Sunday 2 March 2014

The Demonized (Part One) [Sci-Fi]

I got bored and needed a release...

Scene fades in to Cardiff Bay. It looks so tranquil. It’s a beautiful sunny day and there’s not a cloud in the sky. But something has to go wrong. A black Land Rover drives up onto the bay and stops by the water tower, the marker of the old Torchwood base. Two people step out. One of them is a thin, slender young woman. Gwen Cooper. The other is an older looking man in a long blue army coat. This is Captain Jack Harkness. He has his vortex manipulator open and is scanning around.

Gwen: You better not be pissing about with this, Jack. You woke me up at stupid o’clock in the morning hours after Anwen woke me up. I’m not in the best of moods…

Jack: Trust me, Gwen, something’s happening. I just can’t quite put my finger on what!

Gwen: Why couldn’t you get Rex to do this?

Jack: Rex is on his way back to the States. He’s no used. Besides, we’re the old team. This is our turf. We can handle this…

Just as he finishes that sentence, an explosion occurs. Jack and Gwen are knocked off their feet and are flung to the floor. They recover and look up to see a massive hole in the middle of Cardiff Bay.

Jack: …Or maybe not…

Gwen: Jack, what is that?

Jack: I don’t know!

Gwen: Did you know it would happen?

Jack: Well, this thing went crazy all of a sudden and the readings came up as being here! I thought it might’ve been the Doctor but now I’m not so sure…

Gwen: You better not have woken me up for that bloody Doctor!

Another explosion occurs. Another hole opens up next to the first one. Jack and Gwen look terrified.


Gwen does so. She gets in the car, reverses and moves closer to the Millennium Centre. She then runs to the boot of the car and pulls out a briefcase. During this, Jack is scanning the holes with his vortex manipulator. Gwen brings the case over and opens it. She looks at it confused.

Gwen: Jack…the laser’s gone!

Jack turns around and looks worried.



They look at each other worriedly and look back at the holes. They’re starting to grow in size.

Gwen: Jack, they’re going to merge! It might swallow Cardiff!

They look even more worried now. As they do, a familiar sound can be heard. It fades in ever so slowly but it can be heard nonetheless. Jack notices and looks ecstatic.


Gwen: What’s that noise?!

They look to their right and see something blue fade into their vision. It fades in slowly but it does so nonetheless. The Tardis stands proudly next to the water tower.

Gwen: Is that…?

The Tardis sound stops. Suddenly, two figures come bounding out of it and look at the holes. The Doctor looks at them and chuckles.

Doctor: Oh-ho! The Tardis was definitely right to bring us here!

He looks at Jack and Gwen. Jack looks annoyed while Gwen looks confused.

Doctor: Jack! Hello! Long-time no see…

Jack: You’ve done it again haven’t you!

Doctor: Yep. Sue me…

Jack: I preferred the skinny one.

The Doctor chuckles and pats him on the shoulder.

Doctor: Yes you did you naughty boy!

The Doctor winks at him and gets out his sonic screwdriver. He walks around the holes and scans them. Amy looks at Jack and Gwen and holds out her hand.

Amy: Amy Pond. Nice to meet you.

Gwen: I’m Gwen Cooper. Torchwood. And this is Captain Jack Harkness. Is that really the Doctor? He looked a lot different the last time I saw him…

Jack: Yeah that’s regeneration for you. NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH IS IT, DOCTOR!

The Doctor ignores the comment.

Amy: So what are we dealing with, Doctor? Anything I should let Rory know about before he panics too much?

Doctor: No. No. This is all going to be fine. There’s no problem here at all.

Jack: You’re lying aren’t you.

Doctor: Course I am. They’re BIG BLUE SWIRLING HOLES OF DEATH!

He runs around them again trying to work out how to contain them.

Gwen: So what do we do?!

Doctor: I dunno. I’m making this up as I go along…

Amy: Should I phone Rory NOW?

Doctor: Oh if you want to.

Amy walks away and pulls out her phone.

Gwen: Who’s Rory?

