Sunday 30 March 2014

Which Tribe Are You?

I want you to make me feel, like I'm the only tribe in the world...

A recent quiz has challenged you to see which "tribe" you belong to. Well, if you took it, you're a fool. Whatever section of society you identify with is NOT  tribe.

THESE are tribes...

This article is incredible. It tells of how a tribe living in the Amazon, thought to be uncontacted by anthropologists, reacts to a plan flying overhead. And frankly, this really interests me in a good way.

I first came across this tribe when it was first reported 6 years ago after a helicopter flying over the Amazon found itself being attacked by arrows from a previously undiscovered tribe below. Photos were taken and the tribe was left alone.

However, they have resurfaced and photos have once again been taken of this tribe, once again, preparing to attack the plane flying overhead. But, even so, I don't think people completely understand the importance of this news. There are numerous ramifications for knowing this tribe exist and that they still occupy this territory. And, if I'm brutally honest, it should change the way you perceive the world.

1. This means that this tribe (however extensive) survived the conquistadors when they came to South America. If you think that the Incas, the Mayans and the Aztecs all succumbed to the Europeans when they came, this tribe were obviously so well hidden that they were untouched and didn't succumb to the disease and the slavery the Spaniards (and others) brought with them.

2. They have no clue about the outside world at all. As far as they're concerned, they might think they're the only people in the world. If they are uncontacted as many anthropologists believe, then they've never seen anyone outside their own tribe. Imagine the horror they would get if they one day met a white, black or Asian man!

But with this, they've also missed the whole of history! Crusades, World War I, Hitler, World War II, Sputnik, the Falklands, Kennedy, the Moon Landings, the Cold War, 9/11, all of it. They have no idea about what's happened in the world WE inhabit. Look at the way they attack both a helicopter and a plane. As my friend Frances, (Scrapbook of a Dreamer), pointed out when we discussed it they've never seen a plane or a helicopter before! They have no idea what it is, where it came from or what it does.

The picture taken above from 2008, was taken on a return journey from a research trip. The tribe had been spotted on the way but weren't painted. The tribes people noticed the plane but did nothing. However, on the return trip, the people had painted themselves and started firing arrows at the craft. It's now thought that the paint is used as a sign of aggression. But we still don't know that for sure.

But there is a saving grace and annoyance to this whole thing. For their own protection, we can't meet them. If they were looking for volunteers to meet them, I'd gladly put myself forward because of the sheer awesomeness of meeting a tribe never before been contacted. But, realistically speaking, we'd end up killing them. And I don't mean with guns or weapons, though I will get onto that, but with our bio-chemistry. Over the years, as a world, we have made ourselves immune to so many diseases that we have had time to build up a resistance to. The tribes people, may not have the same resistance to certain diseases. If they catch it then we risk losing one of the last remnants of a bygone era of human history.

Because that's what they are. They are the legacies of a history we have long forgotten. It's strange to think there was a world before our own. And I'm not talking medieval or Mesopotamian, I'm talking when the world acted like they do. The Cradle Of Civilization, the Aboriginals, the Maoris before Western Culture came and decimated them. Even Britain had tribes! The Celts in Scotland, the Welsh tribes and even in England. It's weird to think of it considering we're now so used to our globalized world but they don't know that. They don't know that we can get from one end of the world to another in 24 hours or that we even have the ability to destroy us and them.

So look at it from their perspective. You've lived in complete solitude for all your life, been brought up in a tight-knit community and only know the ways of your elders. Suddenly, a massive noisy silver bird appears out of no-where. You've never seen it before, nor have anyone else in your community. But there it is. In the sky. Just there. Your first reaction? That's what I thought. They have no idea what a plane or a helicopter does because they've never seen or experienced one before! As far as they're concerned, it's coming to attack them. They just don't know because they're not part of OUR world. But this is also not say that people in uncontacted tribes themselves don't make first contact. The four men to the right made contact on their own accord in 2004. So it does work both ways. But still, for their own protection, contact must be a last resort.

