Friday 7 June 2013

"I See You Everywhere"

I see you
I see you in my dreams
And in my nightmares
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you in shop windows
And on car bonnets
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you on my computer screen
And in my mobile phone
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you when I'm awake
And when I'm asleep
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you when I'm at work
And when I'm at school
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you on the TV
And in my magazines
I see you everywhere

I see you 

I see you on my Facebook

And on my Tumblr
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you in the living room
And in the kitchen
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you with that girl
And when you kiss her
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you kissing me
And being with me
I see you everywhere

"No...that's crap..."

Aisha says as she scribbles out the last stanza of her poem. She stares into deep space for a moment for some kind of inspiration none came. She looked around her room for some too but came up short, until she passed a photo of her and Jackie together on that walking weekend when they met Jill. She looks at it, then back at the paper. She continues.

I see you
I see you in photos
And in my heart
I see you everywhere.

She looks once again at that photo. They're both smiling so happily that it makes Aisha smile for a moment. But then she goes back to the sadness. She knows how to finish off the poem.

I see you everywhere...
But you don't see me...

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