Wednesday 12 November 2014

An Open Post To Katie Hopkins

I gave in.

I've refrained from talking about you for some time as, in the greater scheme of things, you're really not worth the energy. But I'm really pissed off at this so I'm gonna vent.

Katie Hopkins.

You are possibly the most annoying, hypocritical and opinionated woman in the country. The woman who makes Jeremy Clarkson look like Jesus. The woman who thought it was stupid to name your child after a place despite having a daughter called India. The woman who criticised the McCanns and who described Margaret Thatcher as "prey". (I don't like Thatcher, but you and I both know she was anything but).

Well, now, it appears you've crossed (another) line. So much so; people are calling for your arrest. And, imo, quite rightly so.

Over the past few days, you have put some vile things up in Twitter that have targeted Muslims, Palestinians and Ebola victims. Let's look at what you've said shall we?

"Palestinians busy knifing Israelis. 2 state solution my arse. Filthy rodents burrowing beneath Israel. Time to restart the bombing campaign".

I'm going to concentrate on just this one because that's the one that pissed me off most.

Ok. Firstly, you're effectively regurgitating what Joan Rivers said before she died. Just because she's gone, it doesn't mean you are her rightful successor. Also, not that I'm justifying what Rivers said, but Rivers had more of a personal connection to the situation compared to you on the account she was Jewish and, yes, Hamas have killed some Israeli Jews hence her annoyances. But secondly, you seriously need to read up on the history. I know you've made comments in the past how Britain's good and stuff, but did you know we're partially responsible for the creation of the Israeli state? 

After the end of the First World War and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, Palestine became a British Mandate (also after our conquest of Syria). In the following years following the Balfour Declaration of 1917 which favoured the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine (taken from US Department of State's Office of History website), there was an influx of Jewish refugees into the region which happened well into the Second World War and beyond.

Now, after the Second World War, the Americans were keen on the idea of a Jewish state to be created but refused to without consulting other Arab regions in the immediate area. The UK opposed this initially as it wanted to maintain control of Palestine as well as good political and economic ties in the region. However, to cut a long story short, after talk of division in the state itself, a UN resolution and the official recognition of Israel as a state.

The Palestinians did not ask for us or the Americans to intervene in their geo-politics and effectively doom them to almost unending conflict. 

And also, don't paint ALL Palestinians with the same brush you stupid woman. I personally pro-Palestine in the whole Israel v Palestine, but in the context of pro-Palestine-population. (I'm not keen on Hamas personally speaking). I'm also not naive in realising that Hamas don't do awful things as well as the Israelis. There have been reports of Hamas using citizens as human shields which I think are very likely but Hamas as a para-military wing and the Palestinian population as a whole are two separate entities. Whether it's true or not that some Palestinians have stabbed Israelis, that would be, at most, a small group and not a group that represents the actions or wishes of the whole Palestinian people. And what's your proposed response to an isolated knife attack? Bombs. Because that's measured.

The truth is Katie, you may not realise it or indeed want to realise it but you're actually promoting and condoning the killing of a people in what is effectively a slow genocide. 

Using your logic, we should bomb every town in the UK where there's a stabbing. 

Do you see how silly that sounds? 

Just because there's a conflict in the West Bank, it doesn't change the dynamic so much that the logic you're using becomes the dominant thought process. 

God forbid you ever get in charge of a country or a military. I'm aware you attended Sandhurst for a time, I'm also aware why you stood down from it. But I think that might have been for the best in the long run if that's your mentality during a war. 

If you don't want people to like or respect you, then carry on saying what you're saying because you're succeeding at that with flying colours. But if you DO want people to like or respect you, then clean up your act and actually form considered and educated arguments for a change rather than just saying provocative and ill-thought-out comments. Because you're not a nice woman. And when you say things like this, a very touchy subject to many, people do hate you more. Which every time we don't think that's possible, you prove us wrong. And also, please explain to us what you think gives you the right to say what you want and think that you can get away with it? Because I'm intrigued to know what goes on inside your head. And god forbid your kids pick up your opinions quite frankly.

Anyway. You seriously need to think about what you say before you say it. Because you're not a popular woman, you're not nice and you're not widely-respected either. So stop with the whole God complex thing?

Yours angrily

Joshua Frampton.

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