Monday 16 June 2014


Believe it or not, I still have a blog! Which I haven't actually attended to for some time!

For this I apologise. But please allow me to explain why I have not attended this part of my life for some time.

1. Uni Exams: I had revision and things so any and all non-social focus was place in that endeavour. I got a good result on one of the exams so obviously a wise move!

2. Music: Cardiopath (my music project) is taking off! I have an EP ready to be recorded, a video in the works and a 12+ track album ready to be recorded also. So music's also been taking up a lot of my time recently. (As well as live gig prep too!)

3. Work: I have a job! I'm working 8:30-3:45 5 days a week now so I'm also concerning myself with that and all this entails.

4. Lack of things to write: My Swedish friend, Marion, has asked me when Ducks By The Lake will return. It will at some stage but the fact is that I don't really have that much to write right now. So, if I do write anything, it's likely to be this. DBTL will be finished. I promise!

Anyway, until that time, I hope you're all ok and well!

Speak soon!

Joshua x

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