Wednesday 25 March 2015

I Remember...

I remember waking up one morning and the sun was shining through the curtains
I remember thinking what a beautiful morning as I ripped them open
I remember wanting to go outside with my friend til it was dark
I remember getting dressed just to go and run and start

I remember knocking on his door with such excitement
I remember him answering it as his expression remained silent
I remember wanting to go on an adventure
And I remember wanting to do it again in the future...

I remember finding an old field lush and green
I remember getting our bikes and riding across it
I remember taking an unknown turn at the end
I remember finding a swing on a tree just around the bend
And that's when it all changed...

I remember things you'll never understand
And times you'll never have.

I remember looking at it with eyes so damn wide
I remember swinging on it, up and down, side to side
I remember thinking that I'd never felt more alive
I remember wanting to be there for the rest of time
I remember going back every day for the next week
I remember it being broken and we did everything we could to try and fix it

I remember things you'll never understand
And times you'll never have.

I remember claiming it as our own
I remember calling it our second home
I remember going back shortly after
I remember the bare field an image from a nuclear disaster
I remember running through it and the swing had gone
I remember thinking that we'd been so very wronged

I remember things you'll never understand
And times you'll never have.

But then I remembered the good times we'd had on that swing
I remember it becoming the symbol for everything
I remember those times whenever I start to feel down
I remember that swing and how the kids can't feel like that now
While they become corrupted by computers
Being fed by a Government that doesn't care
They miss out on the wonders of this wider world
They don't know what it's like to feel alive...

I remember things you'll never understand
And times you'll never have
I remember a time before we were corrupted
And times you'll never have...

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