Monday 5 January 2015

Scandanavians, Please Help Me!

Happy new year!

Hi guys! Welcome to 2015! Hope it's been as good for you so far as it's been for me.

Just a short one today as I need some help from any readers of this blog from Nordic countries. (Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland).

The reason being:

In 2016, I will be graduating from my bachelors University degree and, assuming all goes well, I will be starting a Master's degree in the same year. (Acceptance permitted of course).

However, as I wish to expand my horizons a bit and broaden my mind, get out of the UK for a bit (and my CV to be fair as well), I wish to complete my masters degree in a Northern European country.

I'm looking to do a course either in: GLOBAL HEALTH, PUBLIC HEALTH or INDIGENOUS STUDIES.

Ideally, I would like a career combining the Politics of Health with some but not complete focus on indigenous peoples across the globe. I've seen two courses at present which fall into this category that looks good with one that needs more research.

Global Health Masters at the University of Copenhagen
Indigenous Studies Master at the Arctic University of Norway, Tromso.

with a course that needs more research:

Public Health Masters at the Arctic University of Norway, Tromso.

I'm constantly looking across Northern Europe for other similar courses that fit and that I seem to be eligble for.

Of course, I can wish this until I'm blue in the face but I am at a slight disadvantage.

I'm British.

I've never been to Norway or Denmark, or anywhere in Scandinavia for that matter. So if anyone reading this is from those countries, and are a student that's native or international, please tell me what it's like. What's good, what's not so good. Lifestyle, city/country life etc.

I'd be very grateful if anyone from these countries could help me out. It would make my decision a little bit more rounded if I had that information to hand from people who are actually experiencing it.

Thank you in advance and I hope to hear from you soon!

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