Friday 7 June 2013

"I See You Everywhere"

I see you
I see you in my dreams
And in my nightmares
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you in shop windows
And on car bonnets
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you on my computer screen
And in my mobile phone
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you when I'm awake
And when I'm asleep
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you when I'm at work
And when I'm at school
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you on the TV
And in my magazines
I see you everywhere

I see you 

I see you on my Facebook

And on my Tumblr
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you in the living room
And in the kitchen
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you with that girl
And when you kiss her
I see you everywhere

I see you
I see you kissing me
And being with me
I see you everywhere

"No...that's crap..."

Aisha says as she scribbles out the last stanza of her poem. She stares into deep space for a moment for some kind of inspiration none came. She looked around her room for some too but came up short, until she passed a photo of her and Jackie together on that walking weekend when they met Jill. She looks at it, then back at the paper. She continues.

I see you
I see you in photos
And in my heart
I see you everywhere.

She looks once again at that photo. They're both smiling so happily that it makes Aisha smile for a moment. But then she goes back to the sadness. She knows how to finish off the poem.

I see you everywhere...
But you don't see me...

Thursday 6 June 2013


It was a quiet night. Not much went on. Jackie and Aisha had had a quiet night in in the flat because the night before, Jackie had been on his date and he just wanted a night an after last night’s festivities.

Well, I say festivities.

They sat in front of the telly and watched Live At The Apollo. Michael McIntyre was on and he was fantastic as always. Jackie was in hysterics but Aisha wasn’t convinced. She was more of a Lee Evans fan and thought that McIntyre was just silly.

“I don’t get this guy!” Aisha complained. “He just…camps about everywhere!”

“That’s part of the fun!” Jackie responded gleefully. “It’s just funny!”

Aisha still wasn’t convinced.

“I’ve seen cat videos funnier than this bloke!”

Jackie ignores this as he sips a bit more of his beer and enjoys the comedy.
Aisha, however, was annoyed. Jackie had been on his date last night but hadn’t said a peep about it all day. He’d very much kept himself to himself and Aisha was gagging to know what happened. She would assume it went well or went badly but Jackie had been in his same mood as always. Annoyingly. So he wasn’t letting on at all. Secretly, Aisha wanted the date to go badly because she was still head over heels for him. But there was another part of her that knew that it went really well. As much as she wanted to know, she didn’t want to force the issue. Instead, she just kept quiet. As always.

Aisha and Jackie had known each other for a number of years. They were at secondary school together and were in pretty much the same classes except for one. Aisha would not be seen dead in an A Level History lesson. Over time they got closer and ended up at the same university together. Aisha was studying Philosophy while Jackie was studying Politics. They lived together in halls of residence for a year as well as living in student housing for two. All that time, Aisha was in love with Jackie but Jackie never looked at her twice. Instead, he found these really weird women who he had nothing in common with.

Before last night’s date, Jill, there had been two girlfriends Aisha had experienced. The first was Mary Arnold. She was, in Aisha’s words, “a total bitch”. She was a notorious cheater around the school and had more partners per week than banker in a club in Soho. Mary and Jackie were together for two months before Jackie finally put a stop to it. She’d cheated on him numerous times. Something she’d stupidly revealed before they were about to sleep together for the first time. Understandably, Jackie went mad and threw her out.

The second girlfriend was Rani Travaldar. An Indian exchange student to the university who was also studying politics. She came from a respectable Indian family in New Delhi but she was very much a rebel. She’d been brought up by strict parents who refused her to have any male contact before the age of 21. That’s not a cultural thing. Just them. So Rani came to the UK the first chance she got for two reasons. To spend a year in the UK to help with her politics course back home and to have some kind of male contact. Rani was a lovely young woman and very genuine, but she was slightly provocative around her fellow students. She wanted male contact and, for a time, didn’t really care who. Luckily for her she met Jackie who was very understanding and, in Rani’s words, ‘the perfect guy’. They ended up sleeping together a few times much to Aisha’s dismay and had a rather good relationship. However, as the end of the year came, Rani decided she wasn’t going to come back to England after finishing uni in India and decided it was better to end the relationship. Jackie was devastated but realised it had to happen. They ended on good terms and still talk. She’s now finishing uni in India and has met a guy called Raj. She’s happy.

And so to Jill. Jackie met Jill quite by accident. Jackie and Aisha decided one day to go hill walking for the weekend close to where they lived. On the second day of walking they came to the top of a particular hill, they encountered a woman who had broken her ankle while returning to fetch a backpack full of water bottles. Jackie attended to Jill and stayed with her until the air ambulance came. Jackie went to visit her to see if she was ok and then they hit it off. She was only a year younger and still in university so they were in proximity and got on really well. It was perfect. For everyone but Aisha. Aisha hadn’t been in a relationship since she met Jackie. She’d had a couple of one night stands…but they didn’t mean anything.