Now, for why this should change everything we know about the world and how we act around it. These people in the Amazon are by no means the only undiscovered tribes in the world but these guys are at some disadvantage. If you consider that a vast proportion of the Amazon is chopped down daily to make way for various projects and various other perhaps unorthodox practices, it could be that one day that we some kind of Avatar situation. If they go far enough into the forest or far enough in that direction, they may well end up on the tribe's territory. I'm sure there are safeguards in place to protect them from this but, the way things are going, you can't help but wonder. There are companies all the time trying to get into the lands of these people and take the natural resources. With some South American politicians suggesting that these people don't actually exist. Well...if this is the case, it's a pretty elaborate hoax don't you think?

To bring the point home, this man below is apparently 'the last' of his tribe and lives on his own in the rainforest after his tribe were massacred. (I'm not sure how but that's the story behind this photo). He lives a very solitary life in the rainforests because it's all he knows.

I should also point out that it's not only the Amazon where these uncontacted people are either. There are some dotted over the world and there's every reason to believe there are still undiscovered people that we haven't found yet in places like Borneo. But just to balance things, this is a picture of a "Sentinelese" man who is part of a tribe who live solely on the North Sentinel Island off India. This picture was taken shortly after the Boxing Day Tsunami 10 years ago this year. Many were concerned that they might not have survived the Tsunami given its destructive power. But we can breath a sigh of relief knowing that they did!

Although we shouldn't really ever meet these people for their own safety, as long as more people are aware that they exist and are vulnerable to the modern world then something good's been done. These people are legacies of a time long lost to us. They need to be cherished, understood and protected. They know nothing of our world. Whether by fate or by choice, they don't know what we've achieved, what we've done or what we've lost. But that doesn't mean we should write them off just because they think differently to us. These people are wonderful. They're wonderful and so interesting. I would give anything to learn everything about their cultures and their beliefs but as long as we appreciate that they are there then that's all. That's all we need to do. And respect them enough to leave them alone unless they come to us.


First picture belongs to the Associated Press.
Second picture belongs to Reuters
Third, Fourth and Fifth Pictures belong to Survival International.

Sunday 16 March 2014

The Demonized (Part Four) [Sci-Fi]

Scene cuts to an alleyway. A young lady is walking home and listening to music. She hears something moving behind her. She stops and turns around to see if something’s there. There isn’t. So she turns around again. Only to be confronted by a familiar looking man. He’s fairly normal looking but has a slightly 5 o’clock shadow. The woman jumps and gets ready to defend herself.

Man: I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to surprise you. I was wondering if you could tell me where I am? I’m a bit lost and I don’t know where I’m going?

Woman: Ummm…Cardiff…you’re in Cardiff…

Man: Cardiff. Right. I thought I was in London. No matter. I’m sure I can find my way now. Thank you.

Woman: That’s ok?

She starts to walk away. He looks back, watching her for some time before eventually following her. He does so for a bit until eventually he hears something. He hears a weird noise and then, her screaming. Out of confusion and curiosity, he goes to see what happened. He turns a corner and sees her body dead on the ground.

Rani: Identify yourself!

Man: Did you kill her?

Rani: Identify yourself!

Man: You did didn’t you…?

Rani: Identify yourself!

Man: Good work…I’m impressed.

The Rani stops for a second and looks at the man.

Rani: I don’t need people’s admiration.

Man: You killed her without hesitation?

Rani: I tried hypnotising her. She didn’t respond. I had to kill her.

Man: I like it…

Crowley: So do I.

The man turns around. Crowley stands there with his hands in his pockets.

Crowley: Even by my standards, that’s cold. I’m almost jealous.

Man: Who are you, then?

Crowley: Crowley. I’m the king of hell. And I know who you are. You bad, bad boy.

Man: No-one knows who I am. I’m not from around here.

Crowley: Nor am I. But I know who you are. And, I have to admit, if I could, I’d have taken your soul years ago. You’d make a good pet…

Man: I’m no-one’s pet. Pets are loving. I am not. I have more important things to do with my time.

Crowley: Like you have time now. Mr Moriarty…

Moriarty smiles.

Moriarty: You do know who I am then? Unfair that you know me and I know nothing of you.

Crowley: Like I said, not from around here. I know everyone everywhere. One of the perks of the job.

