Sunday 20 December 2015

2016 - Best Laid Plans Of Mice & Men

We all have plans, but how many have a manifesto?

So I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. And not like this 'new year new me' bullshit, no, but I mean thinking about things I can do next year (2016) in order to make things a little bit better for me and the people around me. So, I've come up with a few things. And, because I share a bit too much, I thought I'd put it on here. So here are a few plans I have for 2016.

Firstly, I fully intend to go through with the counselling I've been referred for. I have hypochondria and some paranoia and, earlier this month, I got referred for counselling in order to counteract it. Given that my head's trying to convince me nearly every day that I'm dying, presenting psychosomatic symptoms to help the paranoia along, I think it's time to get it sorted once and for all. Not just for my own sanity but for my mother's and my housemate's sanities too.

I want to learn to drive. I need to learn to drive. I live in a small town in the countryside with terrible public transport. Driving is a necessity round our way. Also, given a potential career path I may take, it's more or less compulsory.

I want to learn some magic. Just to expand my own skillset if nothing else. You never know when it might come in handy.

I want to get a decent degree when I finish university this year. Well, who wouldn't?

I want to lose weight. I've put a bit of weight on and I need to get rid of it. I feel it might go someway to helping with the reduction of hypochondria/paranoia. You never know. But I'm not doing it to impress anyone or because I want to fit in somewhere, I'm doing this for health reasons and because I want to. I'm not entirely certain about how I'm going to go about it yet. I've never really been a sporty person but I'm sure I can find a way to do something. It may include breaking routines but I'm sure we can sort something.

I want to learn to be ambidextrous. I don't even know if that's possible. But hey, might come in handy sometime.

I want to write an article for the Guardian Opinion Section. I feel I have so much to say about so many things and, I think, if I can find the right thing to talk about I feel that I might be able to write it in a concise and professional way. It's also another string to add to my bow. Also, how cool would it be to write for the Guardian in a non-professional capacity?

I want to return to music and complete a full EP. I've been writing a few songs since I gave up music for a while and they're becoming quite good. So I'd like to get my electric guitar fixed and then get back into the swing of writing and recording music. I would've had a year off by that point and I think that might be long enough.

I want to design and make my own superhero costume. Original idea, not a version of an already existing superhero. I've basically had this idea for a superhero universe for a long time based on people I know and I even have a character based on me. Speedfreak. (I've been giving a small glimpse into this universe on another blog of mine. You can read little bits and pieces here: Speedfreak is a speedster, believe it or not, and is one of the fastest people alive. So I'd love to create a Speedfreak costume as well as learn to draw other characters. (Perhaps if I can learn some kind of artistic ability I might be able to do some initial drawings for a potential future comic book/graphic novel release.

And, finally, I'd like to get a life partner. And I don't mean a girlfriend or a boyfriend or anything like that. Because I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm not in school. And, while it would be nice to have a romantic relationship again, given I'm a lot more comfortable in myself and in what I want to do with my life, I'd just like a particular someone to share the world with. Someone to find special places with and just spend life with as I grow older, wiser and grumpier. It doesn't even need to be an intimate or physical relationship. I'm no good at...certain adultish it doesn't even need to involve that. I just want someone to hang out with, watch movies with and just have fun with. But I'm also not naive. I believe things happen for a reason and this kind of thing will happen when it's meant to happen. I'm also becoming a tad more philosophical in my old age!

So, how many of these plans come to fruition remains to be seen. But that's half of the fun isn't it? But hey, you know the old saying, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry...

What are your plans for 2016? Feel free to take some inspiration from this if you'd like. Hope it can.

See ya next time.

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