Thursday 3 March 2016

A Universe Inside My Head

A universe inside my head. Anywhere, anytime. Where do you want to start?

So, anyone who knows me will know that I have created a sci-fi/comic universe. It's expansive and it's always being added to but, for all intents and purposes, it's mine. There's a reason why it's mine and there's a reason why I've now started to share it but it's mine all the same. And, for a blog, I thought I'd explain what my universe include and why I created it. Anyone else who has created their own universe will know how good it can be to create one but also how awesome it is once it's there. You get quite protective.

So let's begin.

Why did I create a universe in my head?

That answer is simple. It's because of my Aspergers Syndrome. For someone like me, life isn't easy. I know it's not easy for anyone but I personally have a disadvantage because I don't always understand social cues, constructs and people. I also have inherent anxiety and I also am a little hyper-sensitive so it means that I can become easily overwhelmed. If this happens, I become a nervous wreck and no use to anyone.

Since 2006, I've been constructing a universe in my head to help deal with these issues and problems. I suppose some people would call it a 'mind palace' but, for me, it's a universe that I can retreat into when things get tough or too much. My universe started off as more of a sci-fi universe where problems were aliens that needed stopping. A lot like Doctor Who in many ways. As Doctor Who was my obsession in my teenage years, it made sense for my coping strategy to take that form. However, now I'm in my 20s, my obsession lies more with comics now. I still love sci-fi and Doctor Who but I find comics much easier to relate to now. So I have the best of both worlds.

As a result, my universe has become increasingly more occupied with superheroes as opposed to character similar to science fiction. Though, of course, science fiction is still the cornerstone of my universe.

The formula for the universe is this:

  1. Ok. There's a problem. A BIG problem right now. 
  2. Look at the situation, personify it and turn it into a super-villain.
  3. Transport that super-villain into my universe.
  4. Fight that super-villain to the best of my ability with my character in my head.
  5. If I win, fantastic. If I can't stop them, bring in my "team" made up of characters based on my friends, people I know and actors I love.
  6. We win. Fantastic.
It's a way for me to deal with problems, triggers and other scary monsters that lurk inside my head right now. And, trust me, there's a lot of them.

Why are you sharing this universe now?

I'm sharing it now because I feel that it might help other people in a similar situation to me. Either to distract them or to inspire them to create their own universe in which problems can be solved by metaphysically kicking the shit out of it. (The link to the stories by the way is : That way, if anyone has problems like I do then they can translate my characters into their own lives if it helps. 

Not only that, the characters I use are mostly based on real people so it's also nice for them to see what they mean to me by showing them the characters that are based on them. To give you an idea of the sorts of characters and people they're based on, here's a few examples.

'STARCASTER' - Starcaster is based on my friend Johanna who, despite having a lot of stress nearly all of the time, still manages to be a really happy person and make sure that everyone is happy before she is. Translating this into a character was simple. Starcaster (aka. Marion Gold) is a teenager who tries to kill herself after continually losing out on opportunities but gets saved by an alien race and is experimented on so that her body is now powered by a compressed star as opposed to a standard biological structure. As a result, she can do anything a star can do and live as long as a star can. I recently drew a mock front cover for Johanna's birthday with the tagline "the brightest star in the sky". The light in everyone's life and the ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Given everything she's done for me, it's only fair to repay here as such.

'OTHERGIRL' - Othergirl is based on my friend Liz. Creating Othergirl from Liz was easy because the character options were extremely easy. Othergirl is a super-soldier who has gone through hell and brain-washing but manages to find her freedom. As a result, she fights to make sure no one else can be oppressed in that way or have to go through painful things. Bottom line, she doesn't want people to share the same pain she had. Liz is exactly the same person. Which, to me, makes her wonderful. As a result, Othergirl is a badass part-cybernetic-super-soldier who will go through anyone to protect the people she cares about. To be honest, it's gotten to the point where I can't tell any difference between the two of them. Not a bad thing by any stretch!

'SHADE' - Shade is based on a young lady I know called Eleanor. I've only met Eleanor once but I still consider her a good friend. Shade is no different. Shade is a young lady who feels out of place in the world, until an alien computer from the future crash-lands in her garden and helps her to become a sword-wielding-martial-art superhero despite her own battles with mental health. The idea behind Shade is clear; just because you have a mental health problem it doesn't make you any less badass or awesome than you were perceived as before. Eleanor, herself, is a lovely young woman who I'm very glad to be friends with but, even so, both of them are pretty badass. 

'ELEMENTAL' - Elemental is based on my oldest friend, Joe. Joe's a massive science nerd so the character creation for him was also simple. As a baby, his character was subjected to a failed science experiment that caused his foetal self to absorb every element known to man. As a result, he can harness and manipulate every element on the periodic table at this will. He can become gaseous, turn to stone or become a liquid. (Yeah, still toying around with writing the liquid one...that's going to be fun). Joe himself is a physics nerd and loves science itself. Almost as much as climbing. But, still, the idea that he is the most powerful scientific resource in my universe should make up for the fact that we don't see each other much anymore. 

'KARMA' - Karma is based on my housemate and close friend, Josh. Karma is one of personal favourites because his character was endowed with the power of the God of Karma. So, whenever someone does something wrong, Karma comes for them. He's a good guy with a clear sense of right and wrong but he's also not afraid to stand up for what's morally right. He doesn't just charge into things. He relies on his own instinct and senses to make a decision rather than just believing what's said on the surface. Much like my housemate. Also, he's one of the few characters in my universe than can win 99% of fights they're ever in. Just like Josh, you don't want to mess with them when they're angry!

'GHOST' - Finally, Ghost. Based on my friend Sammy. Ghost is the twin sister of my character (who I'll go into shortly) and can 'phase' out of existence. Which is effectively invisibility but, because she's not technically in the physical plane of existence anymore, she can move anywhere within the space while not touching anything. This does come in handy when spying on someone but it also means that Ghost can find out things before anyone else. And, in certain cases, talk to the dead because of the phasing. Sammy was an obvious choice for this character because of our relationship. Ghost is the weirdest character in my universe and she's the weirdest person I know. So, it made total sense. Still, don't piss either of them off. They'll kick your ass and you won't see them coming.

My character is called Speedfreak and he's a speedster. Much like the Flash from DC comics, he can run really fast. Though, differently to the Flash, Speedfreak can actually outrun time itself rather than slow it down. He's also an alien from a planet called Eden. (Ghost is too. Yay for aliens). However, they both grew up on Earth after being evacuated from their homeworld. He's not really good in a fight but his analytical nature can often be his saving grace. He'd also rather give bad people a chance of redemption before taking them down completely. Like me, more or less!

I have awesome friends and I know awesome people. I can't deal with everything alone. So, having this in my friend calms me and makes me feel stronger. And, now that I'm sharing them with people, I can fill the stories out a bit and give them more dimensions. Which for me, as a creative individual, is the best thing I can do. Share what I help with the world in case it helps someone else and enjoy doing it as I do. What could be better!

Feel free to read the stories. I put them up every so often :)

Until next time.

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