Rani: Oh shut up both of you. The king of Hell and a book character? Give me a break!

Crowley: Calm down, grandma. Your turn will come.

Rani: Don’t you dare call me Grandma you sad little man. I could do things to you that you wouldn’t dream of!

Crowley: Is that an offer? Sorry, love, but you’re not my type. I only go for demons.

Moriarty: Demons?

Rani: You’re not human?

Crowley: I’m as human as you are darling.

Moriarty: Two aliens…interesting…

Crowley: I’m not an alien. I’m the king of hell.

Moriarty: Yeah I heard you the first time.

Rani: What are you doing here?

Moriarty: I decided to follow her for fun.

Crowley: And I came to claim her soul.

The Rani pulls out a scanner and scans the two of them.

Rani: You’re both showing signs of rift activity…you’ve come from another dimension.

Crowley: I thought we’d already established that, keep up.

Rani: Keep talking and I’ll make you regret it.

Moriarty: We all came through the blue things?

Crowley: You had that too?

Moriarty: Yeah. I didn’t know what it was but it looked fun. Next thing I know I’m in Wales…

Crowley: I was in Miami before I came here.

Rani: I was already here. This is my universe.

Crowley: In that case, give us the grand tour?

Rani: Bite me.

Crowley: Don’t tempt me…

The Rani walks away. Crowley and Moriarty follow her.

Moriarty: Wait, wait, wait. Why are we all here? And why did we meet? There must be some kind of reason right?

Rani: If there is, I don’t care. I just came here to get subjects for my new experiment…

She stops as she stares ahead of her. Crowley and Moriarty look along with her. The camera spins to show the Tardis and the Impala by the water tower.

Rani: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me…

Crowley: What the hell?

Moriarty: Friends of yours?

Rani: The Doctor is NOT my friend.

Crowley: And the Winchester boys are not exactly my favourite people. Considering they’re trying to kill my kind.

Moriarty: And they’re here as well as us…doesn’t seem strange to you?

Crowley: I’d rather stay away from them if it’s all the same to you. They’ve been looking for a reason to kill me for a while now. And if that bloody angel’s with them then I might not have a chance in this dimension.

Rani: And the Doctor still thinks I’m in a black hole. I’d rather not get on the wrong side of him.

Moriarty: Oh come on…you’re not up for a little bit of fun? You’re both so…boring…

Rani: I am NOT boring paper man!

Crowley: And I’m the king of hell.

Rani and Moriarty: We know.

Moriarty: All I’m saying is…they’re here…we’re here…we have a whole different universe at our disposal…why not have a bit of fun? Play with them a little?

Rani: You’re proposing an alliance?

Crowley: Between us 3?

Moriarty: Yes. Why not?

Crowley: An alliance between us would be so bad it would make One Direction look good…

Rani: He has a point.

Moriarty: You’re both so boring. Why can’t I ever meet someone who has a similar drive to me?

Loki: I happen to think Mr Moriarty is right. Why not have a bit of fun? Those people over there have foiled you time after time and yet you want to do nothing? You know nothing of real power. You’re all so wet. So unambitious. So petty…

Another man walks out of the shadows. He’s in a smart suit for the moment but he’s definitely familiar.

Rani: And who the hell are you? Who do you think you are coming over here and telling us what we should do?

Loki: My name is Loki of Asgard. And I come burdened with glorious purpose…

Crowley: Which is?

Loki smiles.

Loki: I wish to have some fun in a whole new dimension. I assumed you would want to as well.

Crowley: You brought us here?

Loki: I did.

Moriarty: You made those holes?

Loki: Guilty. I made them using some left-over Chitauri technology. Mix that with some materials found only on Asgard and you have a perfect portal machine. I then found like-minded people across the dimensions to come together to cause a little havoc.

Rani: Why?

Crowley: Loki. God of mischief. It’s what he does.

Rani: I don’t trust him…

Loki: Dear, Rani? How would you like to get your revenge on the Doctor? Mr Moriarty, how would you like to manipulate Sherlock a little more? He’s here with his boyfriend. And Crowley, your chance to rid yourself of the Winchesters for good? Sound good?

