Sunday 8 March 2015

Cardiopath: EP Update


So the process of recording my first solo EP is well underway and it's going through the slow process of actually being recorded. I've hit a few snags but nothing that can't be fixed. Considering that I have a lot of work to do for uni at the moment it's kind of taking a back-burner for the moment but over the Easter holidays and after my exam it's pretty much going to be my life apart from work and friends and dissertation research.

HOWEVER. I have nearly finished the guitar work to one of the songs (which I shall not name yet) and the others are in the process of starting to be recorded. The track-listing has been decided and finalized and the name of the EP has also been decided. It's not sticking to one genre particularly, I've tried to diversify it a bit but I guess it would be classed as 'Alternative' as I have no freaking idea how one would classify it.

Anyway, here's the tracklisting for the EP:

The Human Experience
Cinta Senjati
Class War!

Girl In The Library
Eccentric Circles

Don't ask me about when it will be released as I have no idea yet. Hopefully in the summer if all goes to plan but somehow I reckon it'll be out in Autumn. I'd love to play it live at some stage too. Got some cool ideas for live shows so if anyone wants to help me out then let me know!

I hope I can share something with you soon. I already know what the first single's going to be and, if you like Black Sabbath, you might like the song...

In the meantime, check out this awesome collab I did with my cousin who makes electronic music, MARVIN called 'Keep Calm...'

Until next time!


Second collab with MARVIN called 'I Don't Know Yet'. Feel free to check it out!

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