Friday 24 April 2020

"Fear Is The Real Virus" [Opinion Article].


No, I'm not talking about that weird Mel Gibson film from years back. 

Nor am I talking about pentagrams and things like that. 

I'm talking about homemade signs that get shown at protests. 

"NEVER SUBMIT TO ASLAN", that kind of thing.

In relation to my previous blog post, more things have been released from the protests in various US states from those who are protesting the lockdown. Now, once again, they are perfectly within their rights to do so. That's the beauty of free-speech. However, it has to be said, there are some interesting angles to what they're saying.

Buzzfeed have released an article about various signs people in the US have made for the protests and, frankly, some of them are...intriguing. It may come under the guise of 'white privilege' but I do emplore you to read the article through the understanding that these people are brainwashed. Here's the original article:

Now, it's probably fair to say that some of these signs are to be expected. Here are some I liked.

"Don't cancel my golf season" for instance. Of course, golf is an important exercise during the lockdown, even for the highest office in the land. And, slightly amusingly, I kind of hope the Donald is getting massive golf-withdrawal.  But this is something that, let's face it, is something most people can live without. Unless Golf is a cultural festival in America?

Another sign says "don't believe Bill Gates of Hell". Frankly, this is a bit of a lazy pun. But it does take the argument back to anti-intellectualism. And this is a symptom across the West, not just in America. But, like I said in my previous article, to many of these people, anyone who challenges the deep-rooted beliefs that have been instilled in them since childhood is a heathen and someone to be feared. 

"Spread facts, not fear!" Couldn't agree more. Though I think you might be on the wrong side of that one. Of course, I'll be the first to apologise if it turns out you're right.

"Covid Slave". Welcome to the new world, friend.

"Vaccine mandates violates bodily autonomy". This is true. I can't argue with this one. But, I will say, if you believe that vaccines violate your bodily autonomy but you also believe abortions are sinful and chastise women as a result, take a good hard look at yourself, because you're coming dangerously close to being a hypocrite. I could also talk about how, if you're spreading the virus by doing this, you're also denying the sick bodily autonomy so...

"Legalize the Constitution". To be fair, this one made me laugh the most. But I believe this is more a failure of the American education system in places rather than anything else. That said, if you skip over the fact that the Constitution is a legal document, it's a good call to make.

"Let my people go". Can I borrow that down on the Southern border please?

"The cure is the disease". I mean, their later stuff isn't anything to write home about but that's still a little harsh. Also a failure of basic English if there's some confusion there.

"Legalize hugs". Forget everything else, can we make law a mandatory lesson in High Schools across America?

"Quarantines are for sick people". At last, we have some grasp of science. Though I'm not entirely sure why this person had a picture of Bill Gates on their sign? But, plot twist, how do you know you're not sick?

"Be like Sweden". Careful, that's dangerously close to advocating Socialism. I can feel Joe McCarthy stirring in his grave.

"Don't march, might get sniffles!" Ok, this is definitely the best grasp of science here.

"Open or we all do acid!" You know what, that's an incentive to stay closed and in lockdown. I highly doubt you're all going to do acid outside where you can get arrested. So that means you'll have to stay indoors...DO IT!

But in all seriousness, the title of this blog post is another sign I saw. Which I felt was rather pertinent given the rest of the signs on the article. And, indeed, my last blog post. The only difference is that fear is the only disease that has never gone away. In 1821, former American President, John Quincy Adams said "[America]...does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy". However, he didn't say anything about monsters at home either. But fear is the one disease that has never gone away. And there's perhaps no better country that to track that than the US. The fact that a new scare comes up every year or so, it shows that fear is still rife. 

But, to how far that fear is founded is up for debate. Because while many Americans might be scared of Muslims, it's because of the actions of a radical few. And, hey, posing with a gun in front of the Qu'ran is bad but doing it in front of the American flag and holding a Bible is tickety-boo. 

But, in my humble opinion, the basis of this fear can be best explained by former US President, Franklin Delaney Roosevelt. "There is nothing left to fear but fear itself". I think this is incredibly pertinent. Because there's nothing inherently scary about things the 'Religious Right' or American Conservatives get scared about. But the less fear there is, the less of a hold they have in the public consciousness. Therefore, there always needs to be a steady base level of fear for the people who exploit these people to operate.

Fear sells. What can I say? It worked in the Medieval period, worked in the Renaissance, worked in the Victorian era, it's worked ever since people realised they could scare a people into submission.

But, this fear could have disastrous consequences in this situation. Many signs I saw said something along the lines of "Give me freedom or give me Covid". Only, those people don't understand the irony of that statement given the situation they're in. People have rejected science since science first became mainstream, but these people risk extending the very thing they're protesting against!

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But there is a virus. It is spreading, and it's doing things like this that put people at risk. 

I personally believe there will be a second wave of Covid-19 towards the end of the year. And I believe that second wave won't originate in China. It won't originate in Europe, despite some countries in Europe, (Britain), not reacting as effectively as it could've, but from the United States. And, unfortunately, there are three reasons why I believe this could occur.

1. These protests.

2. State Governors opening up too soon.

3. Trump and the active persecution of intellectuals that disagree with the President's ideas.

Eastern European mystic and so-called-prophet Baba Vanga predicted that the 45th President of the United States would be the last President of the United States. And I've been intrigued by this for years to see if it comes true in any way shape or form. Under this current system, it may very well be that case. But maybe not as starkly as Baba Vanga made it sound.

Covid may kill hundreds of thousands in a short period, but fear has killed far more for far longer and, sadly, it will continue to do so. So while I still advocate not calling these protestors stupid and stipulate they are the victims of fear and manipulation, it is these very things that could kill more this year. And, if I happen to be a casualty of that, I will not be happy. I still wouldn't curse them, however. I'd curse the people that exploited them to this position. Because, no matter how you feel about the protests, they're the ones that refuse to care and take responsibility for the mess they're causing.

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