Crowley: And what about you? Is there a Thor we need to worry about?

Loki: My brother has no idea of what I’m doing. Or any of his “friends”. He’s out of the picture. It’s just us and them. 4 against 3. Well, including their friends but they’re almost as ineffectual as them. What do you say? Up for some fun?

Crowley: Is it wrong I’m expecting someone else? I don’t suppose you’ve got Lex Luthor or the Joker lying around?

Loki: I don’t understand?

Crowley: Don’t worry. I’m in.

Moriarty: Me too.

Loki smiles. He looks to the Rani. She’s still not sure.

Rani: I’m not sure…

Loki: I pulled you from the black hole. What if you could put the Doctor there instead? Then you’d have his Tardis… Imagine what you could do with that…

The Rani thinks for a few moments. Eventually, she agrees.

Rani: I accept. But the Doctor is mine and mine alone!

Loki: I accept. Now…let’s have some fun…

Tuesday 11 March 2014

The Demonized (Part Three) [Sci-Fi]

Dean: Oh you have got to be kidding me. Sherlock Holmes? Seriously?

Sherlock: Yes Mr Winchester. Do you have a problem with that?

Dean: N…n…no?

Sherlock: Good.

Gwen: Ok, I’m really confused now…

John: Trust me, with him, you get used to it.

Doctor: Sherlock Holmes?! But you’re…you’re…

Sherlock: Yes?

Everyone looks confused.

Doctor: You’re a…GENIUS!

Sherlock: Thank you.

Doctor: The books based on you are brilliant!

Sherlock: Books?

Doctor: The books! By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! Hold on…they were written in the Victorian era…

Sherlock: I’ve never heard of them…

Sam: Really? Sign of Three? Study in Scarlet? The Hound of the Baskervilles?

Sherlock looks at Sam sharply upon the mentioning of Baskerville.

John: How does he know about Baskerville?

Dean: I am the only one not buying into this? We cannot seriously be talking to THE Sherlock Holmes. That's just impossible. I mean, he’s not even wearing a deer stalker!

Sherlock: I left it back in Baker Street.

Dean: See he…where?

Sherlock: Baker Street. It’s where I live. Keep up.

Dean doesn’t look happy.

Doctor: Look, I think we’re all missing something really obvious here! Well, there are two very big obvious somethings that are shouting “look at us! We’re two big obvious somethings!”

Jack: What?

Doctor: One is, why are we all here? And two, what the heck are those big blue things?!

Castiel: I might be able to answer the second. But I cannot answer the first.

Jack: Let’s contain them!

Dean: Contain them?! What the hell does that mean?!

Gwen: We’re going to close the holes. If we don’t close them now they’re going to engulf the whole city.

Dean: Hey, woah, how are we supposed to get back?!

Amy: Get back where?

Dean: Well we were in Illinois when we came through that thing to here, presumably posh pants over there and Bilbo Baggins came in from somewhere else…what if they are our only way home?

Jack: As a member of the Torchwood institute we have to put this city before individuals. We have to close the holes.

Doctor: Torchwood doesn’t exist anymore!

Jack: As long as Gwen and I are alive, Torchwood is too.

The Doctor and Jack activate the containment field. The two holes shudder for a few moments before they close completely. The Doctor and Jack breathe a sigh of relief. The others, apart from Gwen, Castiel and Sherlock all look in with relief. Dean doesn’t look happy.

Dean: Looks like we’re stuck here, Sammy.

Jack: Can we keep these contained?

Doctor: I might be able to hook it up to the Tardis. Give me a minute…

The Doctor and Jack run into the Tardis. A very annoyed Dean follows them.

Dean: HEY!

Sam: Dean!

Castiel: Dean!

Dean: HEY!

The Tardis door closes behind the Doctor and Jack but Dean opens it.


He looks into the box and sees the console room. The Doctor and Jack walk up to the console. The Doctor fiddles with the containment field device. Jack looks around.

Jack: You’ve redecorated!

Doctor: Yes!

Jack: I don’t like it…

Doctor: Oh well no. You preferred the Mr Over-Dramatic and the grunge Tardis didn’t you. Yeah.

