Saturday 25 October 2014

Nothing Happens In My Hometown

Let me have this rant.

Ok. So. I've been a Whovian since I was 10. I might be 20 now but I'm still just as much a kid now as I was then.

So imagine my surprise, shock and jealousy when I had numerous people message me telling me that Peter Capaldi, PETER FREAKING CAPALDI, was casually walking round my hometown today!

But was I in my hometown at the time?


I was at university an hour and a half away.

Here's what annoys me most.

It's not that Capaldi was in my hometown. It's not that it was announced. He's a human being, of course he can do things to himself, I'm not suggesting that in the slightest.

It's that practically nothing happens in my hometown when I'm there. But it's all fun and freaking frolics when I'm gone.

When I'm there, jack shit happens. The worst that will happen is a cow escapes. But when I go, the BBC visit when they plant some (frankly stupid) snowdrops, the guy who appeared in the Hovis advert in the 70's returns to turn on the Christmas lights and, now, DOCTOR FREAKING WHO VISITS MY HOMETOWN.

Do you know what pisses me off more?



It just seems all the good shit happens when I leave.

I've also just seen a picture of a friend's daughter who had her picture with her and that hasn't helped. I'm extremely happy for her, don't get me wrong, but I can't help but be EXTREMELY JEALOUS BEYOND WORDS.

I can only imagine some people's reactions to seeing Capaldi walking down the High Street just casually looking around. And I know exactly how I would've reacted.

(It would've involved some initial confusion, close inspection and then me making sounds I never thought I could make, before asking if I could have a picture taken with him).

I can't help but be rather saddened by this news.

I can't complain because I've met two previous Doctors (Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy) but still, meeting Capaldi would still have been amazing and I would've died a very happy man.

Oh well.

If you happen to read this and you did in fact meet him and converse with him in town, please keep it to yourself. Just know I'm very happy for you, I'm jealous and I wish you and I could've swapped places at that very moment.

Especially when I've been working all afternoon.

Shit happens. Or, in this case, doesn't.

Be just our luck Tennant visits in a fortnight.

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