Monday 9 March 2015


"A man is the sum of his memories..."

So there's this thing at the moment online called '#DearMe' which is where people reveal what advice they'd give to their younger selves should the opportunity arise. Now, I think it's directed more at women, but I think that everyone should have a bash at this as most people have some decent advice that they would most certainly impart given the option. So, I thought I'd give it a bash, being obsessed with timelines and time travel and all.

So please bear with me. This might take a moment or two.

1: That asteroid you heard about on the news is going to miss us completely. In fact, you see it go by through a pair of binoculars. And you taunt it a bit. In fact you look a right mug doing it but that doesn't matter. Yes the imagery they put on ITV News of Armageddon and Deep Impact to illustrate their point is enough to unnerve anyone but getting worked up about it only leads to hours of therapy and years of paranoia which, to be honest, never really goes away. So don't think about it too much.

2: You're going to meet some of the best friends you'll ever have in your teenage years and at university. I could name every single one of them if I wanted to. Obviously you've still got Joe, you'll meet Tabby, Rachel, George, Anne, Becky, Tom and Sammy again which will be fun. But then through them, you'll meet Julia, Stephi, Joshua and at uni you'll meet people like Johanna, Robbie, Sam, Sean. Ems, Zoe, Kayleigh, Kira, Declan and many others at Winchester and at Newport like Mary, Zeke and others. So, although you might feel somewhat lonely right now, it does get better. You'll also meet some wonderful people at Toby's too but that's another story!

3. You'll make mistakes in the romance department. Yes. It is a department. A bloody big one too. You'll meet some wonderful young women but for reasons, not always because of you, they don't stick. But that's fine. These things happen. You've gotta keep moving on as you never quite know what's around the corner. 

4. Most importantly of all, try to smile as often as you can. It's not always going to be easy, needed or appropriate but it's better to smile rather than frown. You have a temper on you and it's better to try and keep that side of us hidden. Because, trust me, putting your fist to a door-frame REALLY hurts. We do have that streak but it's better to not give it fuel. People will continually try to test you and annoy you and try to hurt you about how you look, how you think and what you like as well as blame you for shit you haven't even done. But the sooner you start to care less what people think of you, the better your life will become. And if all else fails, refer to the picture below for guidance in times of need!

No, not that one, this one:

*I have left some names out of my best friend list but that's because I wrote this in a rush as I'm meant to be finishing an essay. I love all of my friends equally.

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