Jack: I liked Mr Over-Dramatic. But I also liked Mr Leather as well.

Doctor: Shut up.

Jack: What? A guy in leather? How could I resist!

The doors stay open as Dean steps away. Amy can be seen chuckling away as they watch him.

John: You ok?

Amy: I know what’s coming…

Dean walks around the Tardis to check its size. It’s an ordinary blue police box. He then looks on the inside again.

Doctor: If you’re going to come in, Mr Winchester, do it quickly. There’s a draught.

Looking confused and scared, Dean steps into the Tardis and walks slowly up to the console. The Doctor and Jack look at him with a cheeky grin on their face.

Dean: What the hell? How do you do that?

Doctor: I often say to people, Dean, that they wouldn’t begin to understand if I tried to explain it. I don’t think that statement has ever been truer for anyone than you.

Jack chuckles. Castiel walks in and stands next to Dean. Castiel smiles. He isn’t fazed by it at all.

Dean: Seriously? This doesn’t freak you out?

Castiel: No. I understand the physics. It’s quite…cozy…actually.

The Doctor smiles.

Doctor: I like you, Castiel…

Sam: Wow…this is…insane!

Amy: Yup. That’s one word for it, Sammy boy!

One by one, they all filter in.

Gwen: Oh wow…this is pretty cool…

Amy: You ok?

Gwen: I’m fine. I’m just thinking about what Rhys would say if he could see this! He’s put up with all my Torchwood shit for years. If he saw this I think he’d divorce me…

They chuckle. The last to come in are John and Sherlock. John walks in and looks confused.

John: Is this an illusion by any chance?

Amy: Afraid not.

John: I was worried that’d be your answer…

Sherlock closes the door as they all gather around the console.

Doctor: What do you think, Sherlock?

Sherlock: Hmmm?

Doctor: You’re the only one who hasn’t said anything yet. You like it?

Sherlock’s expression doesn’t change.

Sherlock: It’s ok. Not the best I’ve seen.

Doctor: (Disheartened). Really? How many Tardis’ have you seen?

Sherlock: No others. It’s just a bit…unimpressive.

Doctor: Yes…you’re going to be a tricky one…

Jack: Angel boy said he knew what the holes were. What are they?

Castiel: My name is Castiel. And they are dimensional fractures. I first spotted it yesterday morning. I sensed it on angel radio. It was interfering with the signal. I kept an eye on it and tried to close it. But then the boys drove into it and I had no choice but to follow them through.

Jack: How do you know about dimensions and things?

Castiel: Angels have the capacity for time and inter-dimensional travel. I have sent the boys back in time numerous times.

Doctor: Fascinating…

Sam: It’s freaky too. There was one time where we went back to the Wild West…

Doctor: Oh we’ve done that too! Me and Pond!

Amy: Did you have a big burly cyborg threatening people?

Sam: Demons again?

Amy: What are ‘Demons’? You keep talking about them but I don’t understand.

Dean: The children of hell. The devil’s children. Led by the biggest ass the universe has ever seen.

Doctor: I wouldn’t be too sure about that…

Sam: A man called Crowley.

Castiel: He is not important right now. Demons cannot travel inter-dimensionally. Only Angels have the capacity to do that.

Doctor: And Time Lords.

Sherlock: And us it appears.

Gwen: There’s a point, how did you guys come through?

Sherlock: We were investigating a case and we came across the portal in Hyde Park. John insisted we investigate.

John: It doesn’t happen every day as I’m sure you can imagine.

Sherlock: I only played along because I felt I had to make it up to him after I faked my death.

Amy: Faked your own death?

Gwen: Why would you do that?

John: (With sass). Yeah, Sherlock. Why would you do that?

Sherlock looks at John and doesn’t change his facial expression.

Sherlock: Save your stressing for the wedding.

Doctor: Castiel, do you know what caused them?

Castiel: I’m afraid not. Angel radio only said that it existed. No-one suggested how it came into existence. Well, there are a few rebels who claim God is returning.

Dean: He’s coming back NOW? Where was he during the freaking apocalypse?!

Amy: Apocalypse?

