.

Crowley: Nor am I. But I know who you are. And, I have to admit, if I could, I’d have taken your soul years ago. You’d make a good pet…

Man: I’m no-one’s pet. Pets are loving. I am not. I have more important things to do with my time.

Crowley: Like you have time now. Mr Moriarty…

Moriarty smiles.

Moriarty: You do know who I am then? Unfair that you know me and I know nothing of you.

Crowley: Like I said, not from around here. I know everyone everywhere. One of the perks of the job.

Rani: Oh shut up both of you. The king of Hell and a book character? Give me a break!

Crowley: Calm down, grandma. Your turn will come.

Rani: Don’t you dare call me Grandma you sad little man. I could do things to you that you wouldn’t dream of!

Crowley: Is that an offer? Sorry, love, but you’re not my type. I only go for demons.

Moriarty: Demons?

Rani: You’re not human?

Crowley: I’m as human as you are darling.

Moriarty: Two aliens…interesting…

Crowley: I’m not an alien. I’m the king of hell.

Moriarty: Yeah I heard you the first time.

Rani: What are you doing here?

Moriarty: I decided to follow her for fun.

Crowley: And I came to claim her soul.

The Rani pulls out a scanner and scans the two of them.

Rani: You’re both showing signs of rift activity…you’ve come from another dimension.

Crowley: I thought we’d already established that, keep up.

Rani: Keep talking and I’ll make you regret it.

Moriarty: We all came through the blue things?

Crowley: You had that too?

Moriarty: Yeah. I didn’t know what it was but it looked fun. Next thing I know I’m in Wales…

Crowley: I was in Miami before I came here.

Rani: I was already here. This is my universe.

Crowley: In that case, give us the grand tour?

Rani: Bite me.

Crowley: Don’t tempt me…

The Rani walks away. Crowley and Moriarty follow her.

Moriarty: Wait, wait, wait. Why are we all here? And why did we meet? There must be some kind of reason right?

Rani: If there is, I don’t care. I just came here to get subjects for my new experiment…

She stops as she stares ahead of her. Crowley and Moriarty look along with her. The camera spins to show the Tardis and the Impala by the water tower.

Rani: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me…

Crowley: What the hell?

Moriarty: Friends of yours?

Rani: The Doctor is NOT my friend.

Crowley: And the Winchester boys are not exactly my favourite people. Considering they’re trying to kill my kind.

Moriarty: And they’re here as well as us…doesn’t seem strange to you?

Crowley: I’d rather stay away from them if it’s all the same to you. They’ve been looking for a reason to kill me for a while now. And if that bloody angel’s with them then I might not have a chance in this dimension.

Rani: And the Doctor still thinks I’m in a black hole. I’d rather not get on the wrong side of him.

Moriarty: Oh come on…you’re not up for a little bit of fun? You’re both so…boring…

Rani: I am NOT boring paper man!

Crowley: And I’m the king of hell.

Rani and Moriarty: We know.

Moriarty: All I’m saying is…they’re here…we’re here…we have a whole different universe at our disposal…why not have a bit of fun? Play with them a little?

Rani: You’re proposing an alliance?

Crowley: Between us 3?

Moriarty: Yes. Why not?

Crowley: An alliance between us would be so bad it would make One Direction look good…

Rani: He has a point.

Moriarty: You’re both so boring. Why can’t I ever meet someone who has a similar drive to me?

Loki: I happen to think Mr Moriarty is right. Why not have a bit of fun? Those people over there have foiled you time after time and yet you want to do nothing? You know nothing of real power. You’re all so wet. So unambitious. So petty…

Another man walks out of the shadows. He’s in a smart suit for the moment but he’s definitely familiar.

Rani: And who the hell are you? Who do you think you are coming over here and telling us what we should do?

Loki: My name is Loki of Asgard. And I come burdened with glorious purpose…

Crowley: Which is?

Loki smiles.

Loki: I wish to have some fun in a whole new dimension. I assumed you would want to as well.

Crowley: You brought us here?

Loki: I did.

Moriarty: You made those holes?

Loki: Guilty. I made them using some left-over Chitauri technology. Mix that with some materials found only on Asgard and you have a perfect portal machine. I then found like-minded people across the dimensions to come together to cause a little havoc.

Rani: Why?

Crowley: Loki. God of mischief. It’s what he does.

Rani: I don’t trust him…

Loki: Dear, Rani? How would you like to get your revenge on the Doctor? Mr Moriarty, how would you like to manipulate Sherlock a little more? He’s here with his boyfriend. And Crowley, your chance to rid yourself of the Winchesters for good? Sound good?

Crowley: And what about you? Is there a Thor we need to worry about?

Loki: My brother has no idea of what I’m doing. Or any of his “friends”. He’s out of the picture. It’s just us and them. 4 against 3. Well, including their friends but they’re almost as ineffectual as them. What do you say? Up for some fun?

Crowley: Is it wrong I’m expecting someone else? I don’t suppose you’ve got Lex Luthor or the Joker lying around?

Loki: I don’t understand?

Crowley: Don’t worry. I’m in.

Moriarty: Me too.

Loki smiles. He looks to the Rani. She’s still not sure.

Rani: I’m not sure…

Loki: I pulled you from the black hole. What if you could put the Doctor there instead? Then you’d have his Tardis… Imagine what you could do with that…

The Rani thinks for a few moments. Eventually, she agrees.

Rani: I accept. But the Doctor is mine and mine alone!

Loki: I accept. Now…let’s have some fun…

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