Doctor: Her husband. Rory the Roman. Long story. He would’ve been with us today but he had to work. Couldn’t get out of it. Worries a bit too much.

Jack: She’s with you, Doctor, I think it’s justified.

Gwen: Ok, so what do we do? Huh? There must be something we can do?

Doctor: I’m not sure that there is! I haven’t seen anything like this before so I don’t know what to do. AND I HATE NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO.

The Doctor paces up and down as he does when he’s annoyed.

Jack: We had a rudimentary containment device but we lost part of it. Would you be able to adapt it with the sonic?

Doctor: Maybe! Show me!

They all huddle around the case. Amy joins them again.

Doctor: What did Rory say?

Amy: He says hi.

The Doctor looks up at her.

Doctor: You didn’t tell him?!

Amy: Course not!

They all look at the equipment. The Doctor looks at Jack.

Doctor: And WHERE did you obtain this?

Jack looks sheepish.

Jack: What? So I went travelling. To Catraxis Minor. It was on sale.

The Doctor looks disapprovingly at Jack. Nonetheless, he picks it up and scans it with the sonic.

Amy: What’s so bad about Catraxis Minor?

Jack: It might be a black market colony…I got bored! And there was this one guy there…

Amy looks surprised, and kind of disheartened.

Jack: I say guy…he was a Draconian and I couldn’t really tell…

Doctor: Right…come on…

The Doctor sets up the equipment at a safe distance from the holes and points it one.

Gwen: Are you sure this is going to work?

Doctor: Not at all Miss Cooper. Not sure at all. But, anyway…GERONIMO!

Just before the Doctor Sonics it, something can be heard from one of the holes. It sounds like a car revving. They all look up at it.

Amy: Did anybody else hear that?

Jack: It sounded like…

Gwen: Some kind of car…

The noise of it gets louder and louder and louder.


They all dive out of the way as a black car speeds out of one of the holes. The Doctor and Amy dive towards the Tardis while Jack and Gwen dive in the other direction. The car speeds a little bit before skidding around and, eventually stopping. The Doctor and Jack immediately get up and walk towards the car. Jack pulls out his gun while the Doctor extends his screwdriver. They both walk towards the car slowly.

Doctor: A gun? Really?

Jack: I was going to say the same to you about the tweed. And a bow-tie? Really?

Doctor: Oi! Leave it alone. Bow ties are cool.

Jack: Next you’ll be wearing a fez or something stupid like that.

Doctor: Be careful what you wish for…

As they approach the car, the doors open. Two men step out from it. One of them is a tall individual with medium long black hair. The other is a shorter individual with short spiky hair and an amulet around his neck. Both of them could be deemed “hot”. The Doctor and Jack stand still, pointing their weapon of choice at them. The shorter individual looks around.

Dean: Oh…you have got to be kidding me…

Jack: Stay where you are and don’t move…

They both look at The Doctor and Jack. Dean laughs at Jack.

Dean: Oh wow. What do we have here? A Matter Of Life and Death and The Dead Poets Society?

Doctor: What’s he on about?

Jack: They’re films.

Doctor: Oh…

Sam: Can you tell us where we are? I don’t think I know this place?

Jack: You’re in Cardiff. Wales. United Kingdom. Earth. Solar System. Now put your hands where I can see them and don’t move…

Dean: Ah. You want us to stay still. And not to move…

Sam and Dean look at each other. Dean smiles while Sam shakes his head.

Sam: No, Dean…

Jack: That’s what I said. Now DO IT!

Doctor: I’d listen to him if I were you. He’s got a gun. He could kill you while I could…ummm…stop your car working…I’ve lost the edge now…

The Doctor puts the screwdriver away and just stands there looking at them.

Dean: Ok. I am going to put my hands up and do as I’m told.

Sam: Dean, don’t…

As Sam finishes, Dean pulls out a gun and points it towards Jack. Jack steadies his gun and is ready to shoot. The Doctor and Sam look worried.

Dean: Well, looks like we have ourselves a stand-off…

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