Sunday 6 October 2013


I see you. 

I see you wherever you are. 

I see you in the day and I see you at night. 

I’m always with you and I’m never with you. 

You may not always feel me but I’m there. 

I’m in all your dreams and I’m in all your nightmares.

the person who will turn your dreams into darkness. 

You may be dreaming of someone you care for. 

Maybe the person you love, at a picnic? 

Well I’ll be the one to put the knife to their throat and slice it open. 

I’ll be the person who kills your best friend in every way we know they fear and then I’ll kill you the same way.

I’m the person who tortures you every waking second you’re alive. 

I darken each day. 

I crush every soul. 

I poison every friendship you make. 

I turn each joke into insult and every insult into hurt.

I’m the one who whispers sweet somethings in your ear. 

Like “look...she’s upset now…look at what you've done…what a monster you are!” 

I keep your mind stable enough to survive but when the time is right, I take it all down. 

I’m the person you’re always fighting. 


I’m the person who laughs at you when you make a promise. 

I’m the person who reminds you of what it means to trust people. 

And why you don't.

I’m the person who reminds you of who’s really in charge. 

And that’s me. 

I hold all the cards. 

I hold every bad thing you ever did against you in the ultimate emotional blackmail.

And nothing you can do can ever change that. 

No matter how much good you do, no matter how many people you make happy or how many you help, 

I’ll still plague you with your failures, 

Your bad decisions, 

Your mistakes. 

And then I’ll make your memory remember things that didn't quite happen but seem plausible.

I’m the person who’ll let you feel all the hope in the world, and then I’ll take it away. 

To make you dangerous. 

I know your every fear, your every desire, your ever move. 

I know how you feel when you hurt.

I’ll make it 10 times worse.

I’m the person no-one wants to see.

I’m the darker side of your nature.

I’m always there.



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