Jack: And I thought our universe was messed up…

Castiel: God is not returning. This is most unlike him.

Doctor: So what caused it…?

Asperger's Syndrome [Part 3/3]

Did you get it right?

So, in parts 1 and 2, I told the same story in two different ways. It was the story of how I cope with my Asperger's Syndrome in two different realities. One was how I truly feel and the other was not.

The challenge was this. You guys at home had to guess which one was really how I felt about my Aspergers. Was I the one who wanted it all to go away like in Part One? Or the outwardly Autistic one who will defend what he has for all he's got?

The questions is, did you get it right?

If you thought it was number one, I can completely see why you would. It does ring true with what many people with Asperger's and Autism think on a daily basis. They can't cope with everything around them and a lot of them, due to the wiring of their brain, believe that they are sub-human because of what they've got.

If you did think it was number one, it might please you to know that isn't me. That was the pack of lies.

The truth is, I'm very proud of my Asperger's. It's who I am and I wouldn't change for the world. But, sadly, there are people who would.

You hear horror stories of some parishes (particularly in America as far as I'm aware, I'm sure it happens globally too) that claim to be able to "cure" homosexuality. They claim that, by the power of God, they can convert a man back to preferring women and women back to liking men. This intrigues me. I've nothing against religion itself, but that's a bit extreme don't you think? You can't help who you fall in love with!

Similarly, there are people out there who claim to be able to "cure" Autism. And some of the ways they do this are shocking.

This woman claims to be able to "cure" children with Autism by giving them enemas containing chlorine dioxide. (Or in her words, the "Master Mineral Solution"). I'd rather not go into what this woman thinks is right because, frankly, I'm on the verge of tears reading it as it's starting to feel a bit like a personal attack. But here's what she believes causes Autism.

"We know that autism is made up of:
 Heavy Metals
 Food allergies
MMS is proven to kill pathogens through oxidation, and to neutralize heavy metal compounds.  In turn inflammation is reduced, as well as some food sensitivities."
And this "wonder cure" is supposed to cure children of Autism. I've never seen so much claptrap in all my life but it's actually quite distressing.

But hey. If people enough want to believe this stuff, who am I to judge them? Yes I'm offended by what's being said but I'm also adult enough to take a step back and recognise the psychology of all involved. It doesn't make them right but hey. They believe what they want to believe.

So yeah. That concludes my posts on Aspergers! If you have any questions about ASD or my own personal experiences, please don't hesitate to contact me and ask stuff!

See ya!

Monday 3 March 2014

The Demonized (Part Two) [Sci-Fi]

The stand-off continues. Gwen and Amy are trying to retrieve the equipment in order to close the holes while the boys play with their toys.

Jack: Put the weapon down and we can talk…

Dean: OH. NOW you try diplomacy. Put down your gun down, Lt. Dan.

Jack looks confused.

Jack: He’s not even in the RAF!

Dean nods as he realises he made an error.

Dean: He’s still in the armed forces…don’t correct me when I’ve got a gun pointed at you! Now what are you? Huh? Demons? Tricksters? Angels?!

Doctor: Of course we’re not angels! We’re not made of stone!

Sam: What?

Doctor: I’m not a demon, I’m not a trickster and we’re certainly not angels! I’m a Time Lord!

Dean looks confused.

Dean: Time Lord?

He turns to Sam.

Dean: What’s a Time Lord?

Sam: No idea. Never heard of them before.

Dean: You never saw it mentioned in dad’s journal?

Sam: No. Didn’t you?

Dean: No…

Doctor: I’m a Time Lord. I’m the last of the Time Lords. I’m an alien from the planet of Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. Where are you two from? Wherever you’re from, I’m sure I can take you home!

Dean: You’re an alien?

Doctor: Which planet are you from?

Sam: We’re from Earth. We’re from Kansas…

The Doctor looks confused.

Doctor: Kansas…as in…America?

Dean: Unless there’s a planet of Kansas somewhere in the constellation of…of…Canesten, yes. America.

Doctor: Then sorry boys. You’re not in Kansas anymore…

Sam: Look, why don’t we just put the guns down and talk about this like adults, huh? No-one needs to shoot and no-one has to die here.

