Tuesday 26 January 2016

It's Ok...

The power of music...

So, this blog post is a bit different today. I want to share some lyrics that I wrote today. And there's a story behind them.

I saw a video today from YouTuber TomSka who talked about an abusive relationship he'd been in when he was younger. Now, I've never been in a relationship that's abusive, but it did get me thinking. I ended up lost in my own thoughts and memories and I remembered some times when I'd felt really down. I had a bad spell a few years ago and I didn't enjoy it. But I managed to get out of that bad spot while others remain stuck there. So, I sat up to the piano I was next to and wrote out this song in 30 minutes. 

This song is for anyone who has/has had/still suffering from depression or any other kind of mental illness. While there's still stigma, I'm sure there's light on the other side. There has to be.

'It's Ok' written by Joshua Frampton.

"Dear past self, I forgive you
For all the things that you have done
And I accept how you're feeling
You were not the only one

And maybe it's ok
For us to carry on this way

And I can never judge another
Knowing what you're going through

And that's ok
I'm sorry you were made to feel that way
I promise that the feeling goes away
It's only one more dragon left to slay
So pick up that sword
And make it go away

Dear past self, can you hear me?
These aren't the worst days of your life
So let go of the handle
This can can be solved without a knife

And maybe it's ok
To make sure you're not astray

And I can never judge another
Remembering what you're going thorough

And that's ok
I'm sorry you were made to feel this way
I promise that the feeling goes away
It's only one more dragon left to slay
So pick up that sword
And make it go away

If I could travel back in time
I'd tell you it would be ok
So hear this from your future
You will find that sunny day...

It's not that far away...

Dear past self, I forgive you
Because it looks like no one will
And I accept how you're feeling
You're still not the only one

I promise it's ok
Helping others not to feel this way

And say that it's ok
I'm sorry you were made to feel this way
I promise that the feeling goes away
It's only one more dragon left to slay
So pick up that sword
And make it go away

And make it go away..."

I intend to record this at some stage. So, hopefully, next time you see/hear these lyrics they'll be through some speakers or something.

Thanks for reading. 

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