And so, back to the present, Aisha still couldn’t get the details of the date out of Jackie. So she decided to leave it until he was ready. Jackie seemed to be relatively happy now watching the comedy so it seemed likely that the date went well. Aisha came to this realisation and looked a little upset about it but carried on. That’s all she could do really. She had that over-whelming feeling that she’s lost him for good.

As she was thinking this, Jackie’s phone went off. A text had come through. Jackie read it and smiled. He gets up and walks towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Aisha asked.

Jackie opened the door and there was Jill. She stood there very sweetly. Jackie smiled.



The date had gone well. Aisha felt uncomfortable now. Jackie invited Jill in.

“So what are you doing here, Jill?”

“I just wanted to see you. If you’re not busy that is?”

“NO! Of course not! Aisha and I were just watching some telly. Care to join us?”

Jill nodded.

“Sure! Hi Aisha!”

“Hi Jill!” Aisha replied through gritted teeth.

Jill sat down with Jackie and started to watch the telly with them. After a few moments, Jill curls up into Jackie, who then supports her. They look like a cute couple. Except to Aisha. She couldn’t cope with this. She stood up.

“I’m a little tired. I’ll leave you two love birds alone!”

They all say goodnight as Aisha disappears towards her bedroom. She turns a corner out of view and stops. She listens in to their conversation. Jackie is the first to speak.

“I had a great time last night you know…”

“So did I. I love ice-skating!”

“Same. Maybe we could do it again sometime?”

“I’d like that…”

They stop talking for a moment. Aisha looks confused for a second at the silence…but then she can hear them kissing. A tear falls down her cheek.

She’s lost him again…

Wednesday 5 June 2013


“You can’t be serious”

“What? What’s wrong with it?”

“Are you kidding?! You look RIDICULOUS!”

In Aisha’s defence, Jack did look ridiculous. For some reason, Jackie decided that he was going to go his first ever date wearing his Doctor Who outfit. White shirt, black trousers, britches and a red bow tie.

“I don’t look ridiculous! This is geek chic! Besides, she likes Doctor Who! She said so herself!”

Aisha wasn’t convinced.

“How did she say it?”

Jackie looked at her.


“And how did honestly look?”

Jackie attempted to do an impression of his date’s face when she said she liked Doctor Who. It was a weird face. At least, it was when Jackie was attempting it. Aisha sighs.

“Ok, but you still shouldn’t wear that!” Aisha demanded. “She’ll be embarrassed to be with you!”

Jackie shakes his head.

“Oh come on, I doubt that. YOU like Doctor Who. Would YOU be embarrassed to be seen with me in this?”

“If it wasn’t for a convention of some kind, yes!”

Jackie looks flabbergasted. He can’t believe what she’s just said.


“Not in a date construct! Haven’t you got a black suit or something? Did you guys decide on a dress code?!”

Jackie thinks.

“Not really no…”

Aisha looks at Jackie in despair.

“You have no idea what you’re doing do you!”

“What? This is my first date! Of course I don’t!”

Aisha looks at him. He’s hopeless.

“Where are you taking her?”

Jackie shakes his head. Aisha looks confused.


“Nuh-uh. If you don’t like what I’m wearing, you won’t like where I’ll be wearing it!”

“Oh come on. It’s not like you’d take her ice-skating or something in that!”

Jackie looks at her. Aisha realises.


“What?! I figured it’d be whimsical!”


“I’ll be cool…”

“You cannot be that deluded”.

“Well, seemingly I am!”

The atmosphere in the room was getting tense. And a larger argument was starting but neither particularly wanted it to. So they attempted to compromise. Aisha looks at him.

“Look, you’re going ice-skating. Wear something normal. Smart/casual if you’d like! She may well like Doctor Who but…take her to a convention in that! Not ice-skating! It’s inappropriate!”

Jackie looks at her and sighs.

“Even though it’s the show’s 50th year?”

“Even though it’s the show’s 50th year. YOU see the significance, she might too, but other people might not. They might just think you’re being a weirdo. And you’ll make her embarrassed. Jill was it? Her name?”

Jackie nodded. He knew that Aisha was making sense but he didn’t want to accept it.

“But Jill likes Doctor Who…”

“That may be. But do you want your date to go successfully?”

Jackie nodded again.

“Of course I do!”

“Then get changed!”

Defeated, Jackie walked out of the room to get changed. Aisha sighed and went into the kitchen to get herself a drink of water. She looked into her glass. Her frown turned to sadness. She didn’t want Jackie to go on a date with Jill. Because it meant she might not be able to have him for herself. She knew the competition but she didn’t want to fight. For Jackie’s sake. She looked into the glass and saw her feelings for him all across the ripples of the water. Like some kind of weird reflection. She’d liked him for such a long time but never found the right way, or the right time, to approach the subject. And when she finally did…well…there was someone else.

After a couple of minutes, Jackie returned into the room wearing black jeans, a red t-shirt and a leather jacket. Aisha looks annoyed. Jackie smiles.

“Hey, Chris Eccleston’s outfit was much more socially acceptable…”

Aisha thinks for a moment and shrugs.