Jack puts his gun away and the Doctor starts to walk slowly forward.

Dean: Sorry, Sammy, can’t risk it…

Dean pulls the trigger and shoots Jack in the head. Jack falls to the ground quickly.


Dean: Listen, Sammy, we do NOT know what they are. Ok. I was not willing to take that chance!

Amy and Gwen run over and look at what’s happened.

Gwen: What happened?

Doctor: He did.

Gwen pulls her gun out and points it at Dean.


Dean: Woah… steady-on sweetheart. I only did it in self-defence.

Gwen: DON’T CALL ME SWEETHEART! What did he do to you?

Dean: He might have attacked us!

Gwen: MIGHT? That’s what you’re going with is it?

Doctor: Gwen, don’t bother. You know it’s not going to matter in a few moments.

Dean: What do you mean? He’s gonna burst into flames or something?

Sam: Dean!

Gwen: Oh something much worse than that.

Dean: What could possibly be worse than spontaneously combusting?

As he finishes that, Jack gasps and comes back to life. Sam and Dean look at him shocked. They can’t believe what they’ve just seen. To be fair, nor can Amy.

Sam: Did he just…?

Dean: Uh-huh…

Sam: Wow…

Dean: Son of a bitch…

Amy: How did he do that, Doctor?

Doctor: No idea. But he’s been able to do that for some time now.

Jack: Hundreds of years to be precise. I’m gonna be as old as him someday…

Sam: Could that have been Cass?

Dean: I thought Cass was only into bringing you and me back.

Castiel: I am.

Dean looks next to him. Castiel has randomly appeared from no-where. He looks on at the others. Dean curbs the need to hit him.

Dean: How many times do I have to tell you not to do that!

Castiel: You’ve already told me a sufficient number of times.

Dean: Then why keep doing it?

Castiel: I find it…amusing.

Dean doesn’t look impressed. Castiel moves around the car door and walks towards the others. They all look at him.

Jack: And who’s this guy?!

Castiel: Please do not be alarmed. I apologise for my friend here. He’s…rash.

Gwen: You can say that again…

The Doctor walks up to him and inspects him. He nods.

Doctor: I like your fashion sense…

Castiel: Thank you. I find it comfortable.

Doctor: Yeah…very last regeneration…

Castiel: Regeneration?

Amy: Who are you? And who are they?

Castiel: The one who shot your friend is Dean Winchester. His brother there is Sam Winchester. They’re hunters. And I am Castiel. I am and angel of the lord.

Doctor: An angel?

The Doctor pulls out his screwdriver and stands in a defensive stance. Castiel looks on, plain faced.

Castiel: What are you doing?

Doctor: You’re an angel…but you’re organic…you’re not made of stone…

Castiel: No…This vessel is made of flesh and blood. Like you I presume. But what is that you’re pointing at me?

Doctor: Sonic screwdriver…

Castiel: Why are you pointing a screwdriver at me? Do you wish to encase me in some kind of cabinet?

Amy laughs. So does Jack.

Doctor: Oi! That’s rude!

Gwen: What’s a hunter?

Sam and Dean close the doors of the Impala and walk up to them.

Sam: We hunt things. Demons, tricksters, sometimes angels. It’s our job. It’s our family business.

Amy: So you go around killing monsters? And you call that a business?

Dean: We hunt and kill things that kill or hurt other people. We find a case, we track whatever it is down and we gank it before it ices more people. Got a problem with that?

Amy: A little bit.

Sam: So who are you guys?

Doctor: Yes! Sorry! The Welsh lady is Gwen Cooper, this here is Captain Jack Harkness. Watch out, he flirts, the ginge is Amy Pond…

Sam: Amy Pond?

Amy: Yeah. What about it?

Sam: Huh. Cute name.

Amy: Thanks?

Doctor: And I’m the Doctor!

Sherlock: And I’m Sherlock Holmes. Consulting detective.

They all turn around to see two more people standing by a London Cab. They all look confused. John looks at Sherlock weirdly.

John: And I’m John Watson if anyone’s interested because he obviously isn’t...