Wednesday 5 August 2015


I have a plan to save the Fantastic Four...*

The Fantastic Four is, by far, one of Marvel's most popular and enduring comic series. Not only were they different to other superheroes at the time, they also saved Stan Lee's job as he'd previously planned to leave Marvel before the first issue was released. The first issue proved so popular he decided to stay. Or so the story goes.

However, within 10 years, we've had 3 feature film offerings and 1 missed film opportunity of the Fantastic Four. The 2005 and 2007 offerings starred Ioan Gruffudd as Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic, Jessica Alba as Sue Storm/Invisible Woman, Chris Evans as Johnny Storm/Human Torch and Michael Chiklis as Ben Grimm/The Thing. Despite the promise of a big(ish) budget from 20th Century Fox, it failed to impress despite a sequel with Galactus and the Silver Surfer as the antagonists and Doctor Doom appearing in both movies. The most recent film (with Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B Jordan and Jamie Bell), seems also not to have impressed many with many aspects of the original comic line up changed, including how they gain their powers. There was also a failed attempt in 1994 to bring the team to the big screen

Given that many reviews of the new movie are coming in, I think that many fans of the comics will start to wonder whether Fox can really deliver on the franchise as well as it thought it could and there might be the debate, as their was with Spiderman, as to whether it's time for the Fantastic Four to return to the MCU in some way, shape or form.

If the return to the MCU ever were to happen (and I think it will within a decade), I would like to offer a layout for a potential Netflix or ABC TV series for the Fantastic Four as, personally, I think a TV series might suit the team dynamic a bit better than another movie. (Although, if they were in the MCU, they could come into the films at any point!)

So here goes. My idea for a 13 episode Season 1.

Episodes 1-3 - Origin
Obviously, with new actors taking on the roles, we'd need to go through their origin story again. Episode 1 would focus more on about why the mission into space takes place, ending with the accident that give them their powers. Episode 2 would deal with the aftermath of the accident: their return to Earth, their reintroduction to society and the discovery of their powers. (Maybe even get SHIELD involved in making sure they're ok and keeping an eye on them. I'd imagine Coulson might find Reed a bit interesting). Episode 3 would then focus on the group recuperating in the Baxter building and Reed trying to help the group make sense of their powers. Johnny might discover his powers at this point by accident while driving a fast car maybe. Something which gains a lot of media attention. In between these, there would little nods to Latveria, where Victor von Doom is now the ruler. The first time we see Doom will be at the end of Episode 3 when the news of Johnny's abilities go global and reach Latverian TV where Reed Richard's face will also appear. This is where the camera pans to show Doom's mask on a chair and his disfigured face on show.

Episodes 4-11 - With Great Power...
It would be in Episodes 4 and 5 that we really see the Fantastic Four take on the mantle of heroes when a new threat appears that the Avengers don't appear to have the opportunity to stop so the team decides to have a go themselves, ultimately succeeding. (Possibly have Mole Man or Hydro-Man as the main antagonist for this). Episodes 6-9 would follow the same formula with different antagonists until, eventually, von Doom starts to make more of an appearance. The Fantastic Four will now be recognised around the globe (in keeping with the celebrity status of the characters in the comics) and will have personal repercussions for the group. (Reed and Sue's relationship, Ben's frustrations, Johnny's antics etc). During these episodes, there would also be visits from other characters in the MCU either as cameo or as crossover. Maybe Johnny could bump into Luke Cage in the street or the team could get a visit or request of help from Spiderman, Doctor Strange or Daredevil perhaps? If they returned to the MCU there's potential for so much in the way of crossovers.

Episodes 12-13 - Doom
It would be at this stage that it's revealed that Victor von Doom has been sponsoring the villains that have challenged the team until now and, given that the team have stopped them at every turn, Doom now feels it's time to take care of the team himself. Doom returns to New York and launches a physical attack on the Baxter Building before revealing himself to the team revealing his motives: to get his own back on Reed Richards for his facial disfigurement. Episode 12 will see the team start to fracture as Sue and Johnny try to get to the bottom of Reed and Victor's spat while Ben remains unusually quiet. Episode 13 will see the truth be revealed and the "final" between the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom. (That depends on whether series 2 gets commissioned or not!)

See, I grew up with the 2005/2007 films and I love them for a number of reasons. While they were horrifically cheesy, they got the humour and the comic dialogue exactly right as far as I'm concerned. The tone would follow a similar trajectory, only the more serious aspects of the show would draw influences from Daredevil and Agents of Shield, in keeping with the Four's return to the MCU.


So, here's my idea for a cast were it commissioned tomorrow.

Reed Richards/Mr Fantastic - RICHARD ARMITAGE. Reed is sort of depicted as a "hot nerd" and I think Richard could pull this off quite well. His acting range is *fantastic* so would have no issue taking on the role of a slightly sexy geek. He also looks slightly younger than he is too so it would work for the Reed/Sue storyline.

Susan Storm/Invisible Woman - DANIELLE PANABAKER. I know she's already in the Flash but she wouldn't be the first actress to be in both DC and Marvel! She has the awkwardness that Sue sometimes exhibits but I've also seen her in much more serious roles too so I reckon she'd be great.

Johnny Storm/Human Torch - JAKE ABEL. Seeing as Sam and Dean probably won't bust Adam out of hell anytime soon, I reckon Jake has some time on his hands. Maybe he'd be up for a *hot* new role?

Ben Grimm/The Thing - STEVE PEACOCKE. Australian actor who recently left Home and Away might be up for a new role in the States? Already proving his physique in both Home and Away and the film Hercules, he would definitely be a physical fit for Ben Grimm. He can do both comical and intimidating. Maybe after some bulking up slightly, I reckon he'd be great at the whole thing.

So that's my pitch. Marvel, can I have a job now?

Let me know what you think. Maybe you can think of some better villains for the Four to face or some better actors to play different parts?

As always, let me know!

* There are obviously conditions...

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