Sunday 15 February 2015

The Truth To Life

Welcome to the world
It's not a bad place
It's a bit misguided
But it's home.

Now that you're here
You'll experience more
Than any of us could
Ever really dream of.

And that's good.

Because you'll experience life.

You'll experience love.

You'll experience good days.

And bad days.

And meh days.

And "ah fuck it" days.

Days when you can't face the world.

Days when you can.

Days where you want to punch it in the face.

Days when you won't.

But this is what life is made up of. Days.
And it's too short to worry about the little things.
Go out there and explore the world in ways I never could.
We're sadly going to lose it at some stage so see it when you can.

Go around and travel. Meet people. Meet a girl. Or a boy. We're not fussy.
Experience love. The first kiss that makes your heart explode.
Someone you can connect with on more than a physical level.
Someone you can just talk meaningless shit with and still find them fun.

Love isn't a curse. It's beautiful. It's all around. As is hate. But you can ignore hate.
You can't ignore love. Believe me, we've all tried to at one point or another.
Read, love, eat, drink, be merry. Have a few close friends rather than lots of good ones.
Ignore race, ignore colour, ignore creed and only focus on their humanity.

This is the truth to life. Tolerate. Be happy. Be contented. Don't care what people think of you.
Go into the world. Make waves. Take nothing but memories and leave nothing but footprints.
And when I'm old and decrepit I'll still want to listen to your stories of worlds I've never seen.
And when I'm dying you'll hopefully read this out as a eulogy to the future generations.

All it takes are days to enjoy the world...

Don't waste time. Live every second, every minute, every day. Wake up in the morning and intend
To do as much good as you can. A little good goes a long way.

As will you...

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