“Do what you like…”

She leaves the room. Jackie chuckles to himself and walks out of the flat. The door slams behind him. Aisha looks round one more to find herself, once again, in an empty flat. She looks after Jackie longingly.

“One day…” she said softly, “one day…”

"Good Things"

He shut the laptop and stared into space. He was in the house alone for the day and had all time to himself. But his day was about to take a weird turn as he found out the girl he loved decided not to do anything due to the fact that a relationship between them would be too hard. He understood what this meant and, to an extent, agreed. He knew that this eventuality might appear and he even prepared for it. But no amount of preparation would help when it actually came.

So he stared into space and kept thinking about what could’ve been. He saw how he was going to ask her out. He was going to learn the sentence in her native language in an attempt to romance her while taking her to a local viewpoint to show her the luscious views of his home county. But the more he thought about it, the more tears started to form. He was so happy the night before when his suspicions about her feelings for him were confirmed, but now his happiness was shattered and his heart was broken. He’d waited a long time for the day she said that she loved him too but it wasn’t to be. He was so close, yet so far away...

As he thought about what could’ve been, the doorbell rang. As much as he didn’t want to answer it, he did. He walked up to the door and opened it to see who was there. A familiar looking man stood in front of him on the doorstep. He recognised him but couldn’t place him.

“Hello”. The man said. “Have I come at a bad time?”

He looked at the familiar man and nodded.


The man said as he made his way into the house, pushing past him. He ran behind into their kitchen and stopped him.

“What? You can’t just walk into someone’s house like that! Who the hell do you think you are?!”

“Has your heart broken yet?”

He looked shocked and saddened at what the man just asked. How could he know what just happened? He was outside…

“Yes…thanks for reminding me…how did you know?”

“Because I remember it clear as day! Like it was yesterday. Or rather today…”

He looked confused. He shakes his head and looks at the man once more.

“Who are you? And what are you doing here? Why have you come now?”

The man smiles.

“I’m you. 5 years in the future. I’m you in five years”.

He shook his head and looked confused.

“Say that again…”

“I’m future you. You in five years’ time”.

He looked worried.

“No, you can’t be! Even if you were, wouldn’t there be a massive paradox? You and I could create a hole the size of Belgium!”

The man shook his head in disbelief.

“This isn’t Doctor Who. As long as we don’t touch or change the course of events, everything will be fine!”

“How did you get here?”

“Never mind how I got here. I’m here now. That’s what matters”.

He still looked at his older self confused.

“So WHY are you here? Why have you come at THIS moment in our life?”

“Because I know how you’re feeling. I know that right now you’re heart’s just been broken by the only person you’ll probably ever feel about the way you do about her now. And I’ve come to try and ease your pain”.

“You said we couldn’t touch!”

“I’m not going to touch you! Jesus... I’m here to make you think about things. Rationally”.

“Like you do?”

“I have reason to”.

“Are you going to tell me what happens in my future?”

“Good golly miss Molly no. I’m just going to…tease you”.

“I hate being teased”.

“I know. But this happened to me when I was your age. So the paradox dictates that I do it to you to complete the cycle.”

He looked confused.

“Whatever. Just tease me already.”

The man smiles.

“You’ve waited a long time for this girl to tell you how she feels about you, yeah?”

He nods.

“Well, she obviously feels the same about you! You know that because that’s what you were told!”

He thinks for a moment. The man looks on.

“I don’t know how long she’s liked you. It could’ve been for as long as you’ve liked her or it could be a recent realisation. But she still does! That’s the important thing. It must've been a hard decision for her to come to as well... And feelings are funny. If you go out with someone and break up, those feelings can go away. When you like someone and you don’t go out with them, they’re much harder to get rid of…”

He realises the man is making sense.

“Now, I know it might be hard now…but things change over time. Don’t give up. Not yet. If you want something bad enough…fight for it. Stay in contact. Keep up the friendship and one day…it might work out. If it’s meant to be…it’ll happen. I know that sounds clichéd but would people keep saying it if it wasn’t the case?”

He looks down and thinks. The man’s making sense. And besides, you can’t really argue with yourself because you share the same outlook. He looked up at the man and smiles.

“You’re right. You know the right things to say you know…”

“Well”, the man said, “I’ve heard it all before!”

They chuckle. The man starts to walk out of the door.


The man turns around once more.

“So…we get together…in the end?”

The man smiles.

“You’ve waited a long time. Good things come to those who wait. It may seem like a long wait now…but…just go with it. Just keep being there. And what needs to happen will happen”.

He smiles.

“But do we get together?”

The man chuckles.

“You mentioned Doctor Who earlier…so to that question I say one word…”

He looks at his future self as he walks out of the door.


The door closes. He runs to the door, opens it and looks around. He’s gone. His future self has gone. He shakes his head and tries to determine whether the experience was real or imaginary. Either way, he gave good advice. And it would be the same advice his friends would give him later that day as well. Either way, his heart was in a better shape than it was moments previously...

And as he fell asleep that night, he looked back on the mixed day he had and he remembered the advice.

“Well”, he said, “they can’t